Chapter Forty Eight

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Edward's P.O.V

I saw I had a new voicemail from Kailey so I clicked it to hear it." Listen you! If you don't come and get me soon, I'm going to find you!" I heard her yell. It hasn't even been that long and I am having fun here anyway. I got dressed and went downstairs, I saw Jessica, she was wearing cloths her mom probably liked. Her bright blue hair was lighter since she was in the light. She turned and saw me." Edward! I didn't say you could come down yet!" She whisper yelled. I laughed and went back up to the guest room.

Jessica's P.O.V

( Just to be clear, Jessica's mom is Ariana Grande 😂😂😂 ) I heard my mom come downstairs." Good morning Jessie." My mom said as she gave me a kiss on the cheek and headed to the kitchen for breakfast, well, a cup of coffee and a muffin, more like half a muffin. I went in with her. She was sitting with her legs crossed waiting for food while she was on her phone." mom, when do you think you will be coming home from work?" I asked as I was twirling my hair to look more cute." Around 7 but your father will come around 11." She said as one of our cooks brought her her food. My mom took a sip of her coffee. I left the kitchen and ran to the guest room. I opened the door and saw Edward waiting on the bed." She will leave in about 5 minutes." I said and I shut the door. I to my room. I changed into some cloths that were more me, unlike the girly cloths my mom makes me wear. I went back downstairs to see my mom ready to leave." Bye sweetie, are you wearing that?" She asked as she looked at my outfit." Ye, no, I am going to change into that cute white shirt and floral print skirt!" I said with a smile." Great! You know I hate it when you dress like that." She said as she kissed my cheek and left to the limo so our driver could drop her off. I shut the door and ran upstairs to get Edward. I opened the door and saw him." Okay come on let's go." I said and he nodded." Wait, you look, naked." He said. Oh shit! I forgot. I ran back to my room to place in my snakebites and my eyebrow piercing. I only take them off when I see my parents. I am surprised they still don't know! I went back and he smiled." Better." He said. We went out to my car." How much longer am I going to have to hide in your guest room?" He asked as we got in my car." Well I need to do something, we can leave tomorrow after my parents leave for work if you want." I said and he smiled." Great, we need to pick up my girlfriend as soon as possible." He said. Oh right Kailey, fuck, I am blushing! Ugh! I don't blush! We started driving." Jess, where are we going?" He asked." Well, um I need to go to my boyfriends house to tell him something." I said and he nodded.

Jaydon's P.O.V ( Jessica's boyfriend )

I was sitting in my room." Jaydon! Get your ass down here and feed the brat!" I heard my father yell. Ugh! I got up and opened the door." He is not a brat! He is my little brother!" I yelled as I ran downstairs and saw my dad. That bitch! All he does is drink and sit on the couch! Fucker and he calls my brother a brat when he is only 3! And he calls me lazy when I'm the one that cooks, cleans, and even works for him! I go to the kitchen to make something for my brother." Jai don? Can I have Mac n cheese? Pewees?" He asked with those puppy dog eyes." Of course Tommy." I said as I started to make the Mac And Cheese.
When it was done I put it in the freezer for about a minute since it was really hot. I pulled it out it was still hot it just wouldn't hurt him.
I put a fork in the container and say it in front of him." Tank you Jai!" He said with a cute smile. He can't really say my name all too well he says Jai Don slowly instead of Jayden so he usually just calls me Jai, my dad just calls me Jai cause he is lazy to say my full name. I waited for him to finish since I had nothing better to do really but then there was a knock at the door." Jai! Get the door!" My dad yelled. No, I am just going to wait here, dumb ass. I got up and went to the door, I opened it and it was Jessica with a boy. Who this fool?" Hey babe we really need to talk." Jessica said as she kissed my cheek and pulled me inside to my room." Just wait here Edward." Jessica said and he nodded shutting the door. We went up to my room and she shut the door.

Edward's P.O.V

I was standing close to the door." Who are you?" A man asked." Um, I am Edward, a friend of Jessica's." I said and he burped, this house smells like bad alcohol." Oh yeah her." He said.

Jessica's P.O.V

" Wait! What?! " Jayden yelled and I flinched." I'm sorry." I said and started to cry. He pulled me close and started stroking my hair." It's both of our faults." He said." What are we going to do? I am only 16 and you are 17!" I yelled." We will figure that out in a minute but start by telling me who that boy it." He said." Babe, Edward is just a friend, we knew each other when he used to live here, we need to go pick up his GIRLFRIEND tomorrow." I said and he smiled. We walked back out to where Edward was waiting." Let me get Thomas ready then we can go to your house." Jayden said and I nodded. He went off to get his brother ready." Why does he need to get his dumb brother ready? and why does his brother need to come with us?" Edward asked and I rolled my eyes." His brother is not dumb he is only three and because his dad won't take care of him while Jayden is gone." I whispered.

Jayden's P.O.V

" Where are we going Jai?" Thomas asked as I started to fix his hair." We are going to Jess's house Tommy." I said and he smiled. I put both our shoes on and picked him up as we went back to Jessica and Edward." Bye Dad, we are taking Thomas to the park." I said and he only mumbled something in a response. I opened the door and we went to Jessica's car." Am I driving or you?" I asked and she smiled." You silly! You drive way better than me." She said as she tossed the keys over to me. I caught them then we all got in the car." Wait, I forgot Thomas's car seat." I said and she nodded but Edward sighed." Hurry up!" He yelled and I laughed. I got the car seat then ran back and placed it in." Come on Tommy." I said as I put him in his car seat and buckled him up. I got in the car then started driving." So to your place?" I asked and she nodded." So what's the plan?" Edward asked." Well, first we need to pack our things and I can get plenty of money. Then tomorrow meet up and Jayden's house and leave. After we get your girlfriend, we can figure out our next place we want to go. Sound good?" Jessica said. Wait, what about Thomas, I can't leave him with my father, he would die of starvation! Or lack of care!" Sounds great." Edward said." Wait, what about Thomas?" I asked." What about little Tommy." Jessica said as she reached back to tickle him and Thomas giggled." We need to bring him with us so I can take care of him." I said, worried they would say he can't go." No way! We can't have a kid hanging around!" Edward yelled." Edward shut up! You are a kid! Jayden of course we will bring him, I know how your dad is and plus it would be practice for us." She said as she rubbed my shoulder." What do you mean ' Practice'?" Edward said." Well, I'm pregnant, and Jayden is the father." Jessica said

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