~ Chapter 18 ~

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~ The run for his life ~

~ HUAHAHA you thought there would be something naughty here? Nope wait longer <3 ~

~ TW: bit of blood ~

George's POV;

I found it quite arousing when Dream was touching my body, but soon enough started to feel heavy anxiety form up in me and I wanted to stop. The worst thing here was..that he didn't want that....and he kept going..

"D-Dream please..I..I changed my mind.. let go.. please leave," I told him and hoped he'd stop. He didn't.

"Dream!.." It was really uncomfortable now. He didn't touch me that much, but instead he started to bite and not so gently either.

"Stop it! Dream!" At this point I started kicking and scratching him, but he was still possesed.

"That's it! I've had enough now!" I yelled at him and quickly got up, running out of the room. Soon enough he was right at my feet.

"Phil! Tubbo! Ranboo!! Anybody!! Help!" I speeded up trying to not get caught. I noticed how much needed time I lost in that one corner turn and he caught up really quickly. He bit into my back right leg and it started bleeding.

"Ow! Dream! Leave me alone!!.." I yelled in hopes for that to work. Nothing.


I looked behind to see Dream close as always, but this time some of the boys were following us. I felt relieved but still too scared to stop running. The door to the outside was the only option I had now.

"Stop it Dream!" I heard Phil yell at him, but it was too late now anyway. I believe they got to capture him before he could charge out of the door after me. Hell no, I'm not going back anymore.. I can't..

So I ran and ran, not caring if anyone might've seen me. I just wanted to be far away from the building. Far away from him.

Dream's POV;

Stop chasing him! No!

I couldn't control my own body! It was as if I got possesed. George!

Without any control, I just watched how I bit into his back leg, making it bleed. Oh god I hurt him! No!!

"GEORGE! George wait!!" I kept yelling in my head, but I couldn't speak either. I was just the mind person in somebody's body that I could do nothing about.

I begged that anyone from the mansion would stop the monster from hurting him more. Do you know what it's like? Feeling completely hopeless, knowing you can do nothing about a certain situation? Yeah, I was going through this right now.

"Stop it Dream!" Those were the words that finally stopped the possession. I gained control over my body again and took a moment to think of that the fuck did I just cause. George's gone.

"..oh shit.." my ears went down and I felt extremely bad with myself. It seemed that he COULD maybe turn around and come back, but I immediately got mistaken and watched him keep running away in full speed.

"What have I done.."


George's POV;

I couldn't say I feel completely safe. Without Dream by my side, I'm probably doing even worse than before. But he would be able to hurt me for the rest of my life with that and I couldn't let it slip.

I went into a forest and searched for a good spot to hide. I had to think fast but smart, so that they couldn't find me if they went here. I started to dig a hole when I found a soft spot in the ground under all that snow.


Well, it obviously wasn't as comfortable as the warm inside of the mansion, but it would do the job. I crawled under the now secured pile of snow and pulled it over myself, begging to god that I'd survive here for as long as it was necessary.

~ Time skip - 1 week ~

I woke up all hungry and tired as always, cleaned my wounds and crawled out of my small temporary den. Today was even colder than yesterday so I had to be quite quick.

Luckily, there was enough prey for me to last another 2 days at least. I hid behind a tree stump and waited for the right time to strike. When I was just about to run for it, the hare fell to its side. Was this a trick? I looked around and no, it wasn't a trick. The hare used to be alive and there were just some people shooting it. Damn, I can't miss this energy-saving opportunity.

I jumped out of my hideout and ran to the dead animal. When I picked it up, I could see the hunters run towards me, so I sprinted deeper into the woods with it.

Stealing is never worth it. One of them flew in front of me and stopped me from running. I wanted to turn around and rush back to my den, but I found myself surrounded by a bunch of men.

"Good try, thief. You're not getting away with this," one of them said and ripped the hare out of my mouth. I backed away and bumped into somebody behind me.

"Guys, this is an omega wolf.." another said and they all stared at me like I was treasure. Well technically, I was.

"I thought we hunted them all down!" yelled the one who ripped away my meal. Ahem.. my meal.

"Looks like I will just have to take care of this. Nobody will have any access to omegas so we'll be equal," and he pointed a gun at my head.

"Wait," the other stopped him.
"The omega population is so low now. If we breed this one, we could get rich off of it. And then we can repeat the process: kill them out and breed to get even more rich!"

I could see them nod at each other. I tried to run through a small gap between two of them, but they caught me and tied me up. I whined out loud but they didn't let go.

Now, I was getting carried away by some people I never met in my life, that would breed me and perhaps even sell me for money.

This isn't right.. money isn't everything..
Please let me go....

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