Chapter 19

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As soon as I got out of the boys locker room and reached to the school hallways, everyone started staring me. I didn't knew why. That's when Maeve came to me.
"Wow… nice shirt" Maeve said.
"It's Ian's." I replied to Maeve.
"No shit." Maeve said and she also started me.
"What's wrong?" I asked her.
Ian's name is printed on the back of your jacket." Maeve replied. That's why everyone was staring at me and freaking out. That's when Samantha, Betty and Daniel came to me, I guess they also noticed that I was wearing Ian's shirt and breaking their damn rule.
"Hi, Liz.
It's nice to see you again." Betty said to me.
"Cut that crap, Betty!
Why is that bitch wearing Ian's shirt?" Samantha asked angrily.
"Maybe because you put your food over her head." Daniel replied to Samantha.
"Are you saying this is my fault?" Samantha asked Daniel.
"This is what you just concluded." Daniel replied.
"Calm down, S.
This is nobody's fault. I think Liz is confused as we are. Right Liz?" Betty said.
"... Yes!" I replied.
"I thought so.
It's a bit problematic that you are wearing Ian's clothes. This sends out the wrong message, you know." Betty said.
"It's not like I wanted to wear them." I replied.
"Oh, of course! I never thought that." Betty said.
"I did." Samantha said.
"Maybe in the future you will be a little more careful, okay?" Betty said.
"And maybe you'll be a little more careful on who you throw your food on." Maeve replied.
"She definitely will." Betty said.
"Don't speak for me.
We all know what she's up to. She needs to know her place. And stay the fuck away from IAN!" Samantha said angrily.
That's when Ian came and stood in front of me, like he was trying to protect me from them.
"Is something wrong?" Ian asked those three mean girls. Samantha, Betty and Daniel.
They were in shock that Ian was on my side.
"Ian!" Samantha shockingly said.
"Ian… we…" Betty said.
"If you are done talking can you please go?" Ian told them.
"We were just…" Betty said.
"I don't care." Ian said.
They stared Ian for a second and went away. After they left Ian also left.
"C'mon, lesson starts." Maeve said.
But I was silent, thinking.
"Liz? Do you wanna sleep at my place today? It's Friday?" Maeve asked me.
"Seriously?" I asked. This was unexpected.
"I wouldn't ask if I wasn't serious." Maeve said.
"Your parents don't mind?" I asked.
"They're gone over the weekend, so it's only you , my brother and I." Maeve answered.
"Then thank you." I said.

