Library Home

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As the two acquaintances walked towards the human world Twilight's home Adagio couldn't help but wonder. Why would Twilight lived in a library? She looked smart and all by why choose to live with books of all things?

"Why do you live in a library? Isn't that a bit, um.... dusty?" The siren had to be careful with her choice of words. One slip up and she could forget about getting her pendant fixed.

Twilight continued walking, not wanting to answer the question for personal reasons.

"Hello! If I knew all about you I wouldn't be asking you know!"

Twilight groaned in annoyance. "I live in the golden oak library because I'm assigned to live there."

Adagio laughed. "So what you're poor or something?"

The purple girl stopped in her tracks. Her anger towards this girl was starting to take over.

"I wouldn't be taking if I where you. You're the one who needs her pendant fixed. Judging by your destroyed clothing you look like you also need place to live right now. But, not me because I have a home, a school, and food." With saying that Twilight began to walk again.

"Whatever." The siren mumbled continuing to walk. It was true about what Twilight said. She needed all the help she could get at the moment. At least until her pendant was fixed.

"We are almost there." The faint sound of the crystal preper was barely auditable. Almost as if it were a whisper.

After walking in silence for a few more blocks the two had finally made it to the Golden Oak Library.

"We're here." Twilight said stretching her arms out towards the big library. She turned around to face Adagio, who was starting in shock.

All the library's the siren had past by in the past were much smaller than this. This library was built with brick and had tree branches coming out all around.

"You live here? And you never mentioned that it was conjoined with a tree!" Adagio complained. "I might as well just be going into a forest full of books! How in Equestria can you live here?"

Ignoring the orange girl's outburst, Twilight walked through the automatic opening doors. Revealed inside was a huge chock full of bookcases and several tables.

Adagio walked in, taking in the scenery. "Why isn't anyone here? Isn't this a public library?"

"Technically only people are allowed in here if I'm here."

The siren sat down on a table, looking around at the shelves around her. "So basically no one is allowed in here without you being here."

Twilight nodded before pointing to a flight of stairs behind the libraries desk. On the stairs hung a sign that read Do not enter. "Yes because I live upstairs and nobody has access to go up there. Unless I can trust them to be in my home."

The siren got up to walk on the table that she was originally sitting on. "Well now, since where here, can you fix my pendant now?"

"Sure just get off the table and put it in my room, on my desk." Twilight said while digging through a box of new books.

Adagio jumped off the table and walked upstairs. There was a long hallway that stretched to the back of the building. If it weren't for the hall light than the siren would've back out from going further.

As Adagio walked down the hallway she found a open door. Inside was a room with a queen sized bed that had several pillows on it. Lovely blankets and a dog laid outstretched on the bed. A purple desk with a mirror and jewelry box, a closet that appeared to be covered in posters of Daring Do books could also be seen.

"This has got to be her room." Mumbled the siren as she entered the cozy looking room. She put her pendant down on the purple desk. Advanced towards the bed, Adagio examined it. She hadn't slept on a bed since well.... never!

Looking back once, Adagio jumped on the bed. It was as soft and relaxing as it had looked. She wrapped herself in the blankets, which were nice and fluffy. Closing her eyes for a few seconds before doozing off into a deep sleep.


Finally finished restocking the shelves of the library, Twilight headed upstairs. She had been so into organizing her books that she forgot all about her guest. Adagio hadn't come back downstairs for nearly an hour.

Not wanting to take a chance of leaving Adagio upstairs any longer, Twilight ran upstairs.

Her bedroom door was open as usual. Thinking briefly, the crystal preper tip towed into her bedroom. She half expected to find Adagio messing with her jewelry box. But instead found a sleeping siren, in her bed! Orange hair puffed out all over.

"What do you think you're doing?" Twilight asked walking to her bed.

The only reply the purple girl got was a soft snoar. Twilight groaned deciding to just let Adagio sleep in her bed for the night. While she tried to fix the broken pendant.

Before going to work on the pendant, Twilight pulled the blankets over so they were on Adagio better and turned the light off.

Twilight took the broken pendant with her downstairs where she began to work on fixing it.

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