Good Girl Bad Girl

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Twilight jumped in her chair as soon as the girl said her name.

"Hello there darlings. I'm Adagio Dazzle." Adagio spoke in a nonchalant voice as her eyes rested on Twilight. "Does anyone know....Twilight Sparkle?"

Adagio held Twilight's student ID card in her hand, waving it slightly in the air for all to see.

Sugar Coat gave Twilight an annoyed. "Your friend looks like she owns you. Maybe you should consider saving us all some time and leave." With a sigh the pigtail wearing girl held her hand up. "Adagio is it? The girl you're looking for is right here, in the back of the classroom." Sugar motioned to Twilight, who was already getting up.

She quickly grabbed her ID and Adagio's right wrist. Hurriedly the purple girl brought Adagio to her small study in the empty janitors closet. She closed the door and glared at Adagio. The siren did her beat not to laugh at her acquaintances attempt to look scary.

"What are you doing here?! You're supposed to be at the library, not here at my school!"

Smirking, Adagio replied back with a look of boredom. "It was annoying over there. Besides, I'm not the kind of girl to stay in one place too long. What's it to you? Now that my pendant is fixed I needed some... energy. So I thought this school would be a good place to... dine."

The shadowbolt began to pace back in forth. All sorts of thoughts coursed through her mind. How was she supposed to deal with Sugar Coat and her other rude classmates with Adagio there! If this girl was anything like them, than Twilight would be tortured even more!

Turning around Adagio looked at Twilights wall of photos, all about Canterlot High. Several images caught Adagios attention. There was the one with her pendant, and the battle of the bands.

She spun on her heal nearly yelling.

"What is this! Why am I in these photos? Are you just using me!"

Twilight's face went pale. She had totally forgotten about those pictures. Now that she was looking at them they did look an awful lot like Adagio. The shadowbolt looked away from Adagio's glare in nervousness.

"WELL!" Demanded the siren. Her anger was slowly rising by the second.

Twilight flinched. She didn't like this Adagio. "T-there's a reasonable explanation for this. Y-y-you see...I'm trying to find out about what's happening at Canterlot High... and you just by chance are connected to the strange occurrences some how."

The orange haired girl huffed. Her eye's darted from the door to the pictures and to the shaky shadowbolt all at once.

"Your insane! If your just here to bring up my old me pains than, I'm leaving!"

"Adagio, please understand! I was trying to find out about the strange occurrences happening at Canterlot High! There's nothing more that is to it. Please don't become reckless because of this."

At hearing that last sentence Adagios eye lid twitched in irritation. Who did this girl think she was?

"How cute of you to think I'm going to become reckless? I'm just your everyday nightmare, dressed as a beauty honey, and you know what? You don't really know me at all. Why don't I just show you how reckless I can become right now?"

"Your taking this way too far, Adagio. Please... just calm down." Twilight held her hands up in front of in a defensive position. Who knows what could happen in the next few minutes.

"Calm down! CALM DOWN!" Adagio slammed her fist into the wall, making a small hole. She was almost in tears as her pendant began to glow. Green mist began to circle Twilights shoes. It wrapped up to her necklace and absorbed some magical energy and hatred. The mist vanished instantly when Adagio touched her pendant.

Twilight stood there in shock. Had that just happened! Adagio had just some how used magic?! She shoved Adagio out of her way and quickly made a note of what had just happened.

'What in equestria! She really is using me!' Adagio held her pendant tightly as she ran out the room and straight out of the school.

Without stopping for anything, she soon made it to the library. Grabbing her old wet clothes she ran out as quickly as she had gone in.

'Why can't I ever get a break!'

Adagio soon came to an alley on the other side of the town. She made sure nobody was around before screaming at the top of her lungs.

"I've had enough!"

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