Adagio the ShadowBolt

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'This library is so annoying! Where did Twilight say she was going again, school, Crystal Prep Academy?'

Adagio sat up from the bed. Her mind gave her a fun idea of where to go now. She left the room and walked downstairs.

The library was as empty as ever. Which made sense since the crystal preper explained on how this library worked. The siren went up to the front desk to check on something.

A small purple card caught her eye. Picking it up, Adagio examined it. The card had Twilights picture and cutiemark, or in this case her favorite symbol. Flipping the card over the girl began to read it.

Twilight Sparkle
Crystal Prep Academy,

The lonely siren raised her eyebrow slightly. 'She's a junior? Interesting.....'


Twilight sat in her same homeroom desk. As usual the purple girl was reading, not her textbook, but her notes over Canterlot High.

After her experience with the wondercolts statue that very morning she had to find out more about it.

When she touched the mirror-like sides it had felt like it was going to pull her in! But why would a statue do that? Just what was going to happen if that wondercolt girl hadn't interrupted? Twilight had to find out, but how could she figure out without being spotted again.... Maybe she could dress in her normal clothes, lose the glasses, and put on a wig? But, than and again wigs made her head itch.

Just as Twilight was about to write some more observations down a girl, Sugar Coat, walked into the classroom. Her normal flowing white and blue pigtails followed behind her. She made little to no eye contact with anyone.

That is until she spotted Twilight. She made her way to the back of the class, where her desk was located next to Twilights, and took her seat. She didn't even greet the purple girl and instead began to grab a few items from her backpack.

Not wanting to be rude Twilight looked over to SugarCoat. A look of friendliness was plastered on her face.

The actual truth was that Twilight really wanted to make friends. But, every time she tried someone would shoot her down. But, no, not this time! This was going to be different.

"Excuse me, SugarCoat?"

The pigtail wearing girl gave Twilight a bored look. She had little to no intention of making conversation with the purple girl.

Not taking the hint, Twilight began to speak. "I know that the rest of the school hates me, but we're good right?"

With the same bored look Sugar Coat responded, "You should consider not speaking in public." With saying that, SugarCoat turned her attention back to the front of the class, leaving Twilight speechless and slightly sad.

'You didn't even answer my question... Why can't we be friends? What did I ever do to you?' Twilight thought. But she soon snapped out of her thoughts as a girl with orange hair and yellow streaks walked into the classroom. The girl hadn't noticed Twilight yet, but Twilight most certainly noticed her.

"You have got to be kidding me!"

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