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Twilight hurriedly walked to school, Crystal Prep Academy. The rain was dieing down some giving an opportunity to get to school sooner. Twilight let out a soft  smile at the thought.

Normally she wasn't excited to be at Crystal Prep so early, but today was different. Today was going to be the day that she got some valuable information from her rivaled school.

Crystal Prep Academy was a school that was very popular and won at everything. From sports, to grades, to showcases, you name it!

Unfortunately for Twilight, she wasn't very athletic and tended to stay away from sports. But in her classes she excelled in her grades. A+'s were always on her graded papers.

Thanks to the school's high reputation she was often thought of as weird for not wanting to compete in sports. This year was the Friendship Games which the purple girl dreaded.

Twilight she was going to be forced to compete in sports.

Twilight was desperate to go check out Canterlot High and now she finally had an excuse.

For the past month all the students at Crystal Prep had been bullying her. Some students would push her, shove past, or plain out taunted her. Rumor had it that Twilight was secretly helping Canterlot High!

Of course she hadn't or wasn't, but nobody believed her. Mostly because she had no real proof or evidence. The rumor stated that she was at Canterlot's fall formal and helped with thing. Another half of the rumor was that she competed in the Battle Of The Bands to show Crystal Prep was inferior when it came to singing. Of course Twilight had never done any of those things! As much as she dreaded going to Crystal Prep she would never do that to her school.

Now she could prove her innocence and loyalty to her school. Even though she would soon be going to Evertone.

Without thinking, Twilight ran towards a bus station. The rain had now stopped and was okay to be.

Twilight put on a hooded purple jacket and hoped on a bus, which was heading to Canterlot High.

Once the bus arrived, she took out a device from her backpack. It was to test the statue infront of the school. Twilight felt the statues mirror like sides, it seemed to materialize at her touch. Before Twilight could test the statue more a girl with red and yellow hair yelled to her.


Twilight ran away quickly, and she was in luck, a bus had just pulled up. She quickly hopped in and took her seat at the back of the bus.

The girl removed her hood and sighed in relief. At least Adagio didn't know about her secret investigation....


Meanwhile back at the Golden Oak Library, Adagio was looking through Twilights closet once again. The now dried Adagio, had just finished taking a bath, wearing Twilights fluffy purple bathrobe. She was looking for something subtle to wear. She groaned at Twilights attire, again. Now seemed even genuine enough to fit her tastes.

"What's with this girl and her horrible taste in fashion!"

The siren groan before quickly grabbed a purple shirt and a plaid colored skirt. The outfit was of course a school uniform but she changed into the clothes anyway.

'Why did I have to come live with this girl! But out of everyone in this pathetic world, she just had to find me...'

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