Chapter Thirty Eight

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Harry's P.O.V
I was sitting down on my couch. Where is my baby girl? I want my Darcy! I stood up and punched the wall. I kept punching and punching and punching. My fist felt wet. I looked down at my fist and saw blood. The wall had a hole and had blood on it. I dropped to the floor. I kept looking at my fist, the blood was dripping. The door opened." Hello mate." Liam said. Rossely walked in with him. So he finally got her." Hey." I said." So I see you got Rossely." I said as I touched her cheek." Don't touch me! I learned all about you!" She yelled. I slapped her." I will leave you two alone to talk." Liam said." No Liam!" She cried." You are just going to let him hit me?!" She cried. He just kept walking." Lets have fun." I said. I picked her up and took her upstairs." No!" She cried.
Rossely's P.O.V
Harry carried me upstairs. He threw me in and empty room. The only thing in the room was a chair. He slapped me and pushed me in the chair. He tied me to the chair." Tell me where she is!" He yelled in my face." Who?!" I yelled. He punched me in the lip." Darcy!" He yelled." I don't fucking know now stop hitting me!" I yelled. He backed away." Yes you do know!" He yelled. He went out the room and shut the door. I tried to get out of the chair but the knots were to tight. I looked around to see if there was some broken glass or something. Harry came back with, fuck! A fucking knife!" Now tell me or else." He paused and walked up to me with the knife. Oh hell no! Get your dirty knife away." Or else what?" I asked him." Or else this knife here, will stab you in many places. Trust me love, I have done it to five people. But I have killed more. All their cries and yells, music to my ears. So, tell me." He said as he put the knife to my neck." I, don't, fucking know!" I yelled. He pulled the knife away and pushed it at me when the door flew open." I said you can hit, beat, and torcher her but I never said you could kill her!" I heard Liam yelled. Harry stopped. Harry turned his head and saw Liam standing there by the door." What?! Why would you tell him he could do that?!" I yelled and looked at Liam." Drop the knife Harry." Liam said. I turned to Harry. He dropped the knife on the floor. They both left the room and shut the door. They must have locked it because that is what I heard. I kicked my feet and I fell to the ground. I reached for the knife and luckily I was able to grab it. I cut the rope. I got up and ran to the door but it was locked. I ran back to the chair, picked it up, and went back to the door. I banged on the door to get there attention." What?!" Liam yelled." I love you Liam." I lied." Really?" He asked. Is he really this stupid." Yes." I lied again. He unlocked the door and opened it. I picked the chair again. He walked in and I hit him on the head with the chair. He fell to the floor. I dropped the chair and ran out the door." Going somewhere?" Harry asked. I turned my head and saw him standing where with a gun. Fuck!" Liam said you can't kill me." I said slowly backing away. He pointed the gun at me and was ready to pull the trigger." Who said I was going to kill you?" He said." I just want to shoot you, you don't have to die when I do." He said with a smirk." I can give you Darcy!" I yelled. He lowered the gun." I won't tell you where but I can bring her to you." I said. I can't put Andrea's, Luke's, James's, and Mason's life's on the line just for that." Meet me at Starbucks in five hours. She better have all her stuff." He said." Okay." I said then ran out the door with Liam's car keys. I got in his car and drove to my house. I saw Calum's car. I ran through the door and saw him. He was crying. I walked up to him and hugged him." I am so sorry. He treated to kill you and Genesis. I am so so so sorry." I said as I started to cry with him. He hugged me back." Its okay. I thought I lost you for good." He said." I am here to stay." I said as I kissed his cheek." Where is Genesis?" I asked him." Follow me." He said as we stood up and he grabbed my hand. He took me to Genesis's room. We slowly walked in and walked up to her crib. She was sound asleep. She was wrapped in a blanket." It was hard to freaking wrap her in that thing." Calum whispered. I didn't realize it then but she has my chubby cheeks and my curly hair. She is so cute. She is the perfect mixture of us." I will wrap her next time." I said as I kissed his cheek." Thank god." He said. We walked out of the room and went back downstairs." We need to go to Andrea's house." I said as we sat down on the couch." Why?" He asked me." I promised Harry I would give him Darcy." I said.
When They Hand Off Darcy
Harry's P.O.V
Hurry the fuck up! I want my baby girl! I saw Rossely walk in with Darcy and she had a huge bag with her. They sat down in front of me." Here." Rossely said as she put Darcy and her stuff in my arms." Now you have what you wanted. Now leave me, my family, and my friends alone!" Rossely said." Got it." I said. I grabbed Darcy and her stuff then was ready to walk out the door." No!" Darcy yelled as she put her body to the floor." I want to stay with Mason!" She yelled as she started crying. I picked her up and she kept screaming and crying. I put her in my car." Darcy! I love you to death! Please do this for daddy!" I begged. She stopped screaming but kept crying." If you don't stop crying you will be in big trouble at home." I said and she kept on crying. Fuck this crap!
Mason's P.O.V
Finally free! I am finally free from that little girl! She is so mean and annoying! I was about to go to bed. I was brushing my teeth. I finished and went to the bed I slept in. James was on the other side of his room in another bed." Goodnight." James said." Goodnight." I said. I slept great knowing Darcy wouldn't be there the next morning.
( Sorry j just had to do a Mason reaction!!!!!!! 😂😂😂)
Darcy's P.O.V
I don't want to be with him! I want to go back with Mason! When we got home. Daddy grabbed my stuff and took it inside. I unbuckled myself and opened the door. I ran. I kept running and didn't look back. I was running until I felt someone pick me up." Darcy why are you running from Daddy?" They asked. I turned and saw it was daddy." Your in big trouble." Daddy said then he took me to a house. He put me down and shit the door." This is where we live." He said. Daddy turned me around and slapped me. I cried and held my cheek." Stop crying!" He yelled. He grabbed me and took me to a small bed." Now go to sleep!" He yelled.

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