~ Chapter 11 ~

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~ What have I done.. ~

~ There's a flashback with near rape and then a serious injury, skip if you don't like that ~

Tubbo's POV;

It was almost Christmas now. We were baking in the kitchen with Ranboo and occasionally Tommy, who mostly just stole our doughs so we had to fight to get them back.

Dream would sometimes look in at us from behind the corner "to see our progress". But we all knew what was bothering him; Gogs. He was so much not having it with the "I'm not gonna be so kind to him anymore" thing. Sometimes I'd find him in the bathroom shyly thinking about him, sometimes he would watch me and him in the nursery because he was a big jealous boy, he would also talk about him on a daily basis and everything simp-related.

Even after one of the incidents, Gogs got to change his mind and slowly started accepting Dream again.

••••• near rape flashback •••••

George's POV;

"You're not going away from me here, omega.." Those words he made out hurt like razors.

I was running and hiding away from Dream who locked us in the nursery together. At this time I already wasn't getting locked up because they trusted me with anti-escape promises. And I can't say I didn't keep them.

It was just the time when I was in heat, so Dream wouldn't leave me out of his thoughts. He would keep stopping by, trying to not seem like he's about to slip into the room and fuck me senseless.

Unfortunately for me, that didn't last too long, and he got in to try his luck. I didn't want to scream because I thought he'd hurt me if I did, so I was feeling helpless.

Every second he was there, his dominant pheromones were making it so much worse than it already was. And in the matter of time, he chased me into a corner.

I was trying my best to not cry, showing him signs I wasn't ready for this, whining, stepping on his paws,..
His mind, however, had different plans that wouldn't be ruined.

When I was completely cornered, he occasionally bit my fur, trying to make me submit. If only it wasn't for my heat.. I would've already been screaming out of Tubbo or anyone....

And then my life flashed before my eyes.

He bit on and didn't let go, getting on top of me and lining himself up.....

The need.. the pheromones.. scents... but the tears and fear..

I screamed out my lungs just as soon as I felt my private part get touched by his.

Luckily enough, Tommy was just passing by so he heard soon enough. He nearly broke down the door and ripped Dream off of me, hiding me behind him.

Then I heard Ranboo, Phil and some others.. thanks god.. I was gonna be safe now.

••••• it's safe now <3 •••••

I was glad the weak bond didn't break under that, but also worried for Gogs. He was a cool guy and I wouldn't stand him getting hurt, even though not as much as Dré wouldn't.

It was definitely a good time for us all now. No stress, no fighting, no unnecessary interruptions....


Just when I mentioned it. But this was a scene to panic about.

We all knew who this howl belonged to, and the boss was the first to take action. He rushed out of his office all dressed up and ready for slaughter. What else was left than to automatically follow him?

We sprinted out of the office into our rooms to change and meet up in front of the mansion.

"Ranboo.. what about Gogs? We have to take him with us in case he'd get kidnapped here again, but it feels even more dangerous to me that way.." I stopped him by gripping his arm. He thought about it and eventually we both agreed on just being there to hold him with us, helping the others only if necessary.

I ran into the nursery and told him there's no time to explain, dragging him outside.

We ran outside and made a swarm so that I, Ranboo and George were in the middle with everyone else around us.

Dream went all crazy when he saw the familiar wolf band. He let his animal take over, fighting them before the rest of us could even arrive to the place.


George's POV;

I didn't even get a proper explanation of what was happening right now, but the bloody fighting scene made it pretty clear to me.

It hurt me just looking at it; Dream was getting hurt.. everyone was getting hurt....even I, though I wasn't fighting. But they were brave and didn't give up.

Later, I started feeling really protective of Dream, and got worried each time I saw him take damage. I'd let out quiet whines and deep inside hoped he would make it out safely.


••••• serious injury ":( •••••

This was it for me. The enemies were ganging up on him and I couldn't take it anymore. At this point, at least two would always charge at him; it was just terrible for me to watch.

I struggled out of Tubbo's and Ranboo's tight grip and ran to help Dream..

I bit onto one of their's hand and tried to pull away, not even knowing who's was it. And then I loudly whined out when I felt terrible pain in the middle of my torso.

The fighting suddenly stopped and the, probably shocked person, let go of me. Tears slid down my cheeks when I looked down to see a sword handle at my front, knowing that the rest went through. I quickly hugged myself above and below the sword from pain, but that didn't do much.

My legs stumbled and I fell to the ground.

"GEOORRGE!!" I heard Dream yell and saw him rush to me. But I went limp and then unconscious.

Dream's POV;

Oh fuck. That did not just happen.

I held George close to me, regretting everything. I just fucking killed him. I killed probably the last male omega to exist. It wasn't on purpose, I thought that.. that...

"G-Gogy.." I gave him a little shake. He didn't respond.

"GEORGE!" I shook him again. He just laid limp. God FUCKING DAMN IT!!

"Call the ambulance already!"

And just like that, I'd have to get rid of one of the rarest things on Earth. For my mistakes.

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