Chapter Eighteen

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Madeline's P.O.V
I came home from my girls week(idk she goes with her friends for a week somewhere and they party like girls night but for a week😶) when I saw Harry and Darcy watching cartoons on the couch. Where was Mason? "Hey babe, how was your girls week?" "Good, where is Mason?" " probably in his room." Omg it is like he does not care about Mason. I go to Mason's room but he was not there. Wtf he is only 3. Where is he." Babe, Darcy wants goobers, so I am going to go get some(goobers are chocolate covered peanuts and me and my bff love them so I had to add them in)" Okay." Then Harry left." Darcy do you know where Mason is?" "Yes,-gasp-, I say to much." she said covering her mouth." What do you mean you said to much." "I can't tell you mummy." "Tell me right now or else I will eat all your goobers." " DADDY PUT LOCKED HIM IN THE LITTLE ROOM UNDER THE STAIRS." She said covering her mouth." THAT LITTLE BITCH." I said running to get the key. I unlocked it and saw Mason in only his underwear on a dirty mattress with bruises and his ribs showing and his eyes red and puffy squinting from the light." M-mummy i-is that y-you?" "Oh my god, what has Harry done to you." I say grabbing him and carrying him to his room and putting cloths on him. I packed cloths for me and him and I went to Darcy."Darcy, honey, it is up to you, do you want to come with Mason and mummy or stay with daddy?" I sound like a crazy bitch, but he treats her right, she was the one he really wanted." I want to go with you mummy, daddy is a bad daddy to Mason." I sighed in relief." okay let me go pack your stuff." I packed her stuff and wrote Harry a note and put it somewhere I know he will look, but he will look as soon as he realizes we are gone. We got in the car and drove away.
Two hours later
"Mummy, I am hungry." Mason said." okay honey we will pull over in a minute. We went through the drive through of McDonald's. And drove to an airport." Okay I never fought I would be asking tree year old's this but where do you guys wanna go." "MONA-RAY." I got three tickets to America and then we drove to Mona-Ray and spent the night at a hotel.
Harry's P.O.V

I walked into the house but it was strangely quiet, Darcy usually is playing in her room so maybe she is in there. I walked up to her room and opened the door." Darcy, are you in here?" no response. I walked into Madeline and my room. I walked in there and she was not in there either. I walked up to the closet and noticed that her cloths were gone. I ran to Darcy's room and looked in her closet, her clothes were gone to. I ran down stairs and looked under the stairs and saw that the little room was locked. I ran to it swung it open, I saw the dirty mattress and a paper but no little bastard. I picked up the paper and saw it was a note:

Dear Harry

How could you? I knew you loved Darcy more then Mason but you could have killed him. I saw his ribs, you were starving him and he had bruises, you were beating him, and you locked him in that tiny little fucking room. He could have lost his eye sight from being in the dark to long. Harry I can not forgive you for this, yes you made some mistakes in the past, like when you hit slapped me in the face and you said you were drunk and also when you beat me because you said I was being rude to Darcy. Those were big things yet I was a stupid bitch to forgive you,but this was a huge thing, I will never forgive you for this, I will try my best to make sure you never see us again, and if you do I will make sure you do NOT get any custody of Mason or Darcy. I will change my number and tell everyone we know not to tell you where we are so don't bother.Goodbye A$$hole PS- I hope you do something you will regret and get caught so you go to prison. The only reason I am not I am not reporting is because I do not want to see your face ever again.~ Madeline I gripped the paper and tore it to shreds."HOW DARE YOU! I WILL FIND YOU EVEN IF IT IS THE LAST THING I DO I WILL FIND YOU AND MAKE YOU PAY.'' I yelled. I punched the wall, then I punched it again and again and again. Then I felt wetness on my hand. I looked down and saw blood dripping from ma hand, I looked at the wall and saw blood and holes on it. I ran up stairs and broke the door down. I walked up to the night stand and saw a picture of Madeline. I threw it at the wall and the glass satered. I grabbed the lamp and threw it. Then I picked up the night stand and threw it, but a picture of Darcy fell and the glass satered." NO NO NO, I am sorry Darcy. I am sorry my princess.'' I looked up and saw Darcy standing there.'' Daddy why are you not with me, don't you love me?'' She said with eyes filled with question.'' Yes I do love you.'' I said,touching her curly hair but for some reason I could not feel anything.''Then why are you not with me, Daddy I need you to protect me.'' " I will protect you.'' " Daddy come find me hurry.'' Then Darcy was gone." Darcy? DARCY WHERE ARE YOU!!'' Then I ran passed the door on the floor and ran to the hallway when I saw Mason standing there.'' I thought you loved Darcy.'' He said with a smirk on his face.'' Of course I love her I love her way more then you, you little bastard.'' " Then why are you not there to protect her from me?" He said walking around me in a circle.'' If you do not hurry it will be to late.'' He said taunting me.''YOU BASTARD.'' I yelled throwing my fists in the air but he was gone when there were where he was standing. I walked to Darcy's room and sat on her bed and grabbed her pillow and cuddled with it.'' I will find you. Then it all went black.

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