~ Chapter 9 ~

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~ Unwanted encounter ~


~ There's some smutty smutty at the end of the chapter, skip if needed ~

George's POV;

I woke up which seemed like pretty soon, or in the middle of the night. It was still dark outside and no birds could be heard. I crawled out from behind the blanket pile and stretched myself, thinking about my next attempt to escape these men.

Then the door handle clicked. Out of ideas, I quickly shrunk into the floor, hoping that the whoever came in wouldn't notice me.

Unfortunately I wasn't that tiny and the figure came over to me. I took a peek from under my hands and saw their large shoes. You could kill a horse with that thing!

The shoes weren't the only thing signalling that this man or woman was no one to play with - honorable mention are the chains that rustled every time they took a step. I'm pretty sure he, or she, also has other things to make him look scary. Or her.

They quietly took a seat close to me and just stared. Why were they here? I have no idea. I'd much more prefer being alone than have company of a mafia member.

"Good morning, Gogy," said the person. Awesome, it must be the alpha that laid his filthy hands on capturing me. I backed away from him and tried to hide. God just get me out of here.

"It's rude of you to act like this towards me." Blah blah I don't care..

I let out a low growl and hid even more. It wasn't worth even trying to interact with him; afterall, he didn't have food. Is his plan to starve me so he can gain control?

"Oh well... won't bother you. But get used to this since you're not going anywhere and I'll make sure it stays like that," he said and got up, half-stomping his way away with those horse killers.

Dream's POV;

I went into the nursery to take a look at Gogy. Man, I was hoping he'd sleep so I could pet him. But the day doesn't wish me luck this time and he was trying to shrink into the floor just when I opened the door. I decided that it wasn't worth to bother him too much in the morning and left him alone.

Tommy almost crashed into me when I was walking through the halls. He looked panicked, so I waited until he caught his breath to speak.

"Dré! Shrike! He-!" He was still panting and couldn't make out much. But even the bit was enough for me to understand that we have unwelcome visitors.

"I'll take care of it. Guard the omega with your life!" and with that, I ran off.

When I got outside, I saw my dear enemy just slightly bouncing there in one place like a cartoon game character.

"Why whyy hello Dré.. you know what's up and so do I. Your group messed with mine pretty well; though, that omega was supposed to be ours. We can make this easy, or hard. It's your decision."

"You just can't accept the fact you keep losing. I'm not giving this omega to you no matter how much you try to bribe me."

Shrike didn't like my answer. He let out a pissed growl and charged at me. I turned into the shadow wolf and did the same.

Once we were in each other, I made sure to not spare him even a little. I bit and ripped his fur and basically anything I got access to. He started to whine with every set of teeth I burried into him.

"A-Alright, alright! Keep him damn it!" He got up from underneath me and sprinted off with his tail between legs. But I knew him well and knew that this, indeed, wasn't the end yet.

Then I heard whines coming from inside the mansion. Of course something would be wrong. I quickly rushed to the nursery and my theory was correct once again.

One of Shrike's slaves was trying to get his hands on Gogy. Oh you cunt.

I jumped at him and took his life right away. Nobody dares touch what's mine.
Poor omega must've been terrified out of existence. He also had a lightly noticeable, fresh wound on his leg.

Phil came flying into the room when he heard me pissed. He knew that they were probably gonna be in troubles now.

He took a first aid kit box and cared for Gogy's leg. It was painful to hear the weak whines of the suffering omega.

"You or someone better guard him. Or else there will be consequences." I was really mad at them for not protecting the wolf as they should've, but they won't disobey my orders the next time. Hopefully.

And so, I went into my office. After I came in, I felt the hidden anger in me run out. I just had to rip something.

The victim became a cardboard box I didn't know what it was here for. I growled and bit it, trashing it into pieces. When there was nothing to rip anymore, I exhaled deeply and calmed down.

Nobody touches that wolf. He's my property and mine only. I sat into my armchair and rested for a while to cool my temper.


"Dream! D-Dreeaam!~" It felt so unreal. I had Gogy in front of me, begging me to fuck him harder. The unbelievable pleasure I was getting from him was just amazing.

Even though he was small and wouldn't quite hold himself up under my weight, didn't change the fact I was going at him with full force. I wanted everything from him. Each of his noices aroused me so much that I just couldn't get off. I had to make sure he's well mated.

This went on for a bunch of time more; both of us being a moaning mess and our parts still hungry to stay connected, wanting the best of us.

"You're awesome Gogy.." I gently told him while hitting his prostate even harder than before. He made a few adorable noices for me in return. With that, I got knotted to him.


I woke up in quite a shock, sweaty and panting a bit. Don't think of the horny just yet.

I wiped my forehead and drank some cold water. I never thought a dream could arouse me that much. In embarassment, I took off my belt and cared for my nasty business down there.

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