Finding Another Way

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Unable to hold back her tears, Adagio began to cry. Twilight had been using her. Now what was she going to do? It had been nearly 6 hours since her fight with the purple girl. Now she was all alone, once again.

After what had seemed to be... forever, of crying Adagio finally subsided her tears.

She got up from her seated position on a sidewalk and began to walk back in the direction of Canterlot High. Even though she knew it was a horrible idea, she kept going. The sun had gone down almost entirely by the time she had made it to empty looking school.

Adagio snuck inside through an open window and hurried to the girls restroom to changed into her old lavender battle of the bands clothes. Although the clothes were still wet - and destroyed - the siren put them on without complaint. After all these were her only good clothes now.

The siren abandoned the Crystal Prep uniform in the restroom stall before leaving.

Walking through the cheery high school almost made Adagio cry again. If only those Rainbooms hadn't defeated her, than maybe she'd be ruling these halls.

A sudden voice could be heard, which was singing. The voice seemed to be coming from the roof of the school.

Curious the forming dazzling traveled up to the roof, stopping by a door which accessed to the outside.

Slowly Adagio opened the door to find Sunset Shimmer! She was singing a song about her past not being today, it was her present time that is today.

Adagio watched in astonishment as the girl was lifted into the air and grew phoenix like wings and a longer ponytail.

Quickly Adagio ran from the door and out of the school. She was angered and saddened by Sunset and her song. Why did everyone forgive that girl and not her? After all they were the same in a sense.

Adagio stopped running as soon as she was back at the stage where the battle of the bands had taken place. She slowly walked up on stage and began to sing. Her voice was back to normal, due to her fixed pendant.

My past will always be today

There's no way that I can change who I am inside.

You think you know what I'm doing is wrong

But this is my way of living, of surviving, of being me!

I just want to be adored for my voice

So what if I cause hatred, at least I try........ are you afraid of what will happen?

But what about me!

My past will always be today

Forever and Ever until the end of time

There's no way to change who I am inside...

Adagio stopped singing and sat on the edge of the stage. Her body slumped at realizing her grumbling stomach.

She jumped slightly when she heard a few clapping hands.......

"Your past is not today Adagio Dazzle."

"T-twilight!" Adagio stammered. She stared in shock as 'Twilight' approached her.

"Adagio, I'm sorry but it's me, Sunset Shimmer, not Twilight."

Adagio groaned in frustration. "Oh it's just you..."

Sunset smiled softly at the grumpy siren. "Adagio, what's wrong? I can help you."

"Nothing is wrong! Just go away you little pest before I make you go away!"

Sunset sighed and walked up to the stage. She gently hugged Adagio from behind as to not wanting to cause more trouble.

Adagio flinched at the gentle hug of Sunset while silently repeating over to herself, don't cry Adagio.

Before she knew it tears were streaming down her checks. She closed her eyes and hugged Sunsets arms, letting out quite sobs.


"Spike.....I really messed up didn't I?"

Twilight sat hunched over her large stack of research papers. The papers were neatly stacked and all about the possibility of equestrian magic.

Spike looked up to Twilight with sad eyes. He then jumped into her lap and licked Twilights cheek.

Twilight giggled and pet Spike's small puppy head. "What am I going to do?"


The sky was now dark and cloudy. All was calm and silent on this saddening night.

Adagio and Sunset were now inside the Golden Oak Library. The duo stood side by side, anxiously sharing a smile.

Sunset laid a reassuring hand on Adagio's shoulder before leaving. Her red and golden hair sparkling with the after effects of her earlier ponyup.

Adagio took a deep breath before climbing up the stairs to Twilight's room.

She let out a relieved gasp as she saw Twilight's bed room light on from down the hall.

Quietly Adagio tippy-toed to Twilight's open door; she then knocked on the side of the wall.

Twilight whipped her head around, slightly frightened to see who was there.

Astonished to see Adagio, Twilight began to cry. Seeing Adagio was all Twilight wanted, and now here she was!

Adagio couldn't help but stare saddened. She felt horrible about Twilight crying like this.

Without warning, Adagio wrapped Twilight in a warm embrace. Which only made Twilight cry harder.

'I'm sorry....'

The hug the two both shared said everything. No words were needed to describe there sorry's.

After a few minutes of hugging the two finally let go and smiled to each other.

Everything was right in the world once more. Everyone was at peace.


"It's late, Adagio, would you like to sleep in my bed again?"

Adagio giggled before jumping onto the bed. Her orange and yellow hair hiding her happy expression.

She climbed under the blankets and curled into a ball, snuggling with the fluffy pillows.

"Thank you, Twilight....." Adagio said while hiding her blushing face.

Twilight nodded her head as she climbed into bed as well.

The two made eye contact with one another before drifting off into a deep and happy sleep.

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