New Magic (After The Everfree)

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Another several months had come and gone. Sleeping soundly in a dark purple colored room was none other than Adagio Dazzle.

The siren had a full week all to herself in the Sparkle household. The days were long, quiet, and peaceful - with the exception of Adagio's singing.

Ever since the human world Twilight had fixed her pendant, the sirens voice had never been stronger! To feed her fixed pendant to Adagio had gone alley to alley, luring her victims into fighting. The hatred fueled the pendant, but somehow hurt the siren.

Of course Adagio shook off the pain, but it seemed to be getting harder to shrug off the pain every time she feed off negative energy.

This time the pain was so unbearable that it caused the siren to retire to bed early. How Adagio hated going to bed early, but it had to be done.

Laying curled up, Adagio snored softly. She had only been asleep for 10 minutes, 10 sound minutes...

"Adagio, I'm back! You'll never believe what happened. It was incredible, unbelievable, I even met someone!"

Twilight Sparkle eagerly dashed into her home the moment she got off the bus from a full week at Camp Everfree. Nothing was more important then telling her friend what happened while she was at camp.

Yanking her bedroom door open, Twilight squealed. Her cheeks flushed at the thought of camp.

"Adagio!" Twilight jumped onto her bed, where a lump under the covers was. The lump grunted in annoyance.

Good-Bye peaceful nights

"What is so important that couldn't wait until later?" The former Dazzling grumbled. Her body ached all over as she did her best to sit up in the bed, attempting to shove Twilight off her.

"Look at this!" Twilight grinned from ear to ear as she showed Adagio her necklace.

"Isn't it just wonderful! The girl's and I all have one. Sunset and I are planning on figuring out what they are later, but for now we're just leaving them as is."

Adagio, who was now fully awake, stared awestruck at the necklace. There was something about it that intrigued her. Maybe it was the color, or the strange energy it was emitting...

"That's just wonderful! Now that you're here, would you be a dear and get me something to eat." The siren demanded more than asking.

Twilight smirked a bit with an idea in her mind. Now would be a prefect time to show the grumpy girl her new magical ability!

"Why of course!"

The Sparkle walked out her room and to her kitchen. She looked around the kitchen until she found a bowel, lucky charms, milk, and spoon. Focussing on the item, Twilight successfully levitated the objects in the air.

Proceeding back to her room with the floating objects, Twilight smiled. On the trip back home she had been practicing on using her levitation. Sunset had been coaching her along the way since she was originally from Equestria and knew all about levitation magic. However at times it was hard to teach since they were humans and not ponies.

"I hope you're in the mood for cereal." Twilight beamed when she entered her room once more.

Adagio rubbed her eyes when she saw blurred things floating in behind her roommate.

"What in the-?"

"Do you like my new magical ability? I can levitate things!" Twilight gently set down the breakfast materials in front of a shocked Adagio before continuing. "But I'm not the only one with a new magical ability! Rarity, Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Sunset and all one too!"

Holding back a groan, Adagio fell back in the bed, ignoring any more conversation.

"That's just wonderful!"

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