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Adagio squeezed Twilight's pendant in her hand as she ran to the Golden Oak Library. She didn't care on how loud she had been when leaving the home. All that mattered was the pendant.

Ever since the siren first laid her eyes upon it, she'd been itching to get her hands on it. There was something about the pendant that filled her with excitement.

Adagio grinned when she had arrived at the library. The doors were locked, but that wouldn't stop her.

Grabbing a bobby pin, Adagio opened the doors with practiced ease.

That was almost too easy! Childs play!

Quickly the siren ran into the library. During her stay here she had discovered a secret room hidden behind several bookshelves in the non-fiction area of the library.

Normally books were a bore, but this time the siren needed answers. Figuring the hidden room would help, Adagio ran towards them.

If I can just somehow find out what's going on with this thing there could be a strong chance for me get everyone in this world to do my bidding. Or better yet, go home to rule Equestria!

Just the thought of what could happen sent jolts of excitement through the former Dazzling. Her heart raced as she found the shelves that would provide entrance to the hidden room.

"I can just feel the power..." Adagio whispered. The shelves had begun to open, like double doors, as the siren pulled several books out.

Dust and cold air blew towards the girl when the shelves were fully open to reveal the room.

The room was dusty and filled with cobwebs. Two small bookshelves were pushed against royal blue walls. The air was musky yet tolerable and in the center of the room was an open book.

Taking several steps inside, Adagio looked around. Her face knotted in disgust when she realized there was no where to sit but the dirty ground.


With Twilight's pendant still in hand, Adagio closed the shelves to hid the fact that she was inside the room.


At the Sparkle household a young teen was tearing up her bedroom.

"Where is it?! Where is it!?"

The young Sparkle was looking for her pendant - the most important thing she owned, next to Spike of course.

But the pendant was no where to be found unlike Spike who was helping in search.

"Spike what do I do? Sunset told me just how important these things might possibly be! And if they feel into the wrong hands like Gloriosa... What would she say if I told her I lost it! What if someone took it while I was asleep!"

Spike scratched behind his ears as he shook his head.

"Relax Twilight. Try to remember exactly what you did once you got home. I'm sure if you lost it, it would be here. It's not like someone would've taken it while Adagio was here."

That's when it hit the bespectacled girl. She dropped a few books that she was searching through. Her face paling a bit.

"What if she took it?... Adagio was a power crazed girl and has a magical pendant of her own. So it's possible that she could've taken it."


All of the books from the hidden room were all scattered on the floor. Some of them had pages torn out and some were falling apart.

"No... No... NO!" Adagio slammed her hand of the table in the center of the room.

No matter what book she looked in none of them gave her answers. But then again, what were the chances that she'd find anything out about Twilight's pendant.

"This was a waist of time!" Adagio spat at no one in particular.

Her palms itched from all the dust and her clothes were covered in spiderwebs.

"Might as well go back-"

"Hello again Adagio."

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