Dear Diary

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When Adagio returned to the Sparkle household it was already 5:00 in the in evening. The sky was turning a lovely mixed shade of orange and dark blue that made shadows fall in front of the siren.

Humming a light melody to herself, Adagio pick at the locked front door with practiced ease. At times like this, when she forgot her key, she would pick lock the door to get in. The only thing that scared her about doing this was if a neighbor or someone worse saw her doing it.

After several seconds the door finally opened, allowing the former Dazzling inside. Adagio smiled to herself as she shut the door behind her.

If I ever had to choose between Twilight and those two... I'd choose a bowel full of chips...

Adagio plopped herself down on the fuzzy sky blue sofa that Twilight owned and sighed.

"Now I want chips..."

Sitting up, the siren looked towards the kitchen. From where she sat she could see a bag of Cheetos, a brown bowel, and some cream dip.

"TWIL- Oh yeah... she won't be back until tomorrow..."

The siren really didn't want to get up. But seeing as she was the only one in the home she decided to do it anyway.

Stretching her arms, Adagio got up. Her legs felt a little sleepy so she had to hold on to several things along the way to the kitchen.

When she finally reached the kitchen the siren smiled. The bag of Cheetos were new seeing as it hadn't been open yet. Grabbing the brown bowel she began to pour the bag of chips into it. When the bowel was full Adagio took it up. She looked to a roll of paper towels but nodded it off.

Even if she were to get her fingers dirty it wouldn't matter too much. After all her skin color would probably make the orange look like a cool tattoo or something.

"Hehe... This day could actually turn out f-uuuunnnn!" Adagio had been walking back to the sofa when her legs gave out and she fell. The bowel of chips escaped her grasp and flew across the room scattering Cheetos everywhere.

"I take that back..."

Struggling to sit up Adagio stuck out her bottom lip. The once clean floor now had orange specks of dust and broken pieces of the snake.

"I'll just leave it for Twilight to clean up."

Now standing once more, Adagio looked over to where a T.V. was across the room. On top of it was a purple looking journal with a dark pink star surrounded by diamond like twinkles.

"She left her diary on the T.V? Well that's just... fantastic..

Walking over to the T.V. Adagio grabbed the diary. It had a smooth texture and was fragile looking. The inside had a great deal of papers shoved inside and it made the diary look bulkier then it should be.

"Let's see here. The last time I read this was about a week ago before Twilight went to camp."

Opening the diary, Adagio made her way over to the sofa once more. She laid on her back as she flipped through the diary. Nothing seemed to catch her interest until she fell on a part about a guy.

"Hey didn't Twilight mention meeting someone at camp?"

The former Dazzling scrunched her nose as she skimmed the page for the guys name.

"Timber Spruce? What kind of name is that - isn't a tree?"

Adagio continued to read about this Timber Spruce guy until she was up to date. A strange feeling appeared in her chest when she thought of Twilight possibly go out with Timber.

What is this - jealously? No! There is no way! Adagio Dazzle does not get jealous! Adagio slammed the diary shut and left it on the sofa. She quickly got up and made her way to Twilight's room where she climbed into the bed and fell asleep.

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