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Dream's POV;

It has been some time now since George let himself go back to the wild, or at least what I believed was 'the wild'. No new media reports about omegas have been let out into the world, not even one about extinction.

He might still be out there somewhere. What if they're cutting into his body to get what they need and will officially call omegas extinct once it stops working? I could care less.

I was lonely. Perhaps even more lonely than I've ever been. I forgave Sapnap, yes, but I didn't forgive myself.

George was....well, my eyes, a traitor at some point. But we all know I like to play it dirty, so a little traitor like him can be easily put in place. But that's not what was happening right now. And probably never will again.




I blasted myself off of the sofa as Sapnap yelled at me. Was I lost in thoughts, or did I fall asleep?

"Duuuuude! You'd sleep here through the party! Come on, we have to go," he nudged me to fall over. I groaned and got up, making my way over to my room.

A pair of ripped jeans and a plain white t-shirt caught my eye. I'm gonna look badass in this, I thought to myself. I grabbed the clothes and changed, put on my favorite sneakers and a leather belt, dashing out of the room to meet up with others.

"Took you long enough, boss man," Tommy directed to me with an annoyed expression. "Like this we're gonna be late."

"You're not going, are you?" I asked him, feeling everyone's gazes on me. "That's for the big guys only...."

"Oh come on," he made the most British accent he could.

"Whatever, but if they don't let you in, you know the reason." He huffed at that and brought his chin high.
We finally arrived to the club. I grew tired of Snappermapper yelling 'we'll be late!!' or 'HURRYYYYYY!!!'. Maybe now he'd finally chill the f off.

The music could already be heard from the outside. It was loud standing just in front of the club, now imagine being inside for hours. I guess that's what's fun for, though.

When we entered, we got asked to show our IDs just to confirm the age and we were free to go. Tommy had some difficulties getting in, but he bribed the security enough.

Some of us got a light drink, the others went straight for it. Not to include all the chips... damn.

Within minutes, the already big flood of people got even bigger and the place grew crowded. The music blasted out as loud as it could, everyone squished at each other, having just a teeny tiny space to dance.

And then, the lights went off. Smoke started coming from the stage. Some have been worried that the place set on fire, but in fact, this was just the start of a hopefully hella good show.

It was. Two single white lights pointed at the stage, smoke now being all over it. A silhouette could be seen in the shadows. It's...familiar. The shape... the height.. but there's so many singers and performers that have the 'perfect' body shape...

The music started playing. It was some French song. The person started singing in such a charming voice that everyone joined along. Then, the beat hit.

"Je remue le ciel, le jour, la nuit,
Je danse avec le vent, la pluie....
Un peu d'amour,
Un brin de miel
Et je danse danse danse danse danse danse daansse.."

They stepped into the light. It was George! He had a set of black glittery clothes on with black painted nails, his pure white fluffy tail and ears peeking. It barely got noticeable, but a light make-up blush spread across his cheeks and nose, a wing eyeliner giving his eyes a stunning effect. He was...gorgeous.

Some more time passed and the song stopped, everyone shouted and clapped their hands, whistling and cheering for him.

"Thank you! Thank you! I'm glad to be here tonight!" he yelled out at all the people, smiling and waving his hand. I got absolutely stunned when he shook his head a little; such fluffy hair..

He left the stage as a band went to prepare their stuff. So many people tried to follow him into the backstage, luckily the security stopped the flood. They whined and retreated in sadness.

George's POV;
I finished my performance at the stage and went back into a safer space as soon as I could. The people wanted pictures and autographs from me, how typical. The security was possibly the toughest they've seen yet because I was simply special, plus I need my damn privacy.
I sat into a cozy armchair specially prepared for me, brushing my tail and ears. I liked them very fluffy, so this was important to me.

Somebody quietly knocked on the door. "Hello?" I asked. "Can I..come in?" the someone responded with their own question. The voice was oddly familiar. "Um.. sure.."

The door opened and a silhouette appeared. It was tall with pointy ears and a curious smell. They put their foot in, then peeked. Dream..

"G-George..!" his ears suddenly went down and he wagged his tail, excitedly coming closer. I was a little bit scared and sunk into the armchair more.

"George.. I.. I finally see you again.. how long was it.. a year? Oh're so gorgeous.. I loved your performance over there, I also never knew you knew French..?" he smiled at me and sniffled lightly.

"I always kind of knew French because of my parents.... what do you want from me." He looked at me shocked, keeping his hand in the middle of the air as he secretly reached out to me.

"Can we go outside.. George.."

I gave a nod and he waited for me to go out of the back door. The cool breeze of the night pet my skin like silk before he reached out for my hand and disturbed my thoughts of nature's beauty.

He hugged me from the side. I wasn't exactly too thrilled with the touch, but he was obviously having it. A few more seconds of his cuddling to me passed and the security rushed to us. We got ripped apart and I was being dragged back inside with the view of him struggling underneath three men.

"Stop it!" I suddenly spat out at them. They looked over to me like 'is he kidding? This could be a kidnapper.'

"I'm sorry..just... no.. please... I know this person. Let us be, he won't do anything to me," I reassured them, coming towards Dream and helping him up. He brushed off the dirt off of himself and hugged me.

"We'll sort it out, George."
~ I hope I surprised you with a continuation :) chapter contains a song from Indila - Dernière Danse - for those who are wondering. I will continue this just if the people show interest. Otherwise I'm sticking to Subject 404 or taking long breaks like recently. Sorry for that, I'm just dealing with too much shit and I'm not sure if I won't go crazy from this if I don't get out of this place asap.
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