~ Chapter 27 ~

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~ Leave me ~

Dream's POV;

I must've fallen asleep in there because I woke up at the exact same spot where I've been before. The room was quite cold now so I was surprised it didn't wake me either.

I slowly got up and stretched myself, cracking my knuckles and stretching more. My stomach let its presence known, so it was once again time to fill it up.

When I was walking up the stairs, I heard...odd noices. They were quiet, but got more clear the closer I was. Before walking in, I leaned onto one of the walls and listened what could it be. Of course, it was quite muffled, so making anything out of this was at some point impossible. But no seriously, what could it be?

I walked in and..


This BASTARD of a friend of mine, was ON TOP OF MY MATE! He was doing his business with George!

"SAPNAP! What the hell?! And George?!" I yelled at them, tears pricking my eyes as I did so. Only Sap turned his attention towards me, George stood there like stone.

"Someone's heart is something you need to cherish, Dream. Not throw away or destroy. You know, I'm quite disappointed in you. George loved you AND your children, he grew attached to you and them a lot. But you? You grabbed your scissors and cut the string between him and the kids, so he did the same with his between yours."

"G-George I.., you know I didn't mean it! I'm sorry, come on, you can't do this to me! We can keep working on this and with another litter I promise I'm gonna be calm!" I spat out at once, feeling the small tears run down. He showed his fangs and growled, not moving away from Sap by an inch.

"You expect me to forgive you after you KILLED MY CHILDREN?!" he let out aggressively, barely holding back so he doesn't charge at me right here and there.

"You MISTOOK this, young man. You even had the balls to ask me to forgive?! You can ask the government to forgive you for your CRIMES, NOT MY DEAD PUPS, DREAM."

Sapnap got off of him and nuzzled his snout into George's fur.

"Leave me, Sapnap. I'm gonna solve something here," he said in a deeper voice, making him leave.

"G-George.. please.. give me one more chance...I promise I'm gonna leave you alone if I mess up again, promise!.. please.... you're important to me.."

"This has been enough already, as much as I know. How do you think we're gonna explain this to the government?! Are we supposed to just go there like 'he killed my pups right after birth but I gave him another chance'?! NO, DREAM! YOU are not getting another chance. You WASTED it so you're not worth holding the power. I'd much rather have litter with Sapnap than you! Because I would at least know he'd care for them! Not like you!"

Sapnap. He'd rather have litter with SAPNAP..

Not realising how much it really pissed the inner me off, I found myself jumping at him. He fought back and quite roughly, but because I was much stronger, in a while he laid on the floor limp. And he wasn't breathing.

"George....?" I sniffed him for any signs of life. Nothing.

"G-George! GEORGE! I-


His fist landed right into the middle of my face. I barely kept standing. He snarled at me with the highest anger level you could ever recognize, keeping his ground in case I'd attack again.

"A-Alright George.. please calm down.."

"I SHOULD CALM DOWN?!" he spat out and scratched my hand.

"We are OVER! Don't ever try to convince me into forgiveness again!"


"Shut it, Dream. I don't want to have anything with you anymore."

He left the kitchen. I fell to the floor and cried my soul out, regretting everything I've ever done to him. Ever since that one time I kidnapped him. I should've just let him be wild, it would be better for both of us. Ever since I locked him up in my mansion. I should've let him leave. Ever since I started to love him. I should've never developed any feelings towards him.

And now you know which option was correct. The omegas didn't die out, but Dream's and George's love fell apart. The blonde's heart tortured by whips, the brunette's shattered.

"He should've always went by his path.

Wars, but no love."

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