~ Chapter 16 ~

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~ Noisy day ~

~..it is exactly what it says 😐 no need to read all the screaming scenes ~

Dream's POV;


You may be wondering the same.

What the fuck?

It was like seven in the morning and I was still lazily doing nothing in my bed. In all of a sudden I hear these god forsaken dying whale screams which sounded like someone was being ripped in half.

All confused and shocked, I got out of my room to look for whoever or whatever was making that damn noise.


To be completely honest, it sounded quite creepy. But who on Earth, in this damn house, would have such a devil inside to let this out? That's what I was about to go figure out.

As I was walking through the halls, I took notes where the screams were getting quieter and where they were loud. Turns out the loudest source of this monstrosity was on the same floor as George's room. He better not be hurt.

"It's like there's a whole hell on this floor," Schlatt walked out from behind the corner and investigated the case with me.

We got to George's room where Phil and Tubbo already stood at the door, listening if this hell belonged to him.

"It really sounds like George.. but I don't know what could be wrong," said Tubbo, covering his ears a bit.

If this is George, I have to act. It doesn't sound normal, more like as if in terrible pain.

I opened the door and froze slightly when I saw him. He had his front paws on the edge of his nest and screamed the shit out of him. For no absolute reason.


"GEORGE!" I yelled at him. It worked and he stopped and turned to look at me.

"What's wrong? You're screaming here so much, but why?"

Instead of an answer, he began to wagg his tail and slowly approached us with ears down. He wobbled into my arms and snuggled in, most likely tired from the screaming.

"You're so shaken up.. I'll have you close now, I promise," I told him and rubbed his fur a bit. He licked my ear in relief and I almost lost my balance.

"So no more screaming?" It was Ranboo's turn to ask now. He was still clearly tired and confused about all of this.

"Neeehh.. he should do this more often, he serves as a good alarm clock," Techno laughed and swung his braid. If stares could kill, his phrase Technoblade never dies would no longer be true. He must've noticed that none of us agreed with his words and he awkwardly disappeared.

"sigh. Come George.. let's go into my room..."


We laid in my bed close together, perhaps way too close. But I didn't mind this and Gogy seemed happy too.

I woke up once more to his whole body smushed into my side, trembling hard. I wasn't sure if it was the lack of covers? No that couldn't have been.. he had extra blankets delivered when we went to nap.

"D-Dream.. a.. Dream.. D-..." he stuttered and grabbed onto my clothes, pulling me closer to him. What was happening?

"George? Are you alright?" Dumb to ask this, I know. But what else should've I done?

"It hurts.. help.. please..."

It isn't what I think it is, right? Phil said it would be here soon but I didn't expect it to come just when I was really close to him.

"Hey.. calm down, I'm here, it's gonna be okay," honestly I sucked at comforting someone, but this was important.

"Don't..don't leave me.. please.. don't.." he made out and put his hindside on my thighs. Here we go..

"Gogy.. I will have to do so if you'll act like this, I'm worried for you. But even if I leave, I'll be near, okay?"

He nodded and slowly got off, trying to calm down his raging hormones. At this point I knew it would be nothing easy to handle..I could feel myself start wanting to be on his back and doing business.

"I'm afraid I gotta go.." I quietly said and slowly started to get up, hoping he wouldn't follow me.

Then it hit him fully and I knew I had to run. The attractive smell refused to not get into my nostrils and his other him lifted that fluffy booty.

Who would refuse this opportunity to claim? Me. I had to. It wasn't pleasing but I did this for George. Rather live with this than the thought of being a rapist, murderer.....

"Ranboo.. get my stuff. I'm going sailing."

It was now too late to do anything about this. I already had stuff packed and there was no going back. For the omega's safety I decided to just leave for a while until this passed.

"Are you sure you want to go? There will be quite strong storms, you could die," he asked me while packing a few last things.

"I feel like it's better this way. Take good care of George for me while I'm gone, alright? I'll be just as fine when I come back as I am right now."

"As you wish." He handed me the packed stuff and I walked out of the door.

You can't hear me right now, George, but I wish I could tell you how much I'm gonna miss you. Please don't do anything stupid.. wait for me to come back..
I will be fine, I promise....

Okay, maybe those thoughts were sometimes quite selfish, but I couldn't just let it slide. Gogy was going to be mine eventually, we both knew it. And if someone will claim him, I'll tear the world into pieces.

"Have a safe trip, mister!" I could hear one of the side-assistants yell at me. I threw her and the land one more smile and waited for the ropes to be cut.

And there I am. Back on the water. Do I already miss standing on safe ground? Yes. Do I miss Gogy? Forever and always.

Maybe I will be able to come back with something helpful.

~ Hey guys, end of chapter 16 wuwu
Hopefully you're so far enjoying reading these. Please don't mind the unrealistic things too much! It's in the story description that afterall, this is just a fantasy fiction. :D
Suggestions are still welcome. See you again another time! ~

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