~ Chapter 7 ~

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~ Omega hunt ~

There's some fighting in this chapter, skip if you'd like

Dream's POV;
It was December now and we weren't successful with the hunting even a little. Damn it, were we already late? Probably. But I'm not planning to give up yet. It was and still is snowing like crap and the omegas don't produce such body heat, so one will eventually come out, right?

Today, like always, they would go out and try to find one. I have too much work in my office
Being unsuccessful all the time made them think this is just an endless fail.

"Alright... you know the rules. Don't hurt the omega if you stumble upon one, act only if necessary. Blah blah also you'll die as always if you hurt it on purpose. Got it? Get out of my face."

Schlatt's POV;
I was so tired of this already. Dream should taste the breeze on his own once. It's he who wants the omegas, not me, not anyone else.

I put on my wooly coat from my own material and took some occasional small weapons. I'd rather be at home.
We were outside searching as always, wolf guys in the lead. I didn't even bother helping at all anymore and just followed them. But maybe it was right that I did so afterall. A movement from under the snow stopped me in my thoughts...

"Guys? What's that over there?" I pointed towards the moving snow pile and we all silently watched it.
George's POV;
It was really cold for me and my underground hideout was hidden under snow. Shakily, I got on my small, cold legs and crawled up. I didn't expect it to give me so much trouble just pushing away some snow.

Once I stuck my snout out, all I did for a moment was just breathe. It was actually surprisingly warm in the burrow, but still not warm enough to keep me asleep. I pushed through the rest of the snow blocking my way and leaped back onto the ground.

I noticed it immediately; some group of animals was watching me from afar. I would say that this was normal, but seeing a hog and a ram with a bunch of wolves - that semt suspicious.

We watched each other for some more time and I started getting anxious. Judging by their tails, it was clear none of them were a lower rank than beta.

"Omega!" yelled one of them. Crap. They turned into wolves and ran straight towards me.
•••••skip 'til Dream's POV if necessary•••••
My instincts automatically kicked in and I started to run away. This wasn't supposed to happen..

But complications don't stop just here. On the right I could see another group of wolves running for who else than me. Trust no one.

I ran as fast as my legs could but it was no use after a while. I was already slowing down and they started to catch up to me really quickly.

I slipped on some ice and fell. I was way too tired to get up and try to do anything now. I accepted my fate when I spotted one of the groups running to me....

Despite panting so hard, I heard a loud whine from one of the wolves, and then a whole masacre. I lifted my head to see what was going on; the two groups started to have bloody fights over me.

One of the wolves had a fiery fur, so he started crashing into the enemies, setting them on fire. At least four of them got unlucky, yeesh..

The whines were getting louder with more damage dealt. The burning enemy wolves semt like they wish nothing more than to go home and treat their severe wounds. Eventually their leader howled an end to the battle and they sprinted away.

Growls of the fire wolf could still be heard seconds after the enemies started to disappear into the fog. That then came to an end when he noticed I regained some strenght and started getting up.

"Guys! He's gonna escape!" he yelled and charged towards me. With a whine I began to run away once more, but it felt like it was no use. He quickly caught up to me and jumped onto my back, pinning me to the ground. I didn't even struggle and immediately got into my submissive state. Then I heard them give each other some small high-paws and I was being carried away from my safe spot. If only I wouldn't have gotten out.. I wouldn't starve there a few more minutes, but no. I just went immediately and here I am now.
Dream's POV;
My phone started to buzz just when I was taking care of my weapons. Who the hell is interrupting me?! I groaned and picked up without even looking at the contact.

"Hey boss, you won't believe me when I tell you the news!" It was my boy Sapnap. He's lucky I refuse to be too mad at him.

"Bring it on the table, Sap," I said while sharpening my beautiful dagger.
"We actually got an omega!" he yelled out with excitement. Mm.. yes. Now that's some real news.
"Oh really? Have you checked the scent if you're not wrong?" I had to ask that, the last time he thought he found an omega, I was with him, and it was a child beta.

"Yes I'm positive this one is an omega, it's also a male omega. We're gonna be in the mansion within ten minutes."

Male omega. I almost choked on the oxygen I was receiving - damn it, those are so rare he might be the only one in the world now.

"Alright. I'm proud of you guys. Just don't lose or hurt him or there will be consequences. Give him over to Tubbo for a check-up once you're home and come tell me into my office."

"Yes boss." He then hung up on me. I put my phone back into my pocket and started to do my business again, thinking about the small male I'll be receiving shortly. I'm really proud of my mafia group sometimes.
I sat half-asleep in my leader armchair when Sap almost bursted through the door.

"He's at Tubbo's. He said there aren't any serious injuries on his body."

"That's good. I'll come look at the piece in a while," I said and stretched myself.
"You'll love him, he's a gorgeous wolf." Sap chuckled and left my office.

Gorgeous wolf, huh? That sounds good. I just hope he's not really some random pleb you'd find here on the streets, looking for powerful alphas to take them. Oh well, time to see.

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