Going Back

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"Stand up Adagio." Aria's sharp voice finally broke the silence. "Since when has the great Adagio Dazzle ever fell to her knees in defeat of a girl weaker than her?"

"What about at the Battle of the Bands? All three of us were defeated by girls way weaker than us." Sonata chimed in. Her facial expression was a sad one, yet her voice was still cheery.

Ignoring her fellow siren, Aria took a step towards Adagio.

"The point is, we have each other now. If we join together again we'll be unstoppable. Yes there's only two of the three fixed pendants now, but we can just go steal it back."

Adagio shifted from her knees to stand on her feet. She had yet to turn and face either of her former band mates.

Anger, anger bubbled deep within the dazzling. Her sense of trust was broken from all sides. No matter which way she wanted to look at it, nobody was truly on her side. The only way to fix this was to get out of the world she now lived in.

"You know what girls? I'm done with this dimension. Let's get out of here."

The blue siren squealed with delight at hearing Adagio joining them again.

"So what's the plan Aria, Adagio? How will we get the pendant back? If Twilight said that Adagio's no longer allowed back at her house than what'll we do?"

Aria face palmed at the question. Obviously if she just said "we can steal it back" than they wouldn't be seen in the house by Twilight.

"You know Sonata I-"

"I'll go back and get it myself." Adagio cut in. She had turned to face her fellow siren with a look of depression and rage in her eyes. "All you two have to do is wait for my signal and do what we do best."

"Stir up some trouble and feed off the negative energy!" Sonata mimicked Aria's old quote.

"Sing." The lead siren replied back.

"But isn't that what stirring up trouble means?" Sonata asked innocently. She looked at her nails to avoid any scolding she was about to receive.

"In a way it is but not how we do it." Adagio said as she walked past the sirens. Normally she swayed her hips a little when she walked, to show she could be sassy and confident, but now they were stilled. The words that Twilight said were boiling under the sirens skin.

I shouldn't even care what she says. I'm Adagio Dazzle and I don't have,follow, or need rules. You can kick me out Twilight, but I'm not going to be so easy to get rid of.


The sky was now a deep purple/black color. Several stars shone in the night sky. A moonlights ray trickled down the sky and cascaded shadows of three girls hiding in bushes next to towering purple house.

"Remember girls, wait until I get out. Then you make a run for Canterlot High. Once were there we'll combine our pendants and Twilight's to undo the banishment on us from Equestria."

The two vocal sirens nodded in understanding. Each had changed into their old track suits to be read to run without anything holding them back.

"Here goes nothing." Adagio mumbled under her breath. Her pulse was racing with fresh adrenaline.

Swiftly, Adagio jumped over the bush without making so much as a sound. She was trying to be as light on her feet as she could and was doing a pretty good job at it.

"Bobby pin... check!" Adagio reached for a bobby pin in her hair and inched close towards the back door of the house. As quietly as she could, Adagio picked the lock and entered the house.

All the lights were off but one that shone in the corner of the room. That light was meant to help Twilight when she would wake up in the middle of the night and see just a bit.

Adagio scoffed at the nightlight before looking around to make sure she was out of sight. Her eyes shot wide open when she saw Twilight asleep only a few feet away, on the kitchen table.

What're the odds?!

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