Chapter Ten

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Stephanie's P.O.V

I opened my eyes and looked around. I saw I was in a hospital room. I sat up and saw Harry sitting in a seat next to me and saw a baby in a carrier.( Idk what that thing they put the baby in is called). Harry was just staring at the baby, he looked like he wanted to hold the baby but, he couldn't hold the baby at the same time." Harry? I-is that him? Is that E-Edward?" I asked and he nodded, he didn't even smile, just nodded." C-can I hold him?" I asked and he laughed." yeah, come up and get him." He said and I looked at him confused." Harry, just hand him to me." I said and he shook his head." If I could, I would." He said as he got up and walked out of the room.

Andrea, Luke, and James walked in. Andrea was carrying flowers and Luke was carrying James in his car-seat. She placed the flowers next to me and went to Edward." I-is that him?" She asked and I smiled. I nodded my head." C-can you hand him to me?" I asked and she nodded. 

Andrea's P.O.V 

I gently scooped Edward up. I held him with both arms and put him against my chest. I walked him to Stephanie. I placed him in her arms. I saw and she started to tear up." H-he's beautiful." She said and I smiled." H-hi sweetie, I'm your mommy." She said, wait, has she not held him yet." Have you held him at all since you woke up?" I asked and she nodded her head." Harry wouldn't hand him to me, I don't think Harry had even held him." She said. I wonder why." Is that why he is outside of the room?" I asked and she nodded. I looked closer at Edward." What is that thing that's on his neck?" I asked as I moved his blanket a little bit to see the mark on his neck." Oh, when he was in my womb." She said and I nodded." He got the umbilical cord around his neck and that's why he was born early." She said and I nodded." Can you hold him, I'm out of strength." She said and I smiled. I nodded as she handed me Edward. I sat next to Luke." He looks just like Harry." Luke said and I chuckled." He is the mini version of Harry." I said." Just like James is the mini version of you." I said and he laughed." He looks like both of us." He said as he took James out of his car seat to hold him.

An Hour Later

The doctor walked in and talked to Stephanie.

The Next Day

Stephanie's P.O.V

I opened my eyes and looked around, I saw Edward, he was fast asleep. I looked at my phone and saw a text from Harry.

From Harry to Stephanie: Hey Love, I will probably go see you later on today

I put my phone down as the door opened, it was a nurse.

" Good morning Stephanie, how are you feeling today?" She asked as she walked in." Good, thank you." I said with a smile." Your doctor is going to come check on you, would you like to hold your baby until your doctor comes?" She asked as she scooped up Edward." Yes please." I said with a smile as I sat up. She walked Edward over and places him in my arms." He is beautiful." She said and I smiled." Thank you." I said.

The nurse left the room and I saw waiting for my doctor.

" Hi Ed, it's mommy." I said and he opened his eyes a little. He looks just like Harry. Ugh, Harry, I don't know why he has been acting so strange but if he doesn't stop, I will just go back and stay with Andrea. He has been acting so strange since we found out Edward was a boy.

Two Hours Later

I heard the door open, it was Harry." Look sweetie, it's daddy." I said as Harry walked up to both of us." H-hi, Edward." He said as he looked at Edward

Harry's P.O.V

' Harry, stay away from this child.' They said as I looked at Edward. Stop! You guys can't stop me from loving my son!' Stephanie, c-can I hold him?" I asked and she smiled." I thought you would never ask." She said as she handed me Edward. I looked down at him as I held him up to my chest." Hi buddy, it's d-daddy." I said as I sat in the chair by the hospital bed.' Harry! Put him down!' They said and I shook my head." No, I love Edward." I said as I smiled down at him." What happened Harry?" Stephanie asked with a smile as she looked at both of us." I love him, and you, I love you both." I said as I kissed Edward on the top of his head then kissed Stephanie on the lips. 

Sorry this chapter is a little short but I hope you likes it!!!! :)

( This story is being edited and updated! )

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