~ Chapter 17 ~

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~ Loneliness ~

~ Mild fighting, skip if necessary
Mild nsfw at the end ~

Dream's POV;

I woke up when water hit my cheek and nearly had a heart attack. For a moment, I completely forgot I went sailing. Luckily I calmed down and then everything was fine.

"I miss you George.." I said to myself while looking at the sky. Just now I realised what a dumb idea it must've actually been and how much I regret leaving him behind. He must be in so much pain right now and I'm not there to whisper to him, to hold him close..

I sighed and went to get something to eat.



I turned around to see the same damn group of people following my tracks once again. No time to think about this now!

They started to swing on ropes like chimpanzees, jumping onto my ship a while later. I took Orphan² [[Techno's weapon umm]] (which Blade must've given me before I went out) and charged at those who were making their way towards me.

It didn't feel like enough to stop them, so I switched to my own large axe and oh boy was it a better feeling. Some of them had thin armor on, so I enjoyed the clang sound when I hit them in the stomach.

"Mess with Dream - get a Nightmare!" I yelled and made a sharp turn with the ship, of course going back home. I knew this trip wasn't worth much when it was winter, but at least it cleared my mind.

I'm gonna be there soon, Gogy.


George's POV;

I woke up in terrible pain and warmth. I just wished Dream would come back, from wherever he was, as soon as possible. I needed him by my side. I clearly knew I did.

Walking out of his room, I met Fundy. He wasn't exactly who I wanted to talk to, but I had to know at least something.

"Fundy..? W-Where did Dream go?" He looked at me like I was a confused time traveller somewhere in the year 3000.

"Oh, right. You slept. Dream went out sailing. He didn't say for how long, but we all believe he's coming, like, right now maybe. He wouldn't actually leave you," he smirked and continued walking through the hall.

What?.. he left because I went into heat?

I hope I didn't make him go away. I knew he had something for me by the time we were together, but this might've as well pushed the feelings he had away.

"Don't worry, George. He's rushing back to you and he'll be here in no time," said Tommy, putting his hand on my shoulder. This childman often jokes, I'm not sure if he was doing it right now too.

Oh well. Whatever was Dream doing right know, he obviously had just two things on his mind;

Wars & love.

~ The story isn't ending just yet! >w< ~


Soon enough, Dream actually arrived back. He looked like he just fought a bunch of sharks, or perhaps, people.

I slowly went downstairs to meet up with him. He was talking with Techno and unpacking his stuff. A wave of relief washed over me when I heard he wasn't hurt.

"..you stalkin'?" I flinched and turned to see him suddenly standing next to me.

"I- wha- but- how?!" He started to laugh at my confusion. I didn't find that so funny.

"I don't like it when somebody stalks me.. you should be punished for your crime~"

Why did I even wish for him to come back at this point?? Damn I was regretting it all at once

"I don't think you want to do that. Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna go get another nap-"

He grabbed my wrists and pulled them up above my head. His flirty face expression gave me chills - what did he want?

"No time for your cuddles. I'm leaving." And I was gone.


Dream's POV;

Damn it, idiot. What was that?! I have to control myself around him more or else I'll lose all his trust. For god's sake, just don't be mad at me right now....

I went back into the kitchen to get a cookie and try again. Walking up the stairs to his room, the scent he left behind was getting to my brain again. I had to stop for a while to hold myself from doing anything stupid. Well, the pillow's getting it tonight.

Knock knock.


"Can I come in? It's me, Dream"

"..sure. Just don't do anything stupid please.."

I slowly opened the door and peeked into the room, then stepped inside. He was laying there in his nest, cuddling a blanket. My tail just wagged at that sight.

"I'm uh..sorry for that thing before. How are you feeling?" I gently asked and took a seat next to the nest. He was looking at me for a while before finally answering.

"It's okay.. and I'm not feeling very well. It hurts and everywhere it feels like I'm drowning in lava."

"Oh..that's..that's bad. I got you a cookie if you're interested, maybe it will calm things down a bit," I said and handed it to him. He slowly took it from my hand and curled up. Aaa such a small hand..


"What?" He peeked at me with one eye and watched closely. I just wanted to break the awkward silence.

"I uhm.. I don't know how to tell you this, Gogy.. it's um.. well.. I..."

"Shut up.." he said and pulled me into a kiss.

At first it was soft, but then it got tougher. He put his leg on my left shoulder and deepened it. I couldn't resist and started running my hands along his body. This heating moment made me forget about almost anything. My mind was focusing on touching his body and giving him quick pleasure. Sometimes I would bite some of his sensitive spots and he'd just beg me for more.

"Dream.. I'm quite ready.." he whispered and panted the arousal out a bit. I took the moment to chill too. If he was ready by now, I was definitely ripe too. The tugging at my pants got stronger and more uncomfortable with every eye contact we made. Yeah, this was it.

"We have so much time for each other right now.. we can do this if you want..." I told him and ran my hands along his body again. This time I also reached under his shirt and gently rubbed over his nipples. He pulled me back to him and we kissed again, the atmosphere getting heated up with every move and every noice.

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