Can't Stay Strong

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"And this is my home!" announced alternative Twilight Sparkle.

Both Twilight's stood inside the Golden Oak Library. They both proceeded to the upstairs living quarter's as they chatted about their day.

Alternative Twilight's dog, Spike, wriggled free from it's owner's grip to run into her room.

A gasp was heard from the room followed by a loud thump. Both girls ran to the room to see what had happened.

Laying sprawled out on the floor was Adagio Dazzle! It had appeared that Adagio had been started by Spike and feel over.

With a small giggle Alternative Twilight helped up her fallen friend.

"Are you alright, Adagio?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Your dog just tripped me."

Princess Twilight back away from the doorway and stood against the hallway wall.

She couldn't believe Adagio Dazzle had been living with her alternate self!

"Hold on one second Adagio. I brought home friend." Alternate Twilight said as she walked out her room to retrieve Princess Twilight.

"Come meet my roommate Twilight! She won't bite....although she will punch and kick."

Princess Twilight let put an awkward laugh as she followed her mirror self into the room.

"Adagio, meet my counterpart, Princess Twilight Sparkle!"

Adagio took in a deep breath as Princess Twilight waved to her. Her blood boiled under her skin as she stared at the pony princess.


Sighing, Princess Twilight moved closer.

"It's nice to see you again Adagio..."

Grabbing a pair of pajamas from the foot if Alternate Twilight's bed, Adagio stormed passed both girl's to the bathroom.

"You better stay away from me princess." Adagio murmured to the princess.

An awkward atmosphere lingered in the room as the two Twilight's heard the water from the bathroom begin to flow.

"I take it you already knew her?" Alternate Twilight said.

"Yeah.... I kinda destroyed her pendant along with her two other friends."

Slowly heading towards the stairs alternative Twilight hollered out.

"She might be in there for awhile so I'm going to go ahead and make us dinner. Feel free to change into some of my clothes for the night."

Princess Twilight nodded as she closed the bedroom door, letting Spike leave first.

Princess Twilight then proceeded to rummaging threw her alternate self's closet. She found a pair of pajamas and with one swift motion Twilight had removed all her clothes and quickly put on a sky blue night gown with a royal blue pajama pants.

She then left the room and stood outside the bathroom door.

Light crying could be heard from through the falling water. Twilight immediately regretted coming to her alternate self's home.

"Adagio.... I'm sorry for causing you to be hurting right now. But I just hope that we can be friends...." Princess Twilight said before she headed downstairs.


Adagio sat with her back against the walls of the glass shower. She bit her lip as the hot water hit her head, fogging the glass while making the air inside thicker.

'How long have I been in here?' Adagio though. It felt like nearly an hour or two since she heard the princess speak to her from the other side of the wall.

A sudden opening of the bathroom door startled Adagio. But she soon realized it was just her Alternate Twilight.

Alternative Twilight closed the bathroom door behind her as walked over to the sink. The glass shower was too fogged up to see through either side.

"Adagio, Twilight didn't mean to make you upset. She's going to be sleeping downstairs in the library tonight. So whenever your ready you can join me in our room." Alternate Twilight said as she brushed her teeth.

When she finished brushing her teeth she picked up Adagio's regular clothes from tje floor and prompted to exiting the bathroom. She glanced back once before leaving.

Adagio stood up from the shower floor and turned off the faucet. Opening the glass shower door she let all the steam out. She quickly dried off her hair and threw on her pajamas.

Looking in the mirror, Adagio gave out a sad smile.

"When will my past set me free?"

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