Chapter Forty Five

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Madeline's P.O.V

( The Nurse's name and yes I know I already used this name in this story but just go with it, it will make sense soon!!!!!!!!!!!!)

I ran out the door." Hey Made- What happened?!" My best friend who is also a nurse Stephanie. ( AND YES PPL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS THE SAME STEPHANIE!!!!!!!! BET NON OF YOU PEEPS THAUGHT SHE WOULD COME BACK!!!!!!). I grabbed her and took her to the bathroom." Madeline what the fuck happened?" She asked as she touched my neck. I looked at the mirror and saw hand marks that were turning purple." T-that patient, h-he tried to kill me." I whispered because I did not want to heard by anyone else." What?! Who was the patient?" She asked and hugged me." H-his name was H-Harry S-Styles." I said looking in the mirror to see the bruises that were forming." D-did you just say, Harry Styles?" She asked in a low voice." Yes I said fucking Harry Styles! He tried to fucking kill me!" I yell at her." H-he is Edwards's father." She whispered. Harry is Edwards's father?! We left the bathroom and went to my car so we could drive to Stephanie's house.

Stephanie's P.O.V

We were in Madeline's car. She was driving to my house." Why did you not tell me?! You said Edwards's father was out of the picture and that you didn't even want to talk about it!" Madeline yelled as her grip on the steering wheel." He is out of the picture and I didn't want to talk about it! I thought he was long gone!" I yelled and she stopped at a stop light." But why didn't you tell me it was Harry Styles?!" She yelled as the light turned green and she started driving again." What would it matter if t was Harry or not?!" I yelled and she stayed silent." You have a point there. Just come on let's get you home." She mumbled as she pulled up in my driveway. We got out of the car and to my front door. I opened it and I saw my boyfriend, Cameron and Edward watching TV.( no not Cameron Dallas his name is just Cameron 😂😂.)" Hey babe how was work." Cameron asked as he got up to give me a kiss." Hey babe, hey sweetie how was school." I asked Edward as I went to give him a hug." It was fine mom." He said as he got up to go to his room. What was that about. Cameron's phone went off." I got to get to work, bye babe." He said as he kissed my cheek." Bye." I said with a smile. When he shut the door, Madeline grabbed me." What are we going to do about Harry?!" She yelled." Not so loud, Edward does know who Harry is, he's met him before." I whispered." Yeah, yeah okay but what are we going to do?" She asked as she sat on the couch." Well we could file a police report but they might not even fine him, he is a psycho but, those are one of the smartest kind of people in the world, he never gets caught." I said with a sigh as I sat next to her." So now it's YOUR turn to tell me what happened." I said and she sighed." Well, I fixed him up, I had just finished bandaging his hand when he I asked him how that happened, he said ' he got angry and threw a night stand at the wall and punched the wall until he heard his knuckles snap'." She said with a pause." T-then I told him that I knew a place that could help him, you know, mentally and he grabbed me by the neck and yelled ' he didn't need help, he needed his love to love him again'." She said, at the end she was holding her neck.

( Just FYI, Edward is like 14 in here!🤘)

Edwards's P.O.V

I was against the wall next to the living room. No one would be able to see me unless they started walking up the stairs or if I walked down. I heard what they were saying. I went down and saw my mom and Madeline on the couch." You saw mad father and you didn't tell me?!" I yelled. They both looked up at me." E-Edward, l-let me explain." My mom said as she stood up to touch me but I backed away." Get away from me!" I yelled as I ran up to my room. I ran upstairs to my room. I locked it. I grabbed my duffle bag, it was filled with cloths, and a bunch of money, money I earned and saved up and also took from my mom, her boyfriend, and Madeline. I put it on my shoulder and put the note I wrote a long time ago on my pillow. I grabbed my mom's boyfriend's car keys and went out the window. Cameron has been getting rides cause he couldn't find his car keys, they were never lost, just, in my hands. I went to the garage and turned the car on. I didn't want to take my mom's car cause it's not one of my kinds of cars so I took Cameron's car, it's bad ass! I started driving. I even got a fake divers license just to get away with it if I get pulled over. I've planed this for month. I drove for about 10 minutes when I got a call. I put my phone on speaker." Hello?" I said." Hey babe what are you doing?" My girlfriend Kailey said." Well I told you I was done with this life so, I'm doing what I said I was going to do." I said. It was silent for a little bit." So you are even done with me?" she whispered, I could tell she wanted to cry." No, never, do you want to come with me?" I asked and I could tell she was smiling." I thought you'd never ask!" She said." Okay great, I'll be there in 10." I said and she hung up the phone.

10 Minutes Later

I pulled in front of Kailey's house. I just waited when I saw her some out from her back gate. She ran up to the car and opened it." Hey." She said and I kissed her cheek as she shut the door." Ready?" I asked and she nodded. I turned the key but the car would not start." Shit." I mumbled." Edward?" She said." Just give me a sec." I mumbled. I kept trying and trying but nothing." Kailey! I see you! Don't you go no where!" I heard her dad yell. Her mom and dad start running." Edward! Please!" She yelled. I turned the key with all my strength and it started so I pounded my foot on the pedal and drove off as fast as this car could. We couldn't even see them anymore, we were long gone." Where too?" I asked and she smiled." California." She said with a smile." Let's go then." I said and we drove off.

Hey!!! Hope you liked this chapter and omfg I didn't know I could type that fast! I started this one barley after I published the other I didn't think I could publish two chapters back to back from the same story!! Well hope you liked it.

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