~ Chapter 10 ~

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~ Guarding ~

Dream's POV;

My alarm woke me up at 6 in the morning. Why didn't I turn it off? It was now Saturday and I could've been peacefully sleeping in bed. Unfortunately I already got to wake up and didn't want to sleep anymore.

I walked out of my ~royal~ room and went into the bathroom to get myself looking at least a bit well. On the way I met Skeppy who must've been going to sleep from his night shift.

"Morning boss....yawn..how's it goin'.."
Yup. Definitely tired from it already.
"Being the fuck I am, I didn't turn off my alarm. So I guess I'm gonna excersise. Go sleep now, champ," I told him and continued my usual morning routine.

When I was done with hygiene, I got myself a toast and walked back upstairs to train.


It was now 8:15 and I stopped for a while to check my phone. Quite a few notifications were there, nothing that interesting.

It wouldn't be a typical Saturday morning if something wouldn't be out of control as always. But what was it now?

I checked the hall where a new disaster took place and then just stared. Gogy was there, surrounded by my men, looking all feral. It looked quite cute, such a small omega being angry at bigger animals, but it could also go terribly wrong.

"Come hereeee omega... nobody will hurt you.." said Techno and started approaching him slowly. That sounded sarcastic.

"NO!" Gogy stood his ground, but then the terrifying happened - I felt my health critically drop. Everyone within the ten meter radius fell to the floor, including me.

It was then quiet and nobody knew what happened. It must've been Gogy's power.. there's no way he has area life steal. I slowly panted the shock out and stood up, looking at him. He was really scared and I don't blame him - I didn't plan to be so nice anymore.

It was time that something would have to be done. If he has such an ability like that, he could kill us all if we wouldn't be careful. I took a dart and shot it at his leg. He yelped loudly when it pierced through his skin and ran away. Not far though. In the matter of a minute or two, he fell limp to the floor, laying his head to rest.

"God damn it.. that was really something.." said Tommy as he watched the omega fall asleep. I couldn't do anything else than to agree with him. Afterall, such an ability shouldn't even belong to him. Or I just don't know enough about male omegas.

I gently picked him up and carried him into the nursery. I knew that Phil and Tubbo would have a really busy time with the others now, but they could still watch over him.


Evening hit the clock and the music room was beaming again. Who wouldn't want to have fun on a Saturday evening? I sat there with a glass of wine and listened to some rock that the boys prepared for us. My mind was still full of today's experience with the omega that even drinking myself to death wouldn't possibly help at all.

The shatter of a bottle woke me up from thoughts. What were those idiots doing again...

When I looked, Fundy was on top of Quackity, probably drunk as hell. They were stupidly laughing, but at least they had fun I guess. I ignored them and got back to thinking.

In no way I would want to give up the omega. He's a nice piece and I feel like we've been made for each other. Even if he won't want to, I should make him carry my pups. Or would that be too mean? Well, certainly not if he'll continue being a jerk. Why am I thinking of the same topic like last night?

I quickly slapped myself into reality before I could, again, visualise how I'm taking him from behind, hard. He smelled a bit as if he was getting into heat. Hopefully that's not happening, I couldn't be able to hold myself. Or what about others? I can't imagine not being the first to make Gogs mine. Now that I think of it, I would probably kill the someone who got him before me. No matter who it'd be. He's just gonna be mine and that's it.

Behind the corner, Q and Schlatt were smoking. Then I heard that dork let out a loud, demonic laugh. Oh shut up.. my head ached. Was I already drunk? It seems my theory was correct, because I had to squirm when the weak light hit my eyes. I felt horrible and good at the same time; that's what Saturdays are for. Doing dumb things forever.

This wasn't a pub, but the atmosphere definitely made it feel like one. Drunk guys making out, laughing at shit or simply being knocked out.

I got up from my seat and dragged my drunk ass into my room. It wasn't worth sleeping somewhere on the chairs or floor, my bed is way better.

I plopped down on it and didn't bother doing anything else. Just sleep. That's all I want right now. And maybe the omege as a mate....oh great, I'm getting there again. Hopefully these thoughts won't make me hard like the last time.


I got woken up by playful screetches of some of the guys. Come on! At least one weekend without being constantly interrupted?! I groaned and slowly sat up, a terrible headache settling in once I did so. Oh those Saturdays.

I also made sure to check out the weird pain that made my rest nearly a living hell. Oh won't you look at that, I had a morning bloom. Yes, awesome, just what I needed. I really need to mate already, I thought to myself. It was becoming incredibly painful sometimes and just touching it felt bad. Soon.. hopefully soon it'll all be in the past.

I thought about it for a while and got more and more excited at the fact I'd have Gogy. Or at least I hoped I would have him. It'd be a disaster not pushing in.

I decided it was probably best to not think about it for now, just so I don't get my hopes high. And you, I'll take care of you later.

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