End The Fighting

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The lights were dimmed out making it almost impossible to see. A desk was at the back of the room, were the only true light shone. Twilight continued to walk towards the desk and waited for the principal to look at her.

The principal was currently looking down at her papers. Her hair was done into a neat bun and she wore a suit of purple. Finally the principal looked up to Twilight and gasped.

"What are you doing here! Get out of my school!"

Twilight backed up a bit. What exactly had her alternative self done to this principal.

In self defense Twilight lifted her hands in a calming motion. She didn't know what to do, but hopefully this would help keep herself safe.

"Ma'am I think you have me mistaken for someone else. I'm new to this school."

"Don't give me that excuse Twilight. If you don't get out of my office this instant I will call the police to personally escort you out." Principal Cinch narrowed her eyes to something on Twilight. "Get out of my life, you monster."

Twilight was now backing away towards the door. Perhaps this wasn't a great idea. She exited the office and made a dash to get out of there. Maybe she could find Sun Burst another way in another location, far for CPA!

Thankfully by now Twilight was far away from Principal Cinch's office. The students gave Twilight unnerving glances from time to time. Just what did her alternate self do when she was here?


The princess looked all around herself until she found where the voices were coming from.

Five girls with shy smiles made their way towards Twilight, who looked confused.

One of the girl's with a light purple skin and with with blue hair wrapped her arms around Twilight in a hug. The other girls followed suit until everyone was in a large hugging clump.

"How've you been? Your smile looks so ravishing! But your outfit looks terrible!" Sing-songed Sour Sweet. The hug broke apart as the girl's stared at Twilight's attire.

A blush crept it's way to the princess as she scratched the back of her head. Would this be a good time to let them know that she was not the Twilight they knew, or just go along with it?

"Actually I-"

"Dude! Have you been getting my mixtapes in the mail? I sent you like half of the newest collection!" Interrupted Lemon Zest. She had removed her headphones, but kept the volume up high as they hung from her neck.

"You see I really-"

Yet again Twilight was interrupted. This time by Indigo Zap. "Have you excelled at you your new school yet? You better have won something over there!"

Sunny Flare whipped some of her short hair out towards Twilight. Clearly she wanted attention to speak now.

"Don't you think that I look by far more stunning than that Rarity girl? She has absolutely no taste in fashion."

"Don't you think you should all be a little more considerate to Twilight? She's been trying to talk, but you all keep interrupting her." Sugar Coat blankly said. She rested a hand on Twilight's shoulder, signalling she could speak now.

All attention was now back to the pony princess. She took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry girl's I'd love to stay and chat, but I really have to get going. I just had a run-in with Principal Cinch and she was not happy. I need to leave the campus before she calls the police to escort me out in a rapid fashion."

The girl's glumly nodded. They understood the importance of Twilight's leaving again. They all huddled around to give Twilight a goodbye before leaving.

The only girl to stay near was Indigo Zap. She looked around before whispering something into her ear.

"After what you did at Friendship Games, Principal Cinch has been demoted from her position as Principal. She has little to no authority now. Dean Cadence is going to be prompted to the Principal in less than an hour. So you can swing around again anytime."

Twilight smiled to Indigo as she left. Although she didn't know these girl's well, she knew they seemed to like her alternate.

Her thoughts soon were subsided when she found a person who looked just like the alternate world Sun Burst. He was wearing glasses and reading a book by the front entrance of the school.

"Let's hope we can make a good first impression on him rather than the principal."

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