~ Chapter 22 ~

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~ The gem ~

~ Chapter contains some horny.
Anyway enjoy~
Also please note that I didn't keep George as colorblind in this story ~

George's POV;

Dream was shining with happiness. He was just this excited pup, but I was...scared. He said that we'd ask the government to receive the probably biggest power in the world. Would this work out? I don't think so.

"Hey guys....." he said and got into a conversation with the lead. I was spaced out, and honestly, I believed I didn't miss anything....

"George!" he called out to me and handed me a gem. Did he actually manage to get it from them?

"We'll do anything to have you guys satisfied. Please just try to focus on the main thing," the leader said and signed some papers. I looked at the gem...

It was beautiful. Even though it had barely any color, the crystal clear white and slight sparks of baby blue really fit together. Then we went back into our room..

"I think we have to eat this or something," Dream said while inspecting the gem closely.

"Are you sure?" I asked. Neither of us really knew what to do with it.


"..mm.. George, it's sweet, you should try it. Maybe it's really supposed to be eaten afterall," and he licked the gem again. I was staring at him like he fell out of another dimension. If I eat this at once, it might kill me. Maybe I should just..


"...it's really not bad.." and I licked it too. It felt fake, like they gave us some candy just to fool us, but I guess I'm just gonna vibe with it.


Time skip - one week



"..take care of George for me, please.." Dream said as he slowly closed his eyes. I was just sitting there next to his bed, giving a bit of support. He had 40°C fevers and was extremely weak.

"Oh and one more thing," he continued, "you can help him sexually a bit...but don't you dare fuck him or I'm gonna kill you no matter what god you are.. he's mine.. got it?"

"Uh.. of course," I responded. He might've passed out a bit because he went more limp than he already was and his lips parted a bit.

I better not face too much chaos, I thought to myself. Quietly, I made my way over to where George should've been.

Oh me.

I walked in and saw George, looking quite differently 'since the last time I saw him. But oh great lords was he so horny.

"Hey George.. uh.. I'm interrupting, aren't I? Anyway um..Dream asked me to take care of you while he's recovering..." I sat near him and watched. He was looking at me with a begging expression which made me quite uncomfortable.

"Is he doing well?.." he asked me and hid his revealed privacy which he played with.

"He's still suffering with high fevers, but I'm sure he'll recover from this quickly."


"..George..I'm this close to getting to the very end of you, but he'd kill me if I'd do that," I looked aside, "I guess you need privacy..?" He made a couple more noices and let out heavier and heavier pants.

"George.." I touched him, "..speak up.."


"XD!" Dream crashed in, quite pissed. I looked at him and back to George, then at myself. Damn, luckily he interrupted in time. I would've had him on the floor begging for more in a while.

"Y'know what.. leave us be now, I'll take care myself."

"Alright, I'm on my way," and so I teleported out of that place.

Dream's POV;

"Oh George.. you nasty..." I whispered and took his clothes off. He unzipped my jeans, but I gently slapped his hand away and pinned him to the floor.

"You should..rest.. you're extremely warm, Dream.." he made out, but we both already knew that this thing was about to happen to matter what.



A bit of heating up later, I gave in and went to do my thing. I picked him up and went to the nearest wall, pushing him against it and slammimg in.

"D-Dh-ream-!" he moaned out when I went harder on him. Maybe this was what I needed, because my body didn't hurt so much anymore. His would, tho.

"Take me in, George. Take in all that you can. You know where this is going, so let me see you be in pain."


Not much later, I got quite tired from holding him up and slamming in that way, so I laid him on the floor and continued my business there. Might as well say I was even harder this time.

"Aahh Dream! Th- that's t- too much~"

"You know you love it this way," I told him and slammed harder. He was a huge moaning mess by now. I loved it. I also made sure to leave some bruises and marks so he has something to look at later.


"Alright.. that..should be enough.." I barely made out as I pulled out of him. He came a lot under me and so did I, but into him. He was overheating, panting, shivering and possibly still cumming a little with each shiver. Immediately I felt the need to care for him as much as he deserved it. I picked myself up first, put on my clothes and then picked him up, wiping his creation off of him and carrying him into bed.

When I put him on it, I took a while to inspect. It seemed like he was..quite swollen after all that. It put a smile on my face, but also a worry into my head. Was this just because I ruined him that much, or was this going to cause problems? I just had to hope for the best now. I covered him with a blanket and laid next to him, gently cuddling up.

If we make this work, I'm gonna care for you like never before. I just hope that you'll be okay with this, George. Love you.

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