Fixed Pendant

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The rest of the day flew by for Twilight as she worked on Adagios' pendant.

The task of repairing it was much easier then expected. All that was needed was industrial glue, a giant magnification, and some radioactivity charged protons. Everything that Twilight already had. It's not weird.

When the girl had finally finished it was about midnight. She decided to get a late night snack of apple slices before going upstairs to her room.

As soon as she opened her walked into her bedroom she remembered Adagio was still asleep in her bed.

To tired to care, Twilight grabbed her pajamas and quickly changed, her back to Adagio.

Twilight folded her previous clothes and put them on her desk. She then climbed into bed next to Adagio.

'Your so lucky that I didn't force you out of my bed earlier.' Twilight thought before drifting off to sleep

* * * * * *

Adagio awoke the next morning to something pulling at her hair.

"What the?" Turning her head to see a sleeping Twilight, using her hair as a cuddling pillow.

The siren slowly started to yank her hair away from Twilights. The action only caused more pain for Adagio. She groaned at the unpleasantness of her hair being used by someone other than herself.

'Get off of my hair you little freak!' Now Adagio was getting mad. Her nose wrinkled at the thought of staying like this for much longer.

A sly smile appeared on the sirens lips. She shoved Twilight over, causing the girl to mumble something. "Adagio.....staph....."

Suddenly Adagio let out a laugh. The way that the purple girl mumbled in her sleep was too funny.

Twilight opened her eyes after several moments. She had drool running down her cheek, but quickly rubbed it off. Her vision landed on the pleased looking siren.

"Will you stop? I'm trying to sleep here!"

Slightly annoyed by Twilight, Adagio glared at her. "I would but if you hadn't already noticed.... YOUR ON MY HAIR!" The siren said slightly louder then intended.

It took Twilight a moment to register that she was on Adagio's hair before moving off it. "Oh.... sorry." Quickly she got out of the bed and left the room.

Adagio grunted.' What's her problem?'

After a few minutes had passed, Adagio finally got out of the bed. She looked down at her clothes that were all wrinkled. Not to mention that they were still destroyed.

"I need to get some new clothes." Looked at Twilights open closet the siren frowned. The clothing inside were either uniforms or nerdy looking outfits. "This girl seriously has no taste in fashion."

Without looking back to the closet, Adagio left the room. She walked down the stairs in a hurry. Hoping not to bump into Twilight after what had just happened.

Lucky for Adagio she managed to slip past Twilights view and left the library.

She began to walk in the direction towards Sugar Cube Corner. Glancing around every now and than at clothing stores. But, none of them looked like they had anything good.

When Adagio got close enough to the doors of Sugar Cube Corner she saw two familiar looking people sitting inside.

Sonata and Aria! They both were chatting away with smiling faces.

Neither of the two seemed to notice Adagio at the door, outside. Or when she began
to leave.

Adagio felt a pang of sadness as she walked away. She wished that Sonata and Aria were still with her.

'Why didn't I go inside?'

The saddened siren decided to head back to the Golden Oak Library. Mainly because it started to rain. She held her arms tightly as the rain began to fall harder.

Not wanting to be out in the rain any longer, Adagio started to run. She was already cold, wet, and hungry when she reached the library.

Twilight was at the front desk eating when she noticed Adagio come in. A look of worry crossed her face.

"Where did you go! I had food ready for you, you know." The look in Twilights eyes made Adagio shudder slightly.

"Mind your own business." The siren coldly said. Suddenly taking notice of a small necklace with a weird looking necklace that Twilight was wearing.

Twilight sighed as she looked at the pool of water on the floor. The water was coming from Adagios clothing and hair.

"Look, Adagio, I don't have time for this. I need to get going to school. So just eat what's on the desk and go take a shower. You can borrow some of my clothes. Just leave your wet ones in the restroom."

Without letting the siren have a chance to respond, Twilight turned around and headed outside. She opened an umbrella and started off to school.

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