Together Again

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Taking a deep breath, Adagio began to tiptoe across the kitchen. One false move or sound and it would all be over.

Stay asleep, stay asleep, stay asleep. Adagio silently pleaded. By now she had made it all the way to the other side of the kitchen, but she still had to be careful with her movements.

Now where could she have put them?

The only idea that came to the sirens mind was the mini library study. After all that's were Twilight spent most of her time.

Quickly and carefully Adagio made her way to the small room. Her footsteps were light, but her heart rate was anything but that.

The mini study library was pitch black. With the lack of windows it was hard for any light to get in.

Sweet sirens where are they? Adagio did her best to look around, but it was to no avail.

Fine I'll just check a different room. Just as Adagio was leaving the room a small gleam from the floor caught her eye. The gleam came from her red pendant! But how could that happen? There's no light in room...

"Get out of my house Adagio."

Standing a few inches away from the door was Twilight Sparkle. Her face voice was low as was her head. It was clear she didn't want to make any eye contact.

"Twilight... I'd say it's nice to see you but I don't honestly think it's nice for either of us to see the other right now. I'll be on my way as soon as you hand over your pendant."

The room grew silent after the little speech Adagio gave. Nothing was being said by either. That is until Twilight sighed.

"Fine, take it. That's all you know what to do right? Take, take, take. You never give."

For once Adagio was at a loss for words. It was true she always took things, but she did give thing back. Like that one time she bought food for Sonata and Aria after the Battle of the Bands! Then that other time when... Okay maybe that was the only time.

"You... you don't know what I've been through to have become a taker. Everything was taken from me. My powers, my reputation, my family, my dimension! Everything I've ever owned or known was taken."

Adagio held her pendant in her right hand tightly. It pulsed in her grip, ready to take in any negative energy that would soon be arriving.

Twilight glanced at the pendant in the sirens grip. She had studied it for the time she had it and something particular caught her interest on it.

"Your pendant... I know it's been causing you pain since it was fixed. The reason is because your heart has changed. Since you learned to appreciate friendship the pendant can only absorb positive energy."

The siren wrinkled her nose in disbelief. If this was a way to keep her from gaining negative energy to pony up then it wasn't going to work.

"If you don't believe me then try it out right now. I'll even give you my negative energy."

Looking Twilight, Adagio smirked. She lifted the pendant over her chest, ready to begin feeding off the negative energy. But something didn't feel right. Seeing how accepting Twilight was on the situation pained the siren.

It felt like Adagio was reliving the Battle of the Bands all over again.

"Forget this, I don't need your energy or your home! But there is one thing I need from you."

Sighing Twilight squeezed her eyes shut. "My pendant..."

"No, I need this."

Adagio embraced Twilight into a tight hug. Never in a million years would anyone expect Adagio Dazzle to flat out hug someone.

Twilight was taken aback by the hug. Tears threatened to fall but she blinked them away.

" magic. Good-bye, Twilight."

Adagio released her hold on the bespectacled girl and left the house. She walked towards the bushes where Sonata and Aria were waiting and laughed.

"Come on girls. Maybe living in this world isn't as bad as I thought it was."

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