~ Chapter 6 ~

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~ Back to the shore ~

Dream's POV;

I was woken up by the nudges of one of my men. Groaning, I eventually sat up to look at what disaster could be happening again right now. To my surprise, it wasn't a disaster; but a lovely surprise.

"Welcome home, boys. Welcome home."

It was still soon in the morning and not everyone was awake, so either they would get up themselves, or a fresh, cold, morning shower would be ready for them.

But I felt a sadness hit the back of my neck. What is it this time? Later I realised that the small wolf was one of the sleeping. And now I felt bad for waking up the cutie pie just because others were lazy. Why does my mind have to mess with me so much??

3rd person POV;

Clay and his ship made it back to a well-known shore; their home. It was visible on the leader's face that he was excited out of his skin to get into his king-sized bed in his mansion and get more famous once the news find their way to paparazzi.

They all walked off the ship and were about to part ways, when Schlatt interrupted the scene.

Dream's POV;

"Boss, what to do with the captures? Like, I believe they're unfamiliar with this place...." he muttered.
"Quit worries, brother. That is no longer our problem where they go now. I just want to be at home."

He just shrugged and motioned for the group to let the captures run free. In a bit, everyone was out, and once my group gathered the stuff up, I called my private jet to get us home. I love this life.


Just a few minutes passed and our pick-up was here. We stuffed the treasure in and took off.

George's POV;

What. the fuck. What are we supposed to do now?! They just left! To be honest, I didn't want to be taken along, but being lost in a large place like this?! Thanks Jesus I have Philza and Ka....

"G-Guys?!" I yelled out when I didn't see anyone I knew. The stress started to drown me and at this point, I was shaking uncontrollably.


I was just shaking and nervousely walking between all the animals in the city. I could swear I felt some of them throw me glances because of my heat. That explains why I felt extremely uncomfortable. It appears seeking safe shelter was impossible here.. maybe the local park is an option? Yeah, I could try there. If there even was any park here.


Luckily enough for me, a kind local had shown me the direction to the park. It's a fancy place, really. Being homeless, which I possibly am right now, I would definitely settle up in here.

Lightly, I stepped into the soft grass and let my wolf take over. Fur appeared on my body, to which I got on my four legs. It was comfortable like this..most of the time. I made sure I look at least a little good to not be a complete embarassment to the majestic city and walked around, searching for anything.

The first thing that took place in my head was food. I was starved up from the adventuring and really needed to fill up the space in my stomach, so I wandered around, looking for anything that semt edible.

Dream's POV;

I was completely careless. I didn't give a damn about them starving or getting killed. The main thing was to feel the comfort of my bigass mansion.

We quickly settled back in and got to our old businesses. I laid on a large gray sofa, reading some newspapers; nothing so interesting. Heh, that will change when they finally realise the big alpha wolf moved back in.

My lazy chilling with a wine glass in my hand was interrupted by a slightly panicked Fundy. I sat up and looked at him as he made his way over to me, took the TV remote, turned it on and got on the right channel.

"Studies show that male omegas are very quickly going extinct. Professor of ranking knowledge, Tristan Fade, confirmed the worrying news. 'They're dying out so quickly that within a week, there might be none left.'"

Oh..my...uughh!! There was no way I just got rid of an almost-extinct rank. A guy that I had great control of, a guy that was one of the few left, is now wandering somewhere in THIS city, alone, and he even might be dead right now.

I was so mad. Not at Fundy, the news or stuff, but at myself. I literally just let a worthy piece slip like butter between my fingers! I swear I'm gonna bang my head one day if things like this happen again.

"..thanks for showing me. But you know what this means, though." I told him.
At first he semt to not get it, but then asked.

"So, we're about to get any male omega we can spot, like the mafia we are?"
"Yes, Furry. Yes we will. Tell the men and get weapons ready. We're getting those omegas and no one will stop us."

His eyes started to sparkle and he bounced in his place, quickly rushing up the stairs in a second. Then I heard him yell around the rooms and offices. That's how I like it.


I got dressed up, you could even say I was nearly all ready for a mission this big. I just had to sharpen my daggers, load up the big guns and prepare any other needs, such as darts to put the omegas to sleep. I mean like, we don't want to harm them, do we?

A bunch of my men then ran down the stairs, also loaded up. They looked determined to get those omegas, which made me even more proud to call myself a mafia leader.

"Alright, we'll need some rules here. Don't harm anyone, only attack if it's necessary. A.k.a if they're trying to get our omegas. Don't harm the omegas either, that way they will lose the trust in you really quickly. Capture them with a net if they will cooperate, use darts if not. Any unnecessary damage done to them will eventually put you into large trouble. Send messages if you have tracks of one of them, it's better to team up. Got it?"

"Got it, boss." they said in sync. I got to the main door, opened it, walked out and started sniffing. They followed my tracks and in a while, each of us went in our own direction. This will be fun.

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