A Little Spark

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"Excuse me, Sun Burst?" Twilight asked as she approached the student. She was unsure of herself when Sun Burst looked up to her with a confused expression. Maybe this guy wasn't Sun Burst and instead a different student?

"Yeah, why are you here Twilight? I thought you transfered to Canterlot High?" Sun Burst stood up to stare at Twilight.

Though Twilight had transfered to Canterlot High, Sun Burst didn't know that this Twilight was a different Twilight.

"Oh yes I did transfer there! I just wanted to swing by here and see how everyone was doing."

"We're all doing just fine. Thanks for dropping by, don't hesitate to come back again."

With saying that Sun Burst returned his attention to his book, not giving Twilight a chance to speak again.

An awkward silence began to drift in as Twilight struggled with what to do next. This wasn't going according to plan.

"Actually Sun Burst.... there's something I need to talk to you about. It's your old friend, Starlight Glimmer. I'm afraid that something may happen if you don't confront her soon."

Slightly turning away from his book, Sun Burst burst out laughing. This startled Twilight a bit. How could he react so coldly?

"To be honest Twilight, I couldn't care any less about becoming friends again with her. Several weeks ago we reunited because of your dog and it turned out awful. Now you want us to try to become friends again? No thank you."

Twilight had to keep herself from raising her voice in a sarcastic tone as she spoke.

"I don't know what happened between you two, but this is important. I just need you to come with me for a bit so we can get all of this sorted out. Once we're through, you can go back to your studies and do whatever you want. Only then will I finally be out of your hair."

A few student who had overheard began snickering. Either they thought Twilight was crazy, she was asking Sun Burst out, or both.

The two looked at each other for several moments before Sun Burst looked over to his book. He rolled his eyes as he closed the book.

Twilight got a quick glimpse at the book cover before it was hidden. The cover read Out of the dark room of secrets. One could only imagine what the book was about..... Perhaps later the princess could ask her alternate self what it was about.

"I have to get to class, but I'll meet you here after school to discuss about the topic again." Sun Burst suddenly exclaimed to a daydreaming Twilight.

Quickly the male walked inside the school leaving Twilight alone in a state of shook. She couldn't believe her luck! Sun Burst had agreed to see Starlight again!

Twilight shouted yes out loud which startled several students nearby. Hopefully they wouldn't ask why.

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