Researching Through The Past

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Princess Twilight Sparkle separated from her usual group of 6 - now 7, friends, to Principle Celestia's office. Only this time, Celestia wasn't there. In fact the door was even locked!

'But, she said her door was always open? Maybe she's just out for the day!' The pony princess thought. 'For the time being I should go check out the library! If I'm lucky, that year book could give me a clue about this world's Starlight!'

Twilight proceeded towards the library, passing by several cheerful students in the process. The students waved to her as she passed by, each giving the brightest smile.

Once in the library, Twilight approached Ms.Cheerlie. Ms. Cheerlie stood behind her desk counter, typing away on her computer.

"Excuse me, Ms.Cheerlie." Twilight started politely when Ms.Cheerlie looked to her. "I was told that I could get a library card from you if I asked. So, may I have one?"

Ms.Cheerlie giggled at Twilight's question.

"What it something I said?" Twilight asked in confusion.

"No, no, dear. It's just that, you don't need one. Since you've saved our school, twice, you have the special privilege of checking out books without a card!" Ms.Cheerlie explained to Twilight.

"I understand, thank you!" Twilight said, she waved her hand as she walked towards the staircase.

'If I remember correctly, the yearbook should be in the far back towards.... the left!'

Thankfully, Twilight's memory was still in order and was able to find the Canterlot High yearbook. It was a miracle at how nobody seemed to go up to that section of the library. If only Twilight was able to stay longer, she surely would be able to get other students to explore this part of the library.

Taking the yearbook off the shelf, Twilight found her old book bed to sit on. Although it would've been a good idea to clean it up and return the books to there proper shelf, Twilight left them as is.

Opening the year book, Twilight flipped through the pages until she reached the Freshman section. Once there she kept a close eye to look for Starlight's picture. After a few page skimmings Twilight found Starlight's picture. In her freshman picture, she had pigtails on the top of her head and wore a lovely blue dress with matching shoes.

Twilight giggled to herself at the striking similarities of her foal and freshman counterparts.

Continuing on, Twilight couldn't find a single piece of evidence about this world's Starlight's past.

Setting aside the yearbook Twilight got up to gather a few more books. Just what could she do to help this world's Starlight?

Suddenly an idea found it's way to Twilight. She quickly reopened the yearbook and flipped back to the freshman pictures.

"S,...s...s..." Twilight repeated until she found who she was looking for.

"Sun Burst! Yes!" Twilight had found Star Burst, in her world Starlight and Sun had been best friend's as foals. So, maybe if she could bring the two together in this world, then maybe Starlight will be alright again!

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