School was over. And Maeve and I arrived at her place. She showed me her room. Her room was so pinkish like a barbie doll house.
"Wow… that…
Doesn't look like you at all." I said.
"When you will meet my parents, everything will make sense." Maeve replied.
"I'm scared." I said.
"You should be." Maeve replied.
We both laughed.
"Let's sit." Maeve said.
We sat on her couch and made our girl talk.
"Do you wanna explain this relationship you have with Ian?" Maeve asked me.
"I don't have any relationship with him!" I said confusingly.
"She said while wearing his clothes." Maeve said.
"You know why I'm wearing them." I said.
"He gave them to you." Maeve said.
"Yeah and he would have given them to anybody." I said.
"No, he wouldn't.
And that's why I'm asking." Maeve replied.
"Okay, I may have in some sort of relationship with him!!" I said confusingly.
"I'm waiting." Maeve said.
"Ian is my neighbour." I replied.
"Say what?" Maeve said shockingly.
"I know it sucks. I feel like everywhere I'm going he's there. But it's not only bad. He saved me from a lot of things too. Things to this day I can't explain. And if it weren't for him, I don't know what would have happened to me." I explained.
"You like him?" Maeve asked me.
"What? No!
I don't know. To be honest I would lie if I say no. I can't explain it. He's so…" I answered.
"Ian?" Maeve said.
"Yes." I replied.
We talked a lot that day. I finally felt like I could trust someone. And never would've thought this person would be Maeve. She might be rough on the outside… and on the inside… but she gave me the feeling of being accepted. And that nothing I said was ridiculous or stupid. She's genuinely interested in the things I told her. And she cared.
"Whatever's going to happen I'm here for you okay? And trust me, things are going to happen." Maeve said.
"Thank You, Maeve." I thanked.
"Of course. Okay now this emotional shit is over, you wanna watch some movies?" Maeve asked me.
"And back to your old self?" I said.
"Hey I'm trying.
You can take some clothes from me. I'm gonna grab some food for us." Maeve said and went to take some food.
I took one of Maeve's clothes to change. I was in my underwear, that's when a boy came inside the room.
"Maeve do you… " That boy said before seeing me.
"Oh…" that boy got shocked when he saw me half naked.
I screamed. He saw me half naked afterall. That boy went outside of the room.
"Who was that…" I was thinking.
I called inside that boy after wearing the dress.
"You can come in…" I said.
That boy came in. Infront of me a very good-looking guy was standing. He was tall, had a lean figure and  slightly tousled brown hair. He looked a little older than me.
"I'm sorry I didn't knock before. I thought my sister was in here. I didn't know she had someone over." That guy said,
"Oh… you're Maeve's brother?" I said shockingly.
"Yep, I'm Tristan. And you are?" Tristan asked me.
"Liz…" I replied.
"I'm really sorry, Liz." Tristan apologized.
"No it's okay… you didn't do it on purpose so…" I said.
I didn't know Maeve's brother was so… hot… I was blushing and my face got red.
That's when Maeve came in.
Why is your face so red, Liz?" Maeve asked.
"Do you know where my red shirt is?" Tristan asked Maeve.
"Hmm? That one with that stupid text on it?" Maeve asked Tristan.
"Yes." Tristan replied.
"I think I saw it on the couch in the living room." Maeve said.
"Thanks." Tristan thanked Maeve.
"It was nice meeting you, Liz." Tristan said.
"Oh… yeah… it was nice meeting you too." I replied. Then Tristan left
"I got some nice horror movies!" Maeve said.
Maeve and I watched some pretty intense movies and even though I liked horror… Maeve was on another level. This resulted I wasn't getting any sleep because I was scared as fuck.
"I need some water!" I thought.
Maeve was sleeping and I went to the kitchen for water. I felt like someone was behind my back but when I turned around, no one was there. I was drinking a glass of water but suddenly I heard footsteps. As soon as I turned, Tristan was standing there. I freaked out and glass slipped from my hand and broke.
"AHHH!!!" I screamed.
"Whoa there.
Are you okay? I didn't wanna scare you." Tristan said.
"Yes. I'm sorry I screamed at you." I replied.
"It's okay. I feel like that's our thing now. I scare you, you scream at me. You can't sleep?" Tristan said.
Maeve and I watched her favourite horror movies." I replied.
"Oh, Maeve got nerves out of steel." Maeve said.
"I saw that." I said.
I just noticed that Tristan wasn't wearing a shirt. Which meant he was shirtless. Which concludes to him being semi naked.
"No shit, Liz…" I thought.
He was pretty muscular, not on the same level with Ian but he came very close. When my eyes went up to his face, I saw him smirking at me and I immediately regretted checking him out that obviously.
"Shall we clean this up?" Tristan said.
"Oh no I'll do that!" I said.
"It's kinda my fault, so lemme help you." Tristan insisted.
"You really don't have to do this." I said.
"But I want to." Tristan replied.
"Then thank you…" I thanked.
"By the way how did you and Maeve exactly become friends? She is usually not the type to socialize." Tristan asked me.
"I noticed.
Long story short… We both dislike the same people and eventually that made us become close." I answered.
I'm glad you two became friends. Maeve tends to shut herself off from everybody. I know she's tough, but it worries me." Tristan said.
"You're her brother, it's understandable. I'm gonna go to sleep now…" I replied. Broken glass was cleaned now.
"Do that." Tristan said.
"Good night." I said.
"Good night." Tristan replied with a smile.

- To Be Continued -

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