Shocking Encounter (After The Games)

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Several months had already past - and only a few days followed prior to the passing of the Friendship Games - and everything was back to normal. The girls decided to have a picnic by the CHS statute.

The girls sat on a blanket and chatted on new things in their life's. Little did they expect a surprise visit from none other then Princess Twilight Sparkle!

In a hast Princess Twilight began talking.

"I'm so sorry I didn't get here sooner. I didn't get your messages until just now because I was caught in this time travel loop and, honestly, it was the strangest thing that has ever happened to me!"

Suddenly realizing there was another girl who looked exactly like her Princess Twilight trailed off. The girl awkwardly waved to the princess, unsure what to say.

"Make that the second strangest."

All the girls just stared at both Twilights. Nobody knew exactly what to make of the situation. Except for Pinkie Pie, who was drinking her lemonade.

" Hi?" The princess said while scratching the back of her head. "I don't suppose your name is Twilight?"

"Actually it is....... And your Twilight too?"

"Indeedely she is!" Pinkie Pie said butting in. She quickly grabbed her phone and a selfie stick out of her pink hair. Then quickly pulling both Twilights into a hug she held out her selfie stick, with her phone screen camera facing them.

"Smile you two!"

Both Twilight's gave an awkward smile as Pinkie Pie took the photo.

"That one's going on record!" The pink party girl screamed.

Sunset Shimmer then glanced at the school's clock. With a giggled she looked at both girls.

"Looks like well have to catch up later Twilight. Class is about to start. Why don't you go visit Principal Celestia? I'm sure she'd be glad to see you again."

The princes nodded in agreement. It had been a long time since she had last seen the human prince- principal.

"Alright. I guess I'll see you later." Princess Twilight waved to the girls as they all headed inside the school.

"Let's hope nothing bad happened with that other me while I was gone...."


After seeing the girls go back inside Canterlot High, Princess Twilight decided to head inside as well, but only after she was sure everyone was in class.

The school looked the same. The usual posters were still hung, the lockers aligned on the walls, everything was the same.

The hallways were quite seeing as everyone was in class. But still a feeling of being watched made the pony princess shudder.

Shaking the feeling off was the best thing to do. It's not as if the school had any camera's to watch her.

This was the perfect time to go and see Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna though. It had been quite some time since her last visit to the school. Besides, it would help to clear the pony princesses mind.

A thought found it's way to Twilights mind as she walked towards the principals office, Flash Sentry. The pony Flash Sentry rarely had anytime to talk with her as he was helping to guard Princess Cadence. But this world's Flash alway's seemed to have time to hang out. Maybe later they could catch up on things.

Before she knew it, Twilight stood in front of Principal Celestia's office. Time sure flys by when you're think about someone you like, Twilight thought. She gave a few knocks before hearing Principal Celestia say it was okay to come in.

"Let's just hope she can still tell the difference between me and the um...other me."

Entering the office, Twilight gave out a sigh. Principal Celestia seemed to be knee deep in paper work. Which means she probably wouldn't have time to help Twilight today.

Taking a deep breath, Twilight spoke. "Um... hi again Principal Celestia. It's me Twilight, from the pony world."

The multi colored haired principle stood up quickly from her stacks of paperwork. She almost seemed to be flabbergasted at Twilight's sudden arrival.

"Twilight is it really you? Or is it this world's Twilight wearing diffrent clothes? Did the girls put you up to do this?"

Twilight tilted her head with a shy smile. She knew this would probably be the outcome of having two Twilight's around.

"It's really me Principal Celestia, the pony princess from another dimension."

The Principal got up from her desk and walked around to get a better view of Twilight.

"Twilight..... It's been such a long time. How have you been doing?"

"I've actually been doing just fine." Twilight said, leaving out the part of her boredom and new friend. Starting up again with an awkward smile, "now.... About that other me you mentioned?"

Blinking several times Principal Celestia gave out a laugh.

"Oh yes, the other Twilight. You see we've just recently found your human world - you. I'm sure Sunset will tell you all about her - you. But, this may cause some confusion if you go out into the halls during school hours."

Twilight nodded and took a seat down on one of the offices chairs.

Fixing her shirt's bow, Twilight watch Celestia return to her seat and paperwork.

"Principal Celestia? As long as I'm staying here would you like me to help you out with your paperwork? As a princess I know how to deal with this kind of stuff, and not to brag but, organization is kinda my thing."

Smiling Principal Celestia pointed to a particularly large stack on her left.

"If you don't mind could you please work on those?"

"I'll get right on it!"

For the rest of the school hours the two sat in silence working on important school documents, uninterrupted by anyone.

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