Crossed The Line

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Twilight sat boredly on the steps of Crystal Prep Academy. I should've gone back to Canterlot High. Thought Twilight as she looked to at a tree. The way the leaves moved slowly annoyed Twilight. She needed Sun Burst and she needed him now!

Without a second thought on the action she walked right into the school. A clock read 11:15. Which meant only 4 hours and 45 minutes of school left.

The students surely knew about her counterparts transfer to Canterlot High, so there would be no way they talk to her on full details of CPA.

Perhaps a trip to the library could help. If only she had kept Rarity's disguise from her second day at Canterlot High.....

Luckily there was a locker door open down a dark hallway.

Quickly Twilight ran to the open locker. Inside was an old Crystal Prep uniform and a pink wig. How convenient! Under the wig was a picture of Canterlot High with several holes in it. Along side the picture were several other posters and pictures of the dazzlings pendants.

Twilight gasped at what she saw. She didn't know what to make of it. Just who in there right mind would leave all of this out in the open?

Unless this was all planned!

Someone must've knew about Twilight going to see Sun Burst and Principal Cinch. Then they planted this here to focus all of Twilight's attention away from Sun Burst!

Quickly Twilight stuffed the pictures into her backpack. She put on the pink wig along with the uniform over her normal clothes. The wig seemed to obvious, so Twilight braided it up a bit before walking down the brightened hallway.

A bell rang overhead to signal class was over and time to go to the next one.

Twilight did her best to avoid eye contact with the students. She wanted to blend in, but was doing the opposite.

A hand grabbed Twilight from behind. Soon she was slammed inside the girl restroom.

Whoever had grabbed her was now locking the restroom door. At this point the princess began to panic. She approached the girl and was ready to fight.

The girl turned around to face Twilight. Her hair was done up into buns, a few hairs sticking out here and there.

"Aria?" Twilight gasped. "What are you doing here?"

Aria narrowed her eyes. She folded her arms and pouted her lip a bit.

"Don't give me that. What are you doing here? As if it wasn't bad enough that you took things from my locker, you're wearing them too!"

Twilight gave a crocked smile. This wasn't good. She needed an excuse, fast!

"You see.... I..... um..... I was going to the library and I needed a disguise."

Aria rolled her eyes. She wasn't going to buy this.

"Get out of my clothes, and out of my life Twilight!"

"But I really-"

Aria cut her off quickly. "But, nothing!" She yanked the wig off of Twilight's head roughly. This caused the princess the fall back a bit in surprise.

"Hey! Stop!" Twilight yelled when Aria came closer.

She yanked off the shirt from Twilight along with the rest of the uniform, leaving Twilight in her normal clothes. "Now get out!"

Twilight held back a sneer as she unlocked the door.

"Adagio was rude, but at least she wasn't as bad as you." Twilight mumbled as she headed out the door.

Aria stood wide eyed into the restroom mirror. Twilight knew about seeing Adagio?

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