~ Chapter 19 ~

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~ We're coming ~

~ TW: this one gets quite gore ~


Dream's POV;

I felt so lonely without George. It has been at least a week now that he ran away because of me.

"I guess this is god's punishment for what I've done.." I said to myself and looked at my feet.

"Did you say GoD?!" I flinched and looked beside me to see XD suddenly stand there.

"XD! You scared the hell out of me!" He just laughed at me.

"Listen, I think I might need your help with this one.. I made a friend run away from me and he's not coming back for over a week now. You can help, right?" My hopes were down so I begged for anything to work out.

"Hmm... well, maybe I can like..do something, I dunno..."

I got excited on the inside but remained quite calm on the outside. I also told him how it happened so he could judge by the situation where George could be.

"I think you just massively fucked up." I rolled my eyes at that and laid onto my bed, letting my thoughts run like water in a river.

"Hey, look out of the window. Somebody's having a party."

"I don't care about random people having a party, XD! I just want to know George is fine!"


"..dude..you're..you're a genius!" I rolled off the bed and sprinted out into the kitchen. Grabbing some stuff, I whistled at him to come.

"I can give you..a lime if you help me get to wherever they're celebrating."

"A LIME?!"

I'm so glad this shit works. He grew into a wolf and ran outside to where the fireworks were exploding. I jumped onto his back (cuz he was obviously large) and held on for dear life.

We're coming for you, George.


George's POV;

I could hear everything, but couldn't say and neither see anything. I swear I had on some hypnotizing glasses and I might've as well been tied up. They were talking about how much money they could get off of this, where would they get only the best seed to get the nicest pups, ect. I was worried about my future but I guess it didn't matter to anyone. Afterall, not even Dream himself tried to find me. I was nothing to him.

"I believe I should do the job with the omega. The pups are gonna be gorgeous and we'll get so rich," the leader said and tugged on my clothes.



Somebody crashed through the wall.


Stomping. Growls. Swords hitting armor and many other sounds.

"George!" ..Dream..? It was his voice! He came here for me!

"George! What are you doing, it's me!" What..? What was I-
Why am I holding a dagger?!?!

Suddenly my vision came back. It was light blue and lightly blurry, but I noticed something really strange about it; Dream had some kind of red color around his body and the kidnappers had green.

I'm sorry, Dream. I couldn't do anything with myself and started fighting him. Sometimes I was really scared I'd hurt him badly with the dagger swings, I didn't know I could be so dangerous with a sharp object in my hands.

He, however, went quite gently at me and barely fought back. He mostly kept dodging my attacks and giving me worried looks. I want to stop so bad but I can't.. please understand it...

I finally stopped fighting for a while and turned my head to the left to see Schlatt and then a bunch of others. He began to charge at one of the kidnappers and when they got the slightest skin contact, he swung his head down and pierced his ram horns through his stomach, crashing into a wall with him.

When the sound of the wall's crack faded into the air, he shook his head just to finish the guy off with ripping him open even more.

I was about to strike again but Dream grabbed my hand with the dagger and I couldn't move it towards him anymore. It then felt like my bones are cracking and I started to turn slightly when he began twisting it.

It was just for a moment that this went on, but it hurt like hell. Okay now I regret being happy about him coming..

Eventually I let go of the dagger and he lifted me up just by the hand into the air.

I can't explain how scared I was. After the load of pain, he finished it off with this. And it surely kicked so much more fear into my head.

He just stared at me, not letting go. Then the world went dark for me.

Dream's POV;

I really didn't want to hurt George, but he made me mad by both, running away and now fighting me when I came to save him. Unfortunately I didn't realise how harsh I must've seemed towards him and he fainted.

"I believe we should get out.. and fast. Somebody might've already called the cops and I'm not planning to go to jail just yet," I told everybody and we ran away from the crashed-in building.


We got home safely. I gave XD the promised lime and he returned back to whatever hell he was the ruler of. But now nothing else worried me more than what would happen after George wakes up. He can be so scared of me to try and kill himself at the spot, or he might do some other stupid things. I can't let that happen.

"Hey um..Phil? Do you perhaps have some lavender... it would really help out." He went into his room and came back with some nice dried lavender.

"Thanks.." I said and carried George into my room. Maybe it might've not been the best idea to have him at mine, but eventually he would have to get used to me again if he wanted to live here.

I gently laid him into his nest and covered him with my blanket, then put the dried lavender next to his head.

"I'm sorry, George. Hopefully you can accept the apology so we can be fine with each other again.."

~ Hey guys, how's reading? Remember you can always give me suggestions into the upcoming chapters wuwu
Also do you think I should write it as Dream's POV instead of Clay's POV? I'm planning that George will eventually call Dream Clay sometimes in the future, so yeah. Thanks and enjoy whatever I'm writing for y'all ~

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