Returning Memories

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Bright sunshine cast it's self over Adagio's eyes making her groan. It was the next morning and the start of a new day.

The orange siren looked to her sides to see that her fellow band member's had fallen asleep next to her. Aria had her knees up to her chest, indicating that she was cold. Sonata on the other hand laid sprawled out on the ground, salvia dripping down her left cheek.

Adagio groaned again as the events from the night before re-played in her head. The look of victory on Twilight's face made her blood boil under her skin.

The lead dazzling looked herself over to realize she where still in her performance outfit, along with the other dazzlings.

Taking a deep breath Adagio stood up, and looked around for a bit.

It happened to be that the girls were in the city. Apparently a quiet half of the city, since little to no people were around.

Adagio took a notice of a nearby fast food store, nearly tripping as she hastily ran over. She hesitated to open the door for several seconds.

What if these people already know of the battle of the bands? Adagio thought to herself.

From her view at the door, nobody seemed to look like a wondercolt. Daringly the lead siren walked into the store. All over was a wallpaper with the words
Sugar Cube Corner.

So is this like a candy shop?

She continued walking until she reached the counter. A lady by the name of Mrs. Dazzle Cake was making some fresh coffee when Adagio reached the counter.

"Excuse me?" Adagio spoke up for the lady Cake to hear her.

The lady Cake turned around from her work with a bright smile. She looked friendly enough.

"Yes ma'am? What can I gett'cha for today?"

Adagio looked up at the food menu for several seconds before returning her attention back to the Cake.

"Can I get three chocolate chip muffins and three espresso's to go?"

Mrs.Cake's smile widened. She turned around to grab three to go espresso cups, placing them under a large machine. She pressed the pour button and than walked over to get three chocolate muffins. She grabbed a small bag, putting the muffins in, and grabbed the three espressos, handing them to Adagio. "That'll be $11.50." Nr.Cake cheerfully said as she entered the items on her cash register.

Adagio grabbed some money from her small jacket pocket and handed it to Mrs.Cake. "Thanks." Without another word Adagio left the shop with her purchased food items.

She walked back to where her fellow sirens where. A small smile came upon her lips as she saw Sonata and Aria barely waking up. It was a good thing they were still there!

"Girls, I got us breakfast." Adagio chirped as she sat next to the girls. She handed out the muffins and espressos.

Sonata smiled while biting into her muffin. A few chewed up pieces were spat out when the bubbly siren spoke.

"This is great! Where did you get this?"

Adagio nearly chocked when Aria eyed her suspiciously. She knew Aria hated it when the leader goes off without telling them were she is. When they were banished all Adagio wanted to do was abandon her fellow sirens, but would always come back because she needed their voices to survive.

"I got them from Sugar Cube Corner. It's across the street."

Aria smirked. "Figures, at least this time it wasn't that far from us. Now that we're done with singing you're probably just trying to act nice before you dump us off at some orphanage."

Adagio crushed the remainder of her muffin in her hands. She stood up from her seat and grabbed Aria by her dress straps, pulling her off the ground. A fire tinted the orange sirens eyes. "You know perfectly well that I swore never to do that again. Why don't for once in your pathetic little life, you just accept the fact that I'm trying to be nice?"

Sonata looked up at Adagio with worry. She bit her bottom lip when Aria suddenly shoved Adagio away.

"I can't accept it because you're never nice to us anymore! How about instead of you leaving us, we leave you!"

Adagio rolled her eyes. "As if you'd ever try to-" But she was cut off when Aria picked Sonata up over her shoulder.

"Where do you think you're going!"

The purple dazzling ignored her lead dazzlings voice and continued walking with Sonata slung over her shoulder.

Shocked by her friends action, Sonata spoke up as Adagio was seemingly growing farther away.

"Where are we going?"

Aria huffed out a breath she had been holding before answering with a sigh.

"You know what Sonata. I don't know and I really don't care. All I want to do now is relive some tension. So, do you want to go swimming or something?"

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