Band Reunion

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"Adagio?!" The hazy echoing of a girls voice chimed in the fallen sirens ears.

"What?" Although Adagio was still in pain she tried to at least sound alright.

"Shut it Sonata. Give her a minute, she was probably just surprised to see us."

Groaning Adagio held her head. The probably wasn't of her being surprised, rather she was in pain from her energy feeding. In all honest Adagio was a bit surprised to see her former band mates, but was still holding a grudge against them.

"Oh on the contrary girls. I'm actually experiencing some extreme pain right now from my fixed pendant."

A gasp was heard followed by a scoff. It seemed like the girls had different beliefs on Adagio's announcement.

"You had your pendant fixed?! But how! I wanna see!"

"Please, I bet she's hurting because it wasn't fixed well enough."

Adagio held back the urge to hurl herself at Aria. Her body still ached but she did her best to stand up. With one hand cupped around her pendant and other balled in a fist Adagio stood, opening her eyes.

"Take a look for yourselves.

Adagio uncovered her pendant. The small red pendant pulsed with energy and life. It was as if it were never broken.

"Wowie! You really got it fixed?! That's too bad how Aria and I still have ours broken." The bluenette stared in awe at the pendant. Her raspberry eyes grew as she took in the sight that none of the cracks were there anymore.

Aria on the other hand wasn't so easily impressed. Her ever stone cold stare remained as she too examined the once shattered pendant.

"So what? Just because you got yours fixed that doesn't mean you can boss us around again. Since we left I've been the head in command and I don't wish to give that up anytime soon."

"Thanks for the unnecessary info, but that's not the main topic here. The real topic is how in Equestria did you find me?" Adagio was beyond agitated at this point. Her body ached and all she wanted was to go back home and watch T.V. - maybe even read Twilight's diary...

Aria scoffed at the tired siren. Her bangs and hair whipped to the side with the abrupt turn Aria gave to Adagio.

"For your information we weren't trying to find you in the first place. I just wanted to buy something to eat when this one." Aria stopped to point at a giggly Sonata before continuing. "Decided to run off when she saw a cute plush through a stores window. When she finally took her eyes off it we she just so happened to find your green mist circling around her feet."

For a few moments Adagio stood frozen in place. She silently cursed herself for not being more alert of her surroundings. It wasn't that she hated her fellow sirens, she just didn't want to see them again so soon.

"Thanks a lot Sonata." Adagio said through gritted teeth.

"You're welcome!" Sonata said with a bubbly tone. She clearly didn't understand the sarcasm one bit.

Looking around Adagio shrugged her shoulders in complete boredom.

"Well it was a blast seeing you girls again but I really must be on my way. This girls got a date with a nice comfy bed."

Both Aria and Sonata's eyes seemed to spark with want at the mention of a bed. Perhaps the two hadn't been living oh so well since their parting with the orangenette.

"Yeah well we have an invitation to go to a luxury hotel." Aria shot back.

The blue siren bounced up and down in excitement. Her hair swung side to side behind her.

"See you two some time later." Adagio blankly said. She wouldn't be surprised if the two would follow her now but neither did. Instead all the orange haired girl heard was "You lied!?! So there's no hotel or anything good for us tonight.."

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