Negativity Can Hurt

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Stifling a groan, Adagio rose from Twilight's bed. Her body had finally stopped hurting thanks to the rest and food she had received from earlier.

The siren looked back to the messy bed. The sheets were wrinkled and crumbs were left from her breakfast, yet Adagio left it as is. She decided to go find Twilight and ask her properly about everything. Unfortunately the girl was no where to be found.

Not in the kitchen. Not in the bathroom. Not even in her mini study library.

"TWILIGHT!" Adagio yelled. But no response was given.

Letting out a sigh, Adagio decided to try the mini study library again. When the siren entered the room once more she found a sticky note hanging on a book laying on the floor.

"Dearest Adagio, I have been invited by Sunset to go over to her house for a sleepover this evening with the girls. I know you don't really like her and the others so I didn't tell you... until now. Please don't be mad and I'll be back again by 10 tomorrow morning. - Hugs and smiles Twilight Sparkle." Adagio read aloud.

For some odd reason the former Dazzling felt... hurt? It's true she didn't like the mane 6, but it would've been nice to have been invited. Then again none of the mane 6 knew that she had been staying at Twilight's for several weeks.

"I can't believe that Twilight... She was so busy babbling on about her trip that she didn't even ask how I had been."

Crumbling the sticky note in her hand, Adagio left the study.

"Whatever, I don't need this. I'm feel great again so I might as well go feed off of some negative energy. Maybe I'll be lucky and gain enough energy to undo my banishment from Equestria."

The siren walked towards the front door of the home. She still held the note in her hand. Looking to the crumbled note she tossed it aside, opening the door to leave.


Now in the city, Adagio walked around. There weren't many people out. However those who were out were busy running around from store to store. It was as like they were stealing things!

Adagio smirked at the thought of stealing. She quickly ran into a nearby alley and held her pendant. Readying her voice, the siren began to sing an alluring song.

The song echoed off the walls of the alley, bouncing into the unsuspecting streets.

A couple that was fighting began to be engulfed with a mysterious green mist. Their fighting made the mist twinkle as it made its way to Adagio.

The siren smiled inwardly. Her plan was going so far so good. Her voice was getting to everyone one by one. Each person either began fighting with each other or fought with themselves.

Now this is running smoothly!

Adagio basked in the green energy that went into her pendant. She hadn't felt so powered up in such a long time!

"Now to-"

Raspberry eyes looked up from their gaze at a red pendant to be met with mulberry and raspberry eyes.

"Hello Adagio."

The low voice of Aria Blaze put Adagio in a state of bewilderment. Never had she thought she'd ever see her old band mates again.

"What're you- AGGHH." Adagio began but was cut off as her body began to hurt all over. She held her head as her vision blurred some.

"ADAGIO!" The bluenet gasped as she watched her former lead singer stagger off to the side.

Adagio fell backwards as she lost concussions. The pendant had finally hurt her beyond her limit this time.

"What now Aria?!"

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