Chapter Twelve

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Four Years Later
Mommy mommy! Look what I made!" I heard Edward say say as he came running to me cheerfully with his curls bouncing up and down. Edward came up to me and showed me a drawing." Oh sweetie, this is really good." I said with a smile as I looked at the drawing." Thank you mommy!" He said." Look, it's me, you, Ella, and Fella." He said as he pointed to him, me, and our two dogs Ella and Fella. I looked and the bottom and saw it said ' MY FAMILY (: '." Sweetie, why is daddy not in this picture?" I asked and Edward frowned. He didn't answer and I put the drawing down. I pulled him onto my lap and kissed his forehead." Sweetie, why is your daddy not in your lovely picture?" I asked again." Because, h-he is always on tour or with my uncles, he is never here." He said as a year fell from his cute cheek." Oh sweetie, that doesn't mean he's not part of the family." I said as I wiped away his tear with my finger." I know mommy." He said with a frown." W-when is he coming back?" He asked and I smiled." Tomorrow sweetie." I said and he smiled a little." Okay mommy." He said.
" Hey, how about, we take Ella and Fella out for a walk and we get some ice cream." I said and he smiled." Yay!" He yelled and I smiled." Okay sweetie, you go get your shoes and I will get Ella and Fella." I said as he ran to get his shoes.

I walked in to our garage and got their dog leashes. I went back to the living room and called Ella and Fella. Our two German Shepherds came running in joy. I connected their leashes to their collars and waiting for Edward.

Edward came running and I opened the door. I handed Edward Fella because she was his favorite.

We walked for about 10 minutes then I saw an ice-cream shop. We walked in and got in line. The line wasn't that long.

When it was our turn, I got regular chocolate and Edward got birthday cake. We sat down at a table outside when I felt my phone vibrate. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw I had a text from Harry

To Stephanie From Harry: Hey babe

To Harry From Stephanie: We need to talk when you get home tomorrow

To Stephanie From Harry: Well about coming home tomorrow


To Stephanie From Harry: Bye

I rolled my eyes and left him on read. I put my phone down and sighed." Mommy, why are you mad? Did I do something wrong?" Edward asked and I shook my head." No Sweetie, you did nothing wrong, some stupid just made me really mad." I said and he nodded.

I finished my ice-cream I was just waiting for Edward, he eats ice-cream kind of slow, I don't mind, he just doesn't want a brain freeze.

When he was done, I stood up and grabbed the dogs." Are you ready sweetie?" I asked as I handed him Fella." Yes mommy!" He said as we started walking back home.

We turned the corner and Edward smiled." Daddy!" He yelled as him and Fella ran to the house. I looked closer and saw Harry's car. I smiled and shook my head. We opened the door and saw Harry.

" Hey guys!" Harry said as Edward ran into Harry's arms. Harry picked him up and hugged him. He put him down then came to me and hugged me. He leaned in to kiss me on the lips but I turned my head so he kissed my cheek.'

A Few Hours LAter

Edward has just fallen asleep. Harry smirked and picked me up bridal style then he took me to our room. He started kissing me all over. He took my shirt off and his." Harry, get a condom." I moaned and he took off my pants." No babe it's fine." He said as he kissed my lips." Harry, please." I begged and he hovered of me with his arms an each side of my body." Babe, we can have a second child, a girl this time, we can name her Darcy, it will be perfect." He said as lowered himself and kissed my neck.

When he said that, I could picture it, Me, Harry, Edward and a baby girl, it would be perfect. Then I also pictured me and Edward taking care of the baby, Harry would still be the same, he would never be here! We have the money to take care of us and another kid but it's not about the money, they both would need a father.

" H-Harry, I don't want another kid." I said as I sat up. I grabbed my shirt and my pants and walked out of our room. I put my shirt then my pants back on." Stephanie! Get back here right now!" Harry yelled as he walked out of the room to me." Harry, stop fucking yelling you are going to wake up the child we have that you don't bother to take care of." I whispered as I walked to the kitchen." Come here." Harry said. I turned my body." What do you w-" I was cut off by a stinging pain in my cheek. I grabbed my cheek and pulled my head straight. I saw Harry's hand in the air." H-Harry, w-what the h-hell!" I yelled. He grabbed my by the shoulders harshly then he pulled me in close." Harry!" I yelled. He grabbed me by the jaw with one hand and held my two arms back with his other hand." Listen to me very closely." He growled in my ear. I was shaking in fear." I want a baby girl, and if we have one, then I would be here a hell of a lot more." He growled. I closed my eyes in fear, he has never acted like this with me or Edward. He pushed me down to the ground. I kicked him in the shin so he would bend down, when he did I crawled to the kitchen and stood up. I grabbed a huge cutting knife and held it up and out." Don't come any closer!" I yelled. He slowly put his hand up in the air." Put that thing down." He said as he walked a little closer." No! And stop moving!" I yelled as I backed away." Trust me, you don't even know how to hurt someone with that thing." He said as he laughed. I threw the knife at him and it cut his cheek. He stopped and touched his cheek. He moved his hand and saw blood on his fingers. He looked at me in anger." Now you are going to get it!" He yelled. I closed my eyes ready for the pain." Mommy!!" I heard Edward scream. I opened my eyes and saw Edward standing in the kitchen door way in fear." Buddy, go back to bed." Harry said and Edward shook his head." No! You are hurting my mommy!" Edward yelled as he ran to me and hugged me." No I am not! Go back to bed!" Harry yelled and I shook my head." No! Edward stay." I said and Edward nodded." Edward listen to daddy." Harry said and Edward shook his head." I'm listening to mommy!" He yelled and Harry growled. Harry walked up to us and picked Edward by his shirt. I got up and ran to him." Let him go!" I yelled as Harry started walking to the stairs." No way." He said as I jumped on his back but he was able to keep walking. He pushed me off his back but I only fell like three steps." Mommy!" Edward yelled as Harry pushed Edward in his room. He slammed Edward's door shut then locked it." Come here Stephanie." He said. I ran out the front door. I ran and ran to a turning spot on our street. I kept running until I found the back of our house. I jumped our fence then grabbed a ladder from our shed. I put up against our house and climbed up to Edward's window.
I looked through his window and saw him crying. I tapped on his window and he popped his head up. He turned and saw me. He ran to his window. He opened his window so I could go in." Mommy." He said as he hugged me. I hugged him back and smiled. I went to his closet and grabbed one of the bags he has when he sleeps over at people's houses. I put some shirts, pants, under where, some socks, and shoes in the bag. I handed him another bag." Put some toys that you want in here, we will leave when your daddy is asleep." I said and he grabbed the bag then packed some toys." What about daddy?" He asked." He will stay here, we will stay with Andrea for a little bit, when he is asleep I will get my stuff then we will leave, okay?" I said and he nodded.

A Few Hours Later

Harry was asleep in our room, luckily for me I was able to get my stuff without waking him up." Okay, go to the car." I said as I got my keys, purse, and phone. Edward ran to the car and I ran after him. We both got in the car and I started it." Okay, let's go buddy." I said as I drove away.

! :)

( This story is being edited and updated! )

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