Chapter Twenty Two

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3 weeks later
Stephanie's P.O.V
"How are you feeling today bud?" I asked, while he was in his hospital bed."Good mummy." He says, cheerfully with a cute smile. It was hard for me to see him like this. His surgery is tomorrow." Buddy, tomorrow the doctors are going to put you to sleep but when you wake up you will feel all better." I say, holding his hand, with tears treating to come out." Will it hurt?" He asked."No, I promise it will not hurt at all." "Mummy, I am scared." he says with a frown." I know you are. I am to but when you wake up I will be there right next to you."

The Next Day

My heart was pounding, so many thoughts are running through my head. Stephanie calm down he will be fine. What if something goes wrong? No stop, Do not think that way. Then the nurse comes in and starts talking. Two more guys walk in and push Edward out of the room.

Edward's P.O.V

Some big buff guys start pushing my bed to he hallway. They take me to a room when I saw a mask hanging from a tube. What is that for. The nurse puts the mask to my mouth and nose, then I feel some air with a funny smell being pushed to my to my mouth and nose.'' Just take deep breaths for me sweetie.'' The nurse says. I shake my head, hold my breath and try to pull the mask off my face but they were holding it down." Mr Brooks(that is Stephanie's last name), you need to take deep breaths in so you can go to sleep." The nurse says. I start having the urge to breath in. I take a few deep breaths and then my eye lids start feeling heavy. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Madelines's P.O.V

I woke up in my old bed. I turn my head and saw Harry fast asleep. I sit up and try to rush out of bed, when I felt something on my wrist. I look up to the head board and saw my wrist handcuffed to the bed.'' What the hell?'' Then Harry wakes up.''Sorry love, I just had to be sure you did not try to leave in the middle of the night. But then again, why would you do that?'' He says, smirking.'' I would do that to get away from your crazy ass you prick.'' I snap. He grabs me by the face harshly and pulled me close.'' Don't you dare, ever say anything like that to me ever again. Do you hear me?'' He says. I do not respond.'' I said, DO YOU HEAR ME?'' He yells in my face.'' Yes Harry.'' I say in fear.'' Good.'' He pulls something out of the nightstand next to the bed. He gets closer and unlocks the handcuffs.'' Now, go make us breakfast.'' He says.'' Yes Harry.'' I walk out of the room and go in to Masons room. I saw him handcuffed to the bed. I run to him and wake him up.'' Mummy? Mummy I am stuck to the bed.'' He says panicking.'' I know sweetie. I will get you out.'' I go back to the room and saw Harry gone back to sleep.'' Go let Mason go.'' I yell.'' No, now go do what I told you to fucking do.'' He says, obviously pissed off.'' Not until you let him go. I want to make breakfast with him.'' I say crossing my harms.'' FINE, BUT YOU WILL MAKE BREAKFAST WITH DARCY TOO!" he yells. Then he walks out of the room and un cuffs Mason and stomps back to the room." Come on sweetie, lets go wake up your sister and make some food.'' I say grabbing his hand and walking to Darcy's room. I walk up to her bed and shake her awake.'' Come on, let's go make breakfast honey.'' I say, in a soft voice.'' No.'' She says, turning to her side and covering her head with the blanket.'' Come on, let's go make breakfast Darcy.'' I say, getting mad.'' I don't know if you heard me, but I said no.'' She says lifting her head.'' Darcy, get up and go down stairs so we can make breakfast.'' I say, ready to fucking yell.'' I said no. What part of 'no' do you not understand.'' she says, almost yelling to my face.'' Darcy, get you ass up and go down stairs right now or else.'' I state.'' Or else what? I know you will not do anything because you are just a scared little meanie.'' She says, sassy.'' Or else, I will go tell your father.'' I threaten.'' I know for a fact he will not do anything to me because he loves me unlike you.'' She says smirking.'' You know what? you are right. I do not love you. You are just a little brat who never should have been born.'' I say, ready to slap the sh*t out of her.'' You act like I care about you. All I care about is Daddy getting me what I want when I want when I want it. And no matter what you do, I will always find away to make him mad at you and Mason.'' She says smirking. I lift up my hand and slap her.'' See, no tears because you have no feeling and no fucking heart.'' I say.'' Your right, but later there will be fake tears and we will see who Daddy believes. Hint, me because he loves me.'' She says laying back down and going back to sleep.'' Come on Mason, let's go make breakfast.'' I say. Leaving her room and slamming the door.

At Breakfast

" Did you have fun making breakfast Darcy?'' Harry asks, Putting some of the egg in his mouth.'' I did not make it Daddy.'' She says, acting all innocent. God she makes me sick.'' Why not?'' He asks.'' Mummy did not let me.'' She says, pouting her lip.'' I asked her if I could, but she just yelled at me and said she does not love me and that I never should been born. Then she slaped me.'' She says, letting fake tears fall from her cheeks. How can he belive this crap.'' I will have a talk with your Mummy later honey. Do not worry, I will make sure that never happens again.'' He says glaring at me.''

After Breakfast

The kids went to the backyard and were playing in the yard. I turned around and saw Harry walking twards me. I felt him grab my wrist and pull me upstairs. When we got into the room ha slamed the door and slaped me across the face.''How dare you do those things to Darcy?'' He growld in my face.'' Oh my god. She is a brat, You can hurt me and tourcher me, do what ever you fucking want to me, but you will never and I mean never make me love her, or even pretent to love her.'' I say, putting on the bravest face I could." Just get out of hear.'' He says opening the door and pushing me out the room.

Edward's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of beeping,mumbles and bright lights. When my visin cleard up I saw Mummy and Calum.'' Oh Buddy, you are awake. How are you feeling?'' Calum askes.'' I feel tired.'' I say, smileing weakly.'' Well you can get somerest while we go get the doctor.'' Mummy says, kissing my cheek. I fell back to sleep

Mason's P.O.V

I saw Darcy playing with her dolls when I saw her throw one of the girl dolls into the pool.'' What are you doing?'' I ask, walking up to her.''Playing with my dolls.'' She says, grabbing a tall boy doll and a little girl doll.''This is daddy and me.'' She says showing me the two dolls.'' That is you.'' She says showing a little boy doll.'' And that is Mummy.'' She says smirking and pointing to the one in the pool.'' Why is she in the pool?'' I ask.'' Because I have a plan for her when Mummy comes outside.'' She says grabbing the three dolls, but leaving the Mummy doll in the pool then walking away. I look down into the pool and saw the doll at the bottom of the pool,wondering what she is going to do to Mummy.

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