~ Chapter 25 ~

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~ Please spare me ~

~ There's gore and violence, sorry.. ~

George's POV;

The birth went smooth. It was a terrible pain, yes, but I didn't die and delivered all seven pups safely. Dream was also supporting me all the time together with Philza and Tubbo, though he barely let them touch me or the pups at all.

Minutes after they were all out, the two left us alone. But what I found strange; did they lock us inside..? I swear I could hear the lock pop.... I guess I was just being paranoid after all the terror..

I gently took care of the small with Dream watching, possibly writing down notes into his head of what to do if I'm not available at some moment. He walked around me and laid in front, curiously watching them make quiet noices and wobble around. It put some fear into me...why?

He sniffed them and picked the first one up. At that moment I didn't let my eyes off of her. I was just worried.


"DREAM!" I quickly yelled and whined at him as he started biting through her little body. I struggled to get up and stop him, so I just had to hope this was a joke or he was just being playful.

Any thoughts of him being playful disappeared into thin air when blood started dripping. With a few more silenced and bubbly whines of the pup, he dropped her dead down on the floor. This was horrible. I stared directly into his eyes, whining like crazy and mourning the death of such a young creature. My own creation.

"NO!! DREAM PLEASE! NOT ANYMORE!!" I yelled again. He just went full-on aggressive mode and started to kill the rest of them. I tried my hardest to get up onto my feet but I'd just fall back down every time. I whined, screamed, cried and feared. And he didn't stop until the last body laid lifeless on the bloody floor. This was too much.


"George?!" Phil and Tubbo were calling out to me from behind the door. They struggled to open it; of course. Dream must've locked the door on purpose right after they left so they wouldn't stop him from slaughter.


"At least these are useful for something!" Schlatt half-yelled out after taking the door down with his horns. The..I believe five or more of them, froze in place whem they saw my dead pups laying in front of Dream. Tubbo had to turn around and hide his face into Ranboo's shirt, who himself wouldn't believe what he sees.

"How..could you.." I sobbed and hiccuped out, trying to wake up from this nightmare or watch them move normally. Neither of those happened.

He turned his head and stared at me with death in his eyes. And in one swift motion, I blacked out.

Sapnap's POV;

I couldn't believe my eyes! By now I knew that Dream and George had pups, but that he would kill them?! This man was a monster! Not just the pups, but he also attacked George in front of us all. We stood our ground, fearing what would happen next. He picked him up by his fur and jumped out of the window.

"Dream! Get back here!" I yelled and started to chase him. Phil and others came along, except for those who were too destroyed by the sight or those who were the emotional support to the destroyed.

The great chase began. Dream shifted into his shadow wolf form to gain time. I formed into a flame beast, setting anything in front of him on fire in hopes of slowing him down. Bad cooperated and got smaller, doing his devil bounce-run close to him. Of course the others took on their beast forms too.

"Be careful when attacking! He still has George!" Phil yelled as he flew above us, watching the whole situation and updating us right away when a struggle was about to face us. Schlatt charged at him many times, but always ended up just being strongly kicked into the head by Dream's back legs.

Then we slowly but surely ran towards a ravine.

"We have to speed up if we're planning to save him!" We just yelled at each other now because casual talking would barely be heard, plus it would just ruin the dramatic atmosphere.

When we got close to it completely, Dream drifted off into a stop. We crashed into each other because of the quick stop, but what else was left there.

"You don't want to do this Dream," Phil landed in front of us and tried to approach him.

Unlucky times. His pupils shrunk and he dropped George down, then started attacking. Unfortunately everyone was way too occupied by him and his tricks to go and check on him down there.

"Dream this isn't right! Snap out of it!" I, again, yelled at him as we held him at the ground. He growled like crazy and showed no mercy at all, though we were clearly a family. Bad took the chance and sneaked past us, looking down into the ravine. George was there on a small safe point-like rock, bleeding out of his mouth, unconscious.

"You need to go to bed you child," Phil said and almost stabbed his leg with a needle. He let out a strong groan and struggled hard, but soon went limp and fell asleep.

"We need to get them both home, Dream first. We can't risk citizens getting attacked by him too," said Bad while still looking at George, letting small pebbles fall onto him to check if he's even alive. He was right, we had to get Dream under control first. The stronger of the group picked him up and carried him back, while the rest pulled out George.

In a bit, we were back home. Tubbo and Phil carefully treated the occasional injuries someone got while making sure George doesn't pass out or anything. They said that it would apparently be a really bad thing for him right now, so I beared with it and helped along. He was tired and weak, almost giving up on life even. Watching his newborn children die must've been a tragedy for his brain to handle.

I just hope it doesn't happen again.

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