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Hi readers, author here! You can call me Luc/Luz.

First of all, wow! This surprised me a lot that my story actually got to someone and now I'm here. Thanks for the support you're giving me, I'm a first-time, non-English writer so it's a gift for me.

Please note you can always correct my grammar in the comments if necessary, and you don't even have to be afraid to share some ideas or thoughts!

With that being said, I wanted to socialize a little bit and perhaps ask what'd you suggest as a good idea into the upcoming chapters. I'll be updating this story as long as I can still think of the context but it's already starting to get harder. Chapter 10 felt really common and lazy for me to think of because nothing was really happening other than Gogs revealing the ability, so it was paaaaiin to write it.

Fluff + smut chapters are of course gonna occur too eventually - that you don't need to worry about. I can always find some retarded shit to write about, such as smut. :D

I'll keep on trying my best to reach the 1000 word checkpoint in every new chapter, and if I don't then I'll either update it later to be longer, or I'll simply write a longer chapter the next time. Same goes with if the chapter is already long against the others - then one of the following will be shorter. Depends on my ability to write, time and desire.

Have a good day, buhbye!

Dream owo

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