What Now? (After The Show)

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Adagio Dazzle stared in disbelief at the booing crowd before her. It was quiet obvious they had just been defeated by the Rainbooms in the battle of the bands.

The lead siren held her broken pendant in her hands. She always made sure to keep it safe, to protect it with her life! Without it she couldn't sing or gain energy to transform.

The crowd suddenly began to throw food at her and the other dazzlings. The classic tomatoes, cans, and other items hit the three defenseless girls. Adagio was scared, she knew if she stayed any longer the crowd would tear her apart.

Not wasting another moment, Adagio began to run, followed by her backup vocalists.

The girls had no idea where they were running. Now that they were no longer in control of the students at CHS bad news was bound to spread.

After about 39 minutes of running Adagio concluded that she was far enough away from Canterlot High. She stood at a halt to let her fellow dazzlings catch up. Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze, had followed her all the way without speaking a word. Adagio just assumed that they were scared of what their voices would sound like without their pendants.

Quietly Adagio sat down on the cold cemented ground. She replayed the past events that had just token place and let a few tears fall.

The other two sirens stood there staring at Adagio. The two were sad as well, but they weren't as disappointed as Adagio. The purple siren however, did understand the lead dazzlings sorrow. She had worked extremely hard to resurface from their banishment only to start all over.

As Adagio's crying grew louder Sonata looked down at her feet. She was the lovable blue siren who was supposed to lift up her friends spirits. But why couldn't she make her leader happy now? "A-adagio?"

The lead dazzling looked up, her mascara running down her face from her crying. "What is it? Can't you see I'm not in the mood to talk?"

The blue dazzling took a step back. She hadn't meant to upset her friend. But judging by the harshness in the leaders voice, she grew upset. "What do we do now?"

Aria face palmed her own forehead. Although her assisting vocalist was smart at times, this was not her smart day.

"Seriously Sonata? What now? WHAT NOW! Do you even feel slightly effected by our current situation?" Agitated Aria kicked the side wall of a brick building. She bent over in pain after realising the building was made of brick.

Adagio stood up after several moments. Her hair covered her tear, mascara filled face.

"That's enough Aria... Can't you see your not helping the situation at all?"

Aria folded her arms in annoyance. Just who did Adagio think she was helping by making better?

"At least I'm not the one crying like a little school girl!" Snapped Aria. Yes, she finally had talked back against her leader. After all these years she had finally done it.

The orange siren took a step towards Aria. Her eyes blazing with anger. "Say that again and so help me I'll leave you here right now and NEVER come back for you!"

Aria winced a little before looking away. If Adagio left than that would mean she'd be stuck with Sonata. Than again, she could become the new leader.

The blue dazzling looked back and forth at her friends. She was scared on how this was turning out so far.

Adagio held her broken pendant to her chest. A few stray stands of hair blew in her face. None of the dazzlings dared to talk for several moments. The atmosphere around them suffocated the girls with high tensions and sorrow.

Adagio looked down at her broken pendant. She could see it getting destroyed all over again and closed her eyes.

"Why can't anyone see that we're not bad? Why couldn't I have been born into something that doesn't make everyone think I'm a monster?" With saying that Adagio sat down again, holding her broken pendant closer. Her eyes closed slowly as a single tear fell down her check. "What now?"

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