Show Me Some Magic

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It was nearly 15 minutes past 10:00 a.m., the time Twilight said she'd be back. So why was Adagio so anxious to see her again?

I know I shouldn't feel so... whatever this is, but she said she'd be here by now! Adagio was busy pacing back and forth in the living room.

Normally Adagio wore the same outfit since she was last at Canterlot High. But for today she had decided to change up her look. The hair that was always in a high ponytail was now down. Her usual purple attire was altered from a mini jumpsuit into a lavender dress with a mens looking yellow belt. Also included was darker purple plain unpuffed jacket. The normal leggings and boots were replaced with lavender sandals. One could say that Adagio never looked lovelier!

The siren had woken up early and had cleaned up her mess from the day before. But since the girl was so busy cleaning she had forgotten to eat and was too anxious to see Twilight again to go eat.

A jingle of keys could be heard from the front and Adagio turned to stare as the doorknob turned.

Quickly the siren jumped to the sofa and pretended to be inspecting her nails.

You know I think I need to get them to a nail salon some time.

The door swung open and in came a tired Twilight Sparkle! Her hair was tied up into her old signature bun and her face screamed 'I had an all nighter party!' In her free hand she dragged her backpack inside. Before fully coming through the door she turned and waved a good bye to whoever was out there.

"Welcome home, again." Adagio said irritably. Her position on the sofa was now changed to her laying on her stomach, arms crossed over the side and watching Twilight approach her.

"Have fun?"

The bespectacled girl nodded her head tiredly. She dropped her backpack on the ground and staggered forwards towards Adagio.

"Twilight? Is something up?" Adagio asked with concern, that surprised herself.

"J...just tir...tired is all..."

The siren switched from a laying position to a sitting one when her tired roommate looked to the sofa.

Giving out a small thank you, Twilight sat down roughly. Her frame sunk into the soft parts of the sofa as she closed her eyes to rest.

"Ohh this feels nice." Twilight sighed. She opened her right eye to Adagio to stare at her for a second, a question on her mind.

"Do you think you could possibly carry me to my room? I'm so exhausted!"

The siren snorted at the girls request. Didn't she say and show that she could use magic to levitate things? So why ask to be carried?

"And why would I do that? Can't you just levitate yourself?"

Twilight's eyes were pleading. She didn't give an answer.

'Defeated,' Adagio groaned. Bending over the siren lifted the tired girl into her arms, bridal style. She carried her roommate to the bedroom all the while cursing herself for giving in so quickly.

"Adagio... The reason I couldn't levitate myself is because when I'm low on energy my magic gets weaker."

The two were already in the bedroom. Adagio had already laid the girl on the bed and was proceeding to leave the room once more.


The siren returned to the sofa to find a sparkling pink and purple pendant.

"Hello... What do we have here?"

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