Chapter 31

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I decided to talk to Victor before he leave.
"Are you sure?" Victor asked me.
"I am." I answered.
"Liz, I don't wanna leave you alone when you're in this state." Victor insisted.
"I'm not in any state." I said.
"Oh C'mon." Victor said.
"I'm fine.
Okay… maybe not fine. But it's okay now. I can take care of myself." I assured.
"You're always saying that.
But maybe I wanna take care of you. If you'd just let me…" Victor insisted again.
I'm so incredibly thankful for you. But I can't… not now." I said.
"Call me whenever you want.
I don't care at what time." Victor said.
"Thank you, Victor." I thanked him."
I said goodbye to Victor, Victor left. And then I went inside the house.
"Liz?" Mom called me.
I went to the kitchen.
"Hey baby.
Do you… feel better?" Mom asked me.
I didn't but I couldn't say it.
"I do." I answered.
"I'm glad.
Work just called in, they need me stay overnight at the hospital." Mom said.
"Okay." I said.
"But I won't do it if you don't want me to." Mom said.
"I'm fine. You can go." I assured mom.
"I'm serious, I won't go." Mom said.
I'm truly fine. Don't worry." I replied.
"Will you tell me about what happened?" Mom asked.
"I can't…" I said.
Call me if anything's wrong." Mom said.
"I will." I assured her.
Mom went for her work. That when I checked my phone, I saw so many texts and calls. But I didn't check them, I didn't feel ready for them. I was deep asleep. But suddenly I woke up but I didn't opened my eyes. Cause I suddenly sensed him. Ans now I was wide awake. Everything was crystal clear, my body tense. I wasn't ready yet. I wasn't ready to face the boy who nearly killed me. The boy who might have destroyed my life. The boy who was a monster. The boy I loved.
I know you're awake.
Liz, we need to talk." Ian said.
"Go away." I said.
"We need to talk." Ian said.
"No, we don't. Leave." I denied.
I was angry with him that he thought he could just walk...or climb into my room. Especially after what happened. And I was scared. Scared he would do something to me. Again.
"Nothing's changed.
I'm still the same person I was before." Ian said.
"Everything's changed, Ian.
You're… you're a monster." I replied.
"You can call me whatever you want. But please listen to me. You CAN'T tell anyone." Ian said.
"You expect me to hide this now?" I asked.
"Yes." Ian said.
"Because you'd get into trouble?
Because nobody can't find out that you hurt other people? That you kill other people. You're insane." Liz said.
"This is not only for me.
If anybody would find out that you're involved with me or just simply know about me. You wouldn't be safe." Ian said.
"And I was before??
Nothing but bad things happened to me because of you and your kind! And I didn't know anything!" I said.
"There are reasons for that.
If anyone finds out that you know… Liz, just promise me not to tell anyone." Ian said.
"Leave. I don't want you here." I said.
"Liz, please…" Ian said.
And started to come near me. I got scared.
"DON'T HURT ME!" This words just came out of me. And hearing this Ian didn't came closer.
"I never wanted to." Ian said with that super sad face. In just a blink he was gone. Like he was never been here.

It's morning again. I couldn't hide any longer. But I do didn't feel ready to go to school again. My body still felt weak. And to know the cause of that... didn't make it any better. I got ready for the school. I needed to wear something to hide my bite marks.
When I went school. I was walking and suddenly bumped into Tristan.
"Whoa there!" Tristan said.
"I'm so sorry!" I said.
"Liz?" Tristan said.
"Tristan!" I said.
"Nice to see you." Tristan said.
"Yeah!" I replied.
"Are you okay?" Tristan asked.
"Sure, why wouldn't I?" I said.
"You look a little sad…
Something happened?" Tristan said.
"No! I'm just still half asleep.
I'm not really a morning person you know…" I replied.
"Me neither." Tristan said.
"What are you doing here?
You missed school?" I asked Tristan.
"Funny. I dropped Maeve off." Tristan answered.
"Oh…" I said.
"Are you two fine?
She seems more tense than usual." Tristan said.
"We are. It's just a little complicated right now." I replied.
Hey, you wanna do something later? I could pick you up…" Tristan asked.
"Uhm… any other time I'd love to… I have loads of school stuff to go over." I replied.
"I understand.
Text me when you get some time." Tristan said.

As soon as I went inside the school, everyone started looking at me and everyone started staring at me. I automatically checked my neck area. Just to make sure nothing was exposed. But the scarf did its job. I had no idea why everyone was behaving like that. Suddenly some girls came near me.
"What a bitch.
Don't you have any pride!" Those girls said to me and left. Well that was rude. Then a guy came to me and started flirting with me in a very nesty way.
"Hey baby, you look fine today.
Wanna meet up later?" That guy asked me.
"Eww… who are you?" I asked.
"Like if you care." That guy said, It was like that guy was harassing me in an easy way. That's when Maeve came and kicked that guy very hard. And that guy fell on the floor.
"Maeve!" I said.
"Hi!" Maeve said.
"Hey…" I replied.
"You've been gone." Maeve said.
"Yes." I said.
"Care to explain?" Maeve asked.
"I was…
It's difficult…" I said.
"It's okay.
Not like we are that close or whatever. Bye." Maeve said.
"Maeve, wait.
I'm sorry." I apologized.
"For what?
You didn't do anything." Maeve said.
"Yes I did.
I should've called you back. Or at least texted you." I said.
"I told you it's okay." Maeve said.
"But it's not.
You're my best friend." I replied.
"Are we?" Maeve asked.
"Ofcourse." I answered.
"Then why do you treat me like a stranger? It's okay when you don't text the others back but…
But I thought we were closer than that." Maeve said.
"We are!
I'm so sorry. You're my best friend." I replied and hugged her.
"Then why don't you trust me?" Maeve asked and hugged back.
"I do…" I replied.
"But?" Maeve said.
"I was feeling like a piece of shit. I didn't wanna get up, I didn't wanna go outside. I wasn't doing well… I can't explain why…" I answered.
"Because you don't know?" Maeve said.
"Yes." I replied.
I lied. I didn't lie when I said that I trusted her. Maeve was probably the safest person to tell. But what I had just found out was way too much for a person to handle. Even for someone as tough as Maeve. Sometimes life is easier when you have no idea what's going on.
"I'm sorry, Liz.
I wish I could've been there for you." Maeve said.
"Thank you but I needed that time for myself. Clear my head a little you know.
By the way, why's everybody acting so damn weird today? Like this guy!" I asked.
"I've no clue. It just started when you came in. But we can find out." Maeve said.
"We do?" I said.
Maeve that guy on the floor again and again and asked what was that all about.
"Hey, dickhead!" Maeve said to that guy angrily and kicked.
"Please don't hit me!" That guy requested Maeve.
"I won't if you tell us why you've been so disgusting just now? What's the deal?" Maeve said.
"You don't know? The football team has been telling everybody that you hooked up with them." That guy said to me,
"What!?" I said shockingly.
"They said you promised them your body when they would harass Samantha." That guy answered.
Samantha paid those football teams and made these fake rumours to ruin me.
"Oh of course that blonde monster is behind all this." Maeve said angrily.
"Samantha really knows no limits." I said.
"She'll regret that. Trust me." Maeve said she had a plan.
"Whatcha got in mind?" I asked Maeve.
"Catch her.
Beat the shit out of her. And then when she thinks it's over…
Starts the torture. Slow and painful." Maeve explained her plan. It was scary, wasn't it!
"You terrify me in every possible way." I said.

- To Be Continued -

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