~ Chapter 5 ~

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~ Save of the drowned ~


TW: near death
Skip the start of chapter if uncomfortable. Credit to pictures go as always to other people and none of them are mine.

George's POV;

I felt myself get limp. I couldn't do anything. The water was surrounding my weak, slowly giving up body and there was nothing I could do. With sad thoughts rushing into my head, I accepted my fate..

Dream's POV;

Fundy was quick and luckily took down the two from the air. Once he launched himself at them with his trident, it was clear it'd be only a few more moments until the crow's wings would give up. In the end, he gave up whole. The three of them fell and hit the water. Within seconds I could see the furry swim to the land. Moments later, the crow followed. Once he got his weakened body to the shore, Tommy and Bad took him into their grip. But the brit didn't appear. In slight panic, I was looking around, trying to find any signs of him swimming up or away. Anything. Please..

By now I was sure at least a minute passed and he was still nowhere to be seen. The tension grew and I was really worried by now.

"Dré! He's swimming away!" Schlatt shouted at me when he saw I wasn't doing anything.
"I'm afraid not, man. He landed into the water and didn't get even into my sight. Where is he? Did he take it the underwater way?" I was asking him.
He shrugged and looked into all sides, seeking any sign of the wolf.


This was it. I couldn't hold any longer. Another minute or more have passed and I just didn't have the strenghts to hold back. I quickly stripped my coat and shirt and jumped into the water.

When I dove in, I hardly kept my eyes open because of how salty the water was. But I was willing to not close them. For the omega. For him..
I kept turning and looking, vision blurry, but I fought it. And then I finally saw him. He was at the bottom of the water. Thanks god it wasn't so deep here.
I quickly swam down to him. Once his small body was in my reach, I grabbed him and swam back to the surface.

My head appeared above the water and I took a deep breath. For some reason, at the moment I didn't care as much about myself as I did of him. I held him at my side while getting to safety. Once out of water, I held him bridal style and rushed a bit farther from it. I carefully laid his body onto the soft grass, and when I didn't smell any scent, didn't see any movement or feel a pulse, I got so worried.

No..no no no damn it! I can't let this happen!
I was determined to help, so I did. I got close, leaned over him and began with CPR. Thanks god we're not born pirates. For once school actually taught me something useful.

A while passed and I felt like I was losing hopes. My strenghts were draining out a lot and all I possibly did was break his ribs. I kept going and going..

Coughs. And then a large gasp. Big amounts of water escaped his lungs and his heart beats came back to reality.

I was so relieved when the small wolf started to cough and gasp for air under me. It let me know he was alive, and that he was definitely willing to fight for it again. I turned him to his side and watched more water escape his mouth. His breaths were fast and it didn't seem like he was getting much air. Should I help..? Carefully, I rolled him back so he was facing me again. I took in a deep breath and leaned close to his face, giving it to him mouth-to-mouth. One, two more breaths like this and he shoved me back, flustered. At least he was breathing on his own now.

Immediately after that, his heat scent hit me. I felt my stomach twist and I licked my canines.. I tried to not look desperate and sat back so George would have some space. He sat up and coughed, then began shivering a lot. It was clear to me he's fighting with his feverish body and sweat.
Not wanting to make the situation worse for him, I picked him up and carried him back to the ship. He weakly hit my arm as if trying to ask me to let him go. He looked very weak, so I didn't listen. Walking back into the place with beds, I put him on the one he was laying on before this whole thing. He curled up into a ball and released more pheromones. God. I was so close to doing something. It smelled so attractive and he looked needy. My leg was shivering and my stomach twisting, teeth sharpening and brain leading me to the one and only thing. I rushed out of the bedroom before it would eventually happen and sat aside, trying to eat myself out of thinking.

Schlatt's POV;

The captain surely had a rough day today. First, an escaped capture. Then the CPR he did to him and to top it all off, he got hit by the omega's heat scent. It's actually a pretty good thing being a different species from others. It seems I'm the only ram here, awesome. At least I won't have to get distracted from my tracks all the time. I saw him rush out of the bedroom and taking a seat, probably thinking that eating will help him distract himself from the smell. Walking over to him, I took a seat.

"What's the plan next, captain?" I asked him. He shrugged at first, then spoke.
"Maybe we should get back home. It seems like many of the crew already want to return. Then we could perhaps get back to our normal mafia lives, eh, Schlatt?" he smirked.

I liked that idea. This was fun and all, but I still feel like mafia is at some point better. I gave him a nod and looked around, my gaze falling to Blade and the crow. Oh Techno.. naughty naughty.. I chuckled quietly and kept watching.

3rd person POV;

The sky was getting darker and the crew was sailing once more. Clay was laying on a swinging bed, looking at the sky. However his peace was once again disturbed by the omega's strong scent. He eventually got to ignore it again, falling asleep as the ship was lightly moving up and down with the calm waves.

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