Chapter 15

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We finally reached at the party.
"Here we are." Maeve said.
"Look…" I said.
"Cool? I'll get us some drinks." Maeve said and went to bring drinks.
Turn out the party was held in some underground club. The atmosphere was pretty dark and kinda scary to me. I was glad Maeve was withe. She had this strong and I don't give a fuck aura to her, which made me save. Maeve came with two drinks.
"Drink up." Maeve handed over a drink and said.
I tasted the drink and It was like bitter.
"Wow that's taste disgusting." I said.
"Well alcohol isn't supposed to taste good. C'mon let's dance." Maeve replied.
We danced a lot and we drank a lot. It was fun. Way more fun than I thought it would be. Maeve knew how to party and lift up someone's mood. And let's just say the alcohol did its work as well. I was so blind in dancing that I accidentally bumped into a guy.
"Whoa there." That guy said.
"I'm sorry." I apologized.
"It's okay, you can bumped into me anytime you want." That guy said with a flirty smile.
"Wow… he's hot. Very hot." I thought after I noticed that guy.
"Wanna dance with me?" That hot guy asked me.
"Sure." I said.
"Why does it feels like I know him? Something about him feels so familiar.
His scent… I smelt this perfume before but where." I was thinking.
We were dancing but suddenly his hands was on my hips and he pressed harder against him. I could feel his breath in my neck.
I thought about moving away but I stayed and let him do. Maybe it was the alcohol or his looks or both. This guy had something on him that made me feel attracted to him. Something mysterious.
"Do you know how hot you look tonight? And you smell so good, Liz." That guy said with his seductive voice.
"Thank You…" I said hesitatingly.
"How does he know my name?... I must've told him." I thought.
Suddenly he leaned in and I felt uncomfortable.
"Wait." I stopped him.
"Why?" He asked.
His voice sounded so seductive. My mind went dizzy again.
"Don't worry, Liz. I don't bite." That guy said with those flirty expressions.
And then he leaned in again. There it was again. There it was again, this scent. I don't know what it was but something about his smell made me pull away from him. I don't know what it was but something about his smell made me pull away from him. I stopped dancing.
"What's wrong beautiful?" That guy asked me.
"Nothing." I said.
"Hey, how about we go somewhere more private." That guy said.
I couldn't trust that guy, I felt weird.
"I think it's nice here." I replied.
"C'mon, Liz." He insisted again.
I thought it's time to leave, I didn't want to feel more uncomfortable.
"I need some air." I said and walked away.
"Shit, I couldn't even go straight." I thought.

After walking away, I instantly felt better now that I was away from that guy. Maybe I was just a coward or something else.
"Here you are." That guy came to me and said.
"You?? I told you, I feel kinda sick-" I said.
But that guy held my hand and took me somewhere forcefully.
"AHHH…." I screamed.
He took me to a dark room.
"Let go of me!!" I said.
"I like it when you scream." That guy said with a mysterious smile on his face.
I was trapped against a wall, he held me so tight, I couldn't move an inch. This situation reminded me souch of my first night here. How many creeps does this town have?!?
"I'm glad to meet you again." That creepy guy said.
"AGAIN??" I thought.
"Stop that!!" I screamed.
"Never." He replied.
And then I remembered. I knew his scent all too well. It was the same aftershave I smelled back in the changing room.
"Don't fuckin tell me…" I was thinking.
"Do you remember me now?
Although you looked way better in your underwear, this outfit is not too bad." He said.
"Why are you stalking me?" I asked him.
"Because I just couldn't forget that scent of yours. It's like you want us to come at you." He answered.
"Us!!!" I was so scared.
His hand suddenly slipped under the hem of my shirt and his other hand went to the back of my neck. His mouth was now on my throat and I could feel something sharp coming through.
"What…" I was damn freaking out.
That's when, suddenly Ian came and pushed that guy and throwed him very hard to a wall.
"Go wait outside!" Ian said angrily.
"Ian!!" I said shockingly.
"I said go wait outside, Liz." He said angrily again.
"But-" I said.
Ian's eyes looked so scary at this moment, I didn't talk any further and ran away.
My whole body was shaking from the adrenaline that rushed through me. I wasn't able to comprehend that this been the same guy who spied on me in the changing room. I felt so disguised.
And now this. I didn't know what would have happened if Ian hadn't come. The shaking in my body started to grow even more.
But seriously, on what drug was Ian on!? I've never seen someone throw another person with that kind of ease. Besides my first night here. Maybe I wasn't crazy. Maybe this really has been Ian all along.

After some time Ian came to me.
"Liz." Ian said.
"OH MY GOD!!" I freaked when I looked at Ian.
I saw that Ian's whole body was covered in blood.
"Shit Ian, are you okay?" Why am I even asking this, you're obviously not okay!" I said.
"It's not mine." Ian said.
Fear pierced through me.
"Then this is…" I said.
"His blood." Ian replied.
"Is he…" I said.
"I took care of him." Ian said.
"What does that mean?" I asked.
"That I took care of him, Liz.
Didn't I tell you not to go outside. You really just can't fucking listen for once!" Ian said with his super concerned expression.
Now it was something else that I snapped inside of me.
"Am I supposed to listen to your words!?" I said.
"YES!" Ian said angrily.
"We hardly know each other, Ian. I make my own choices!" I said.
"And we can see where that leads you." Ian said with that mean look.
"This was pure coincidence." I said.
"It's NOT." Ian said like he knew everything.
"And now you know everything." I said.
"More than you at least." He replied.
"It's not like I wanted this to happen okay!" I said.
"Are you sure!?
To me it looks like you want someone to harass you." Ian yelled at me angrily.
Was he for real!? How could he yell at me like that?
"You're such an asshole." I said angrily.
He hurted me, I was so sensitive. I started crying.
"Liz…" Ian said with a gentle voice.
"Leave me alone!" I said with that sad face.
"I'm sorry, okay. I shouldn't have said that. That was a dick move." Ian apologized gently.

- To Be Continued -

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