Chaper Fifteen

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2 Weeks Later

Madeline's P.O.V

I opened my eyes and saw the bright sunlight leaking through the blinds. I turned my head and saw Harry still fast asleep. I bit my lip and smiled. Ugh he's so beautiful. I leaned close to him. I kissed him on the cheek.
Ugh! I suddenly had the feeling I was going to throw up, shit. I jumped out of the bed. I ran to the bathroom and swung the door open. I ran to the toilet.


I finished brushing my teeth. What is wrong with me today? This isn't the first time this happened this weekend. Could I be, pregnant? Oh fuck! What if I am?!
I walked out of the bathroom and walked towards the walk in closet they had. I saw some cloths of Harry and some of Stephanie's. Most of her cloths were gone except for some shirts and a few pairs of jeans. I don't have any cloths here so I can look for some of her's.
I looked through her closet, non of her cloths are appealing to me.
I was about to give up when I saw a shirt that had FOB on it and it was in a triangle with a crown on time. It was kinda cute. I looked and found some white shorts.

I put the cloths on and ran to get my shoes

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I put the cloths on and ran to get my shoes. I found my shoes and put them on.
I put my hair in a bun and put a little bit of makeup on. I ran for the door and headed for the car.

Skip Car Ride

" Good luck sweetie." The cashier told me. She was an older lady. She smiled at me as she handed me the bag filled with a box of pregnancy tests. I smiled back and grabbed the bag.
I walked out of the store and walked back to my car. I wonder if I really am pregnant.

Back To Harry's House

I was sitting on the bathroom floor waiting for the results.
I heard a small beep. I stood up and picked up the test. I saw a little + sign. Holy shit! I am pregnant!
" Harry! Come here!" I called. I open the bathroom door and waited for him to come.
He ran upstairs." Yes Madeline?" Harry asked. He walked into the bathroom.
" Look!" I said. I showed him the test and he smiled." This is amazing!" He said. He pulled me in for a hug.
He hugged me so tight." Ow Harry, let go." I said. He put me down." This is amazing!" He said again.
" I want a baby girl!" He said. I smiled." That doesn't matter as long as he is healthy." I said and he rolled his eyes. Okay?" Yeah sure hopefully she's a girl." He said. Did he just ignore what I said?
It doesn't matter if the baby is a boy or a girl as long as the baby is healthy.

Stephanie's P.O.V
"Edward come here." I said. I know I am dumb for doing this but, I want to see if Edward wants to see his dad.

Edward came running to me with a Nerf gun in his arms. He and James were playing with them.
" Yes mommy?" Edward asked. I smiled and hugged him." Would you like to go see your daddy tomorrow to get the rest of our things?" I asked him. He shrugged." Will you be there too? Will that lady with all the makeup be there too?" He asked. He doesn't like her that much. I hate her but he doesn't fully understand what they did wrong.
" Yes I will be there but I don't know if she will be there." I said and he nodded." Just for an hour or so, do you want to go or not buddy?" I asked again.
" Okay mommy, I will go." Edward said. Great." Okay sweetie, I will text him. Now go back and play." I said. He smiled then ran off to James.

I pulled out my phone to text Harry.

To Harry From Stephanie: Harry, Edward and I are going over to get the rest of our things tomorrow alright?
*read at 4:48 PM

Ugh he didn't even bother to reply. He's probably busy fucking that girl.
I can't believe I was stupid enough to forgive him the first time. Some part of me knew I would regret it but I still fucking did it anyway!

The Next Day

Harry's P.O.V

I opened my eyes to the bright sun. I sat up and turned to see Madeline. Madeline was still asleep.
I can't believe she is pregnant! This is amazing!
' If the baby is a girl, you take her and leave, remember Harry? ' They said.

I nodded my head. What if the baby is a boy?
' If that happens, you still know what to do.' They said. I nodded my head.

I got out of bed and walked down the stairs. I want to make her a special breakfast. I walked to the kitchen.

I heard a knock at the door. Who the hell is it?! I'm fucking busy!
' Harry! Calm down and open the door! We don't want anyone to suspected us.' They said.
I nodded my head and walked to the door.

I opened the door. " Hello- oh. What do you want?" I asked. I saw Stephanie standing in the door way.
" I told you we were coming to get our stuff, remember? Oh wait, you just read my fucking text." Stephanie said. She crossed her arms across her chest.
I saw Edward run to me.
' Be good Harry.' They said. I nodded my head.

" Hey buddy!" I said. I bent down and pulled Edward in for a hug.
I realized he wasn't hugging me back. Why?!
" What is wrong buddy?"
I yelled going in four a hug but he didn't hug me back." What is wrong buddy?"Why were you being mean to mummy?" When he said that I was so mad, why the hell would she tell our four year old our problems." Firstly mummy should not have told you anything and secondly."so you would have wanted mummy to lie to me?"No but." I asked her and she said you were being mean to her."Is that all she said."yes."okay good."what do you mean good."well she should not be telling you everything."so you want her to lie."No I don't want her to lie."Then why did you say."GOD DAMN IT EDWARD WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP AND GET YOUR STUFF SO U YOU TWO CAN LEAVE."Harry don't you dare yell at him." Stephanie said. Then Edward looked like he was ready to cry."Buddy I am so sorry, I didn't mean it like that."Then why did you say it and yell at me?"I don't know I am sorry."NO YOU ARE NOT YOU ARE NOT I HATE YOU, YOU ARE THE WORST DADDY EVER." Buddy I said I was sor."NO FIRST YOU WERE NEVER HERE THEN YOU HIT MUMMY THEN YOU THREW ME IN MY ROOM THEN YOU WERE MEAN TO HER AND LASTLY YOU YELLED AT ME I HATE YOU."Buddy I am sorry."Harry shut up we are going to get are stuff then we are gone and I will fight at court to make sure that I get full custody of him and you only get to see him every two weeks."
A few hours later
"That's everything." Stephanie." NO, I don't want to hear it, we are leaving." Then they left.
A few weeks later
Stephanie's P.O.V
I get up and start walking out the court with pride I got what I wanted.
"I hope you happy." I turn around and see Louis standing there."Actually I am, oh and by the way do not be mad at me he did this to him self, oh and also tell him see him in two weeks."
When I got to Andrea's place I saw Calum and Ashton there but not Michael."hey guys haven't seen you since the big fights." They laughed
After all of us talking Calum pulled me aside while Andrea, Luke and Ashton were talking."so um I was wondering if you would want to go on a date with me this weekend." Calum I would love that You have my number right?"oh um oh yea."ok good."

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