Chapter 30

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And then I woke up, I was in bed.
"Oh god…
It was only a dream… thank god…" I was thinking everything that had happened before was just a dream but then I heard his voice and looked around.
"Liz???" Ian called me.
"What HAPPENED?" I asked.
As soon as I stood up, I felt very weak.
"You shouldn't stand up yet!" Ian said.
"Why?" I asked.
Ian was sad and silent.
"Ian tell me what the hell happened?" I asked him.
Of course I was still in his room. He was silent, but the situation itself told the truth that it wasn't a dream.
That can't be. But…" I said.
"Liz… please don't freak out." Ian said.
"Ian… you …" I said.
Before my mind could burst into a thousand pieces, I realised something. When I looked at Ian, his whole body was completely healed. Not a single wound. If yesterday really happened that wasn't possible… or was it because…
"Liz, you need to listen to me now." Ian said.
"Did I dream this?
Was it all a dream!?
Ian told me it was only a dream!!" I asked.
"It wasn't a dream." Ian answered.
"That's NOT possible!
Because you…" I said.
"I drank from you."  Ian replied.
"What does that mean?
TELL ME???" I said.
"It means… that I'M A VAMPIRE, Liz." Ian replied.
"No, you're bluffing." I said.
"I'm not.
You were right from the beginning. Everything you said on your first day has been the truth." Ian explained.
"No. No No No NO!" I said, I couldn't just accept it.
"I… I need to go… I " I said and ran out of the house.
What had just happened… Did Ian seriously just admit that… I needed to process… Sometimes when too many emotions hit me at once I'd get in the state. Where I'd just go numb, because the pain was just too big. I'd shut out everything and everyone. Wouldn't let any feelings come through me. This is what just happened.
I went straight to my room. Victor was there.
Where have you been?
I called you a thousand times. I was so worried. You can't just walk off like that! Liz?" Victor said.
But I was silent, I didn't know how to react.
What's wrong with you?" Victor asked me again.
I was still silent, this time was different. I had never experienced this amount of pain and shock at once. My brain wasn't even able to go numb. So, everything just fell into chaos. And then I couldn't control it and started crying.
Liz tell me what happened?
Shit… I got you, Liz!" Victor said.

The next day. I was just sleeping. I didn't wanna stand up. Hell, I didn't feel like moving at all. My body was still in a state of shock. My limbs feel heavy and tired. My brain was Dead, Chaotic, Numb…
My whole world had been turned upside down. I had to question every little thing. I've always told myself that I was being crazy, delusional, imaginative. Well, it turns out I'm not. I have been sane all this time. But he made me believe I wasn't. Fuck… I was too scared to say his name even just in my mind.
That's when mom came inside my room.
I've been calling you at least three times! What are you still doing in bed? You need to get ready for school!" Mom said to me.
I wasn't replying… I was just silent. I wasn't in the state to even get up.
Baby what's wrong?" Mom asked again.
I don't wanna go to school today…" I replied.
"Why not?" Mom asked.
Just let me be… only this time…" I said.
"Liz? You're scaring me. What happened? Why are you being like this? Did Victor and you have a fight?" Mom asked worriedly.
"No…" I answered.
"Then what?" Mom asked again. Guess mom got scared too.
This time only…" I replied.
"It's okay, you don't need to go.
But Liz, please talk to me.
Don't shut me out…" Mom said.
"I can't…" I replied.
"Okay… call me whenever you need anything… or you wanna talk. Okay?" Mom said and left.
Trust me I didn't wanna worry her. I didn't wanna worry anyone. But I couldn't help being like this right now. A complete mess.

After 7 hours of sleep I finally felt like I could walk again. So I put myself together and went to take a shower. I had slept in my clothes on which made me feel even nastier. When I removed my clothes and tied up my hair, I saw it. Shit, not only Ian a freakin Vampire no… he also freaking bit me. How could I've forgot about that, The bite mark was still on my neck. Oh yeah maybe because my whole life was falling into chaos. Oh no…
Did this mean… that I was also turning into a VAMPIRE. No freaking way… but that was what happened in all the books and movies. Once you get bitten either you die or you turn into a VAMPIRE. Thinking all that… driving me crazy. I screamed. I felt like I was having a nightmare but just wouldn't wake up.

The next day, again mom came to wake me up.
You need to get up sweetie.
Shit… Please tell me what happened to you. Please…" Mom said. She was upset and worried.
I wanted to tell her everything, but I couldn't. This was… I couldn't do this to her. She wouldn't believe me anyways. I wouldn't believe myself. So, I kept quiet.
"I don't wanna force you to do anything. But today's the last day I'll leave you alone. You'll go to school tomorrow.
And Liz, Victor's leaving today… but I told him to leave you alone. But maybe you should consider talking to him as it's his last day…" Mom said and went.

Meanwhile in school, My friends were worried about me. Billy, Cole, Finn, Jack and Maeve. Even Maeve argued with Ian that I was absent because of him. But Ian acted like he didn't know anything about me. And Samantha and her friends were happy that I was finally gone.

- To Be Continued -

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