~ Chapter 4 ~

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~ Near escape ~

George's POV;

Oh my god, I was getting into heat. Oh god. What will I do? What if one of them rapes me? It's okay George, that won't happen. Keep calm.

I was convincing myself things were fine for over 15 minutes now. I started to be very unsure of staying with the enemy side and just wanted to swim away as far as I could, to the other side of the world even. Phil was always there with me when it came to heat and he assured me that no bad things will happen to me on our ship. But this is not our ship. This is a half-prison ship with men we never met before.

I want to go home.. this sea thing isn't for me anymore. I want to lay into my bed and rest alone without having to worry about food supplies, storms, strong waves or enemies.

Maybe I can sneak away..

Dream's POV;

The scent was tugging at my nose a lot. Does anyone please have heat suppressants?! Later on, I grew pretty impatient, but I knew I need to hold it back. A pillow would be enough..

In the matter of few seconds, my crewmate Techno came to my side and took a seat.

"It's really destroying you, huh," he asked and patted my back. I gave a nod as a response, not taking my gaze off the wooden floor.
"Poor wolf, if you were a different animal then it wouldn't bother you. Like me or Schlatt."
"Well it's not my fault I refused to be born a vegan.. sorry." I felt bad when I said that so I apologized to him.
"It's okay mate, just try to get it off your snout," he said and got up, walking back to check on things. Wait, they're not even entirely vegan. Omg... (-^-" )

I rocked on the barrel I sat on in an attempt to get my mind off the smell, when suddenly..I think it worked..?
I sniff around and smell it just a tiny bit, what a relief..

But then it caught me. If I smell it just a bit.... doesn't that mean... shit!
I darted off the barrel and ran to Techno..

"Mate, I think someone escaped," I warned him. His eyes narrowed and he looked around, telling me to not stop watching in case someone is trying to free themself.


For a few minutes I was stressed. Why was I stressed??! Was it because I felt like it was the brit who was escaping? Yes. I'm sure at least by 50% that he would rather run away. Luckily, this is an island, and the rest is just sea. He can't disappear too far if he runs away, right? Damn it, why does it even matter to me that much.

We were searching along with Schlatt now and we weren't successful yet. Even Fundy who was looking around the ship didn't return with a message.

Not wanting to feel so tight anymore, I walked around the island searching for the hider. I'm so much gonna beat them if I see them here somewhere, how dare they even try to think of escaping?! Oh they're so dead, so dea-


I smelled out a strong scent nearby. It was more close than nearby, even a few feet away. At that moment, I was standing next to a thick bush from which we collected berries, when it suddenly trembled.....

I slightly kicked into it and the bush whined. There you are..
Laying down onto the ground to see better, I noticed the shivers of the brit. He had a few branch scratches from when he was getting into the centre of the bush and tears on his cheeks. He tried to keep his small body still and as far away from me as he could, but I already grabbed his arm.

It was almost like a death battle. He was pulling back and whining, sometimes I could even see his ears laid down, and he did not and not want to be pulled out of his hiding spot.

Finally he lost some of his strenghts and I was able to pull him out of the bush.

"Please no.." he whispered and covered his head with his scratched arm. I kept holding the other one so he wouldn't try to escape again and watched as he was trembling.
"What did you think? Escaping me isn't so easy, mostly not if you're stuck on an island with my group." I said with fury in my eyes. He didn't respond to me and shook his head repeatedly, probably telling me he's not a threat and that he doesn't want to be harmed. Too bad tho..
"Hey Blade, I got him. You can cancel the search now." He gave a nod and called out to Schlatt and Fundy to tell them I found the missing piece. But something I really didn't expect has happened.

George's POV;

I was scared shitless when he held me by my arm ever since I got forced out of my comfortable bush. Ever so often I'd let out a quiet whimper, hoping he would let go of me. It was the other way I wanted it to be. He started to drag me back into the ship, so I made sure to give him a hell of a hard time getting me there. I whined and attacked him, grabbed onto anything I could and occassionally tried to break out of his grasp and run. I also didn't forget to not leave out the loud whines. To my surprise, I got heard out.

In a second I could hear the fox man yelling from the ship that Phil broke out. In another second, he was already dashing towards me and the blonde. I got filled with hope and struggled as hard as I could to set myself free and at the same time, distract the captain from Phil flying towards us. When he flew close enough, I dashed into the blonde to knock him down. Success. He lost his grip on my arm and before he got back up to grab me, even though he was as fast as he could've been at the moment, it was late. My crow savior was already flying with me into the sky.

"Phil! Phil thank you!" I was yelling out at him. He gave me a big smile, also hoping we would've won. Oh the thoughts...

The fox jumped from the front of the ship into the water with a trident. He got a speed boost and launched himself at us. I let out a screetch as his claws dug into my sides. Phil tried to hold on, but the weight of three men was too much. Even two were enough. His face went pale and he lost consciousness. So now here we were. Phil, me and the fox, falling from a pretty big height down into the ocean.

Once we hit the ocean's surface, we sank. I caught a slight glimpse of the furry swimming back up with his trident, Phil also woke up from his unconsciousness and began to quickly swim up to get oxygen. But I, I got hit pretty hard by the fall. My strenght was gone. In a moment, I felt myself black out...

